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FUTO Keyboard - Offline, privacy respecting, and speech to text
  • The speech to text is too slow for me, especially if you use 4 languages like me.

    In the end I switched to HeliBoard, there I can type those 4 languages without changing the keyboard.

  • Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • Great job!

    Although, using floppy disks has the advantage that everyone has to make sure their file sizes are small enough to fit on them. Which makes for much easier handling for those who don't use floppy disks.

  • The case against the doom-and-gloom view for American workers
  • Yet somehow it was normal to own a house, two cars, and to have three children with a single income of a guy without a college degree like here:

    Simpsons house

    Yes I know it's a fictional show, but it was designed to be relatable so they modeled it after an average family back then.

  • Bidet users, how do you dry your ass afterward?
  • Mine heats the seat and the water with electricity. They are not so much more expensive but what a comfort, especially in the winter.

  • Bidet users, how do you dry your ass afterward?
  • In a hot climate I don't dry it, the water dries very fast, like a little bit of sweat.

    When it's cold, two sheet of toilet paper.

  • Candace Owens describes science as "pagan faith"
  • I'm rather a pagan than christian.

  • Has Techlore sold out?
  • I was very surprised about the Synology video too. There was no critical word about anything in it.

    Sure they offer a selfhosted sollution for things but their software is closed source for example.

  • Scholz set to announce compensation for Polish survivors of Nazi crimes
  • including by compensating the still-living Polish victims of Nazi crimes

    I wonder how many those are. My grandpa was 9 when WW2 started and he died a couple of years ago at the high age of 86.

  • Apple Rumored to Be Working on AirPods With Built-in Cameras
  • Will the camera look inside of your ear?

  • Estoy muerdo inseido
  • This hits far to close to home ...

  • Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier?
  • I mean to some degree yes, but as I said they are absolutely not prepared for it and have no one who could do the work of preparation of integration of migrants.

  • Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier?
  • Countries like Korea don't have a cultire of welcoming people from outside and therefor you would have so many clashes that a huge number of imigrants - which is needed - would destroy the country. There is no one here who knows how to treat and integrate those immigrants. There are no programs for them, etc. and even if you know the language you still have huge culture clashes.

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • I don't believe it, it's just too many things to do, not just the development but everything around it. And once you lose momentum, people go and find some other game to play. Timing and luck are very important.

  • These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • Is this the female Wolverine?

  • We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop
  • I like GNOME calendar, but it can't deal with my work outlook calendar.

    Thunderbird has it finally on the roadmap, but yeah ...

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • Notch initially developed Minecraft by himself when he started the project in May 2009. However, as the game gained popularity, he founded the company Mojang in 2010 and brought on additional developers to help improve and expand the game. By the time he sold Mojang and Minecraft to Microsoft in 2014, it was a collaborative effort with a team of developers.

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • Nobody becomes billionaire by working. You become a billionaire by exploiting others work.

  • Witnessing Xizang: Serfdom to socialism with Chinese characteristics
  • Thanks, but sadly there seems to be some problem there too. Although first it shows the article but after 2 seconds it dissapears. Both in Firefox and Chrome on Lunux, with and without an uBlock Origin. It seems to be some problem with the browser I guess. Thanks anyway, perhaps I will be able to fix it somehow.

  • Selfmade Crispy Korean Kimchi Pancake
    • 1 to 1 part water and Korean pancake mix
    • one hand full of kimchi, cut in small pieces
    • generous amount of frying oil
    Midsummer dinner

    Last Friday was midsummer, but because I'm not in Sweden but in Korea I had to improvise with ingredients which I could find here.

    • Toast Skagen
    • Fried salmon
    • Gravad lax
    • Crisp bread with cheese
    • This years small potatoes
    • Absolut vodka
    • Danish Heineken
    • Danish Somersby apple cider
    • Strawberries with whipped cream
    Charging baby elephant Baby elephant

    Mostly private family videos, but occasionally public technology, music and food content.

    Baby elephant
    How did you acquire the first 1000 words?

