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Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • I see tenforward is leaking...

    I approve.

  • Plugs
  • #lifegoals βœŒοΈπŸ––

  • FCC proposes 60-day unlocking rule for all mobile phones
  • I miss the $50 phones ...

    Now it's a payment plan for