    I speak Polish, German, Swedish and English. 3 of them are Germanic languages so they were easy to learn because they are so closely related. Polish and German I learned as a child so it was kind of automatic.

    Now I have to learn Korean and struggle so much! After 3 months I have learned about 100 words. Any tips how to get to the first 1000 words Ina reasonable time? Especially in a language where none of the words seem to resamle anything from my previous languages.

    Happy midsummer!

    I moved from Sweden to Korea almost four years ago. Today is midsummer in Sweden. I bought the things I could get here to make some food so we could celebrate it.

    We listened to Swedish music and danced, etc. It was a lot of fun.

    • Salmon
    • Toast Skagen
    • fresh potatoes
    • Danish beer
    • Sommersby cider
    • Absolut Vodka
    • strawberries with whipped cream

    But those are the days where you miss your old friends the most.

    Anyway, happy midsummer everyone!

    This is how they cut grass on the sidewalk in South Korea This is how they cut grass on the sidewalk in Korea

    It looks very labor intensive. 2 guys cutting, 2 guys holding up this big cloth so the grass would not fly on the street and one guy with the leaf blower trying to blow the grass from the sidewalk....

    This is how they cut grass on the sidewalk in Korea

    It looks very labor intensive. 2 guys cutting, 2 guys holding up this big cloth so the grass would not fly on the street and one guy with the leaf blower trying to blow the grass from the sidewalk.

    Do they hold up those big cloths to shield the street from the grass in your country too?

    Lemmy and my Switch to PieFed

    TLDR: The main reason was Lemmy hogging server resources.

    Last year, during the Reddit 2023 API controversy I finally deleted my account and moved on to Lemmy. Here’s a look at my experiences and why I eventually decided to switch to PieFed.

    Lemmy and my Switch to PieFed

    TLDR: The main reason was Lemmy hogging sever resources.

    Last year, during the Reddit 2023 API controversy I finally deleted my account and moved on to Lemmy. Here’s a look at my experiences and why I eventually decided to switch to PieFed.

    Top 5 Espresso Drinks
    1. Espresso Richest in flavour, very honest, if you don't have a top batista preparing it, don't order it. If prepared correctly it's sweet and nutty.
    2. Flat White Best of both worlds, perfect milk to espresso ratio, bolder flavor than the classic latte or capuchino.
    3. Espresso Tonic Perfect for warm summer days, sweetness and tardiness from the Tonic water marries perfectly with the espresso
    4. Caffe Latte The classic, the sweetness of the milk covers bad flavors when you can't get a good espresso. Order it in bad cafés.
    5. Capuchino Another classic, rich and foamy, just make sure they don't overcook your milk.
    Top 5 Deadliest Dictator Regimes In History
    1. Mao Zedong - 47 milion - People's Republic of China 1946-1976
    2. Adolf Hitler - 14 milion - Europe 1938-1945
    3. Joseph Stalin - 13 million - Soviet Union 1922-1952
    4. Chiang Kai-shek - 11 million - China 1928-1946
    5. King Leopold II - 10 million - Congo 1885-1908
    Top 5 lists Top 5

    Share all you top 5 lists of things with us!


    Share your top 5 lists with us! Be as specific or broad with your list as you want.

    Top 5 Silesian food
    1. Krupniok
    2. Kapuśniak
    3. Modro kapusta
    4. Golonko
    5. Kreple
    Top 5 baby toys
    1. Music table
    2. Mobile
    3. TV remote controll
    4. Food
    5. Ball
    Straight stick

    We went outside with another couple and their daughter. She found this nice stick but my son wanted to have it. They fought a bit pulling on the stick and I guess the 3 years old decided that she will be the bigger person and let my 15 month old have the stick.

    It's very straight and dry. He kept it almost all the way to home. But sadly lost it once he became too tired to walk. I was walking behind him and took it with us for a while but decided to put it down in a good place so someone else could find it and also have some fun with it.

    You know one thing they don't tell you about having kids ...

    ... It's how often you have to get up from where you're sitting. It's unbelievable.

    jeena Jeena
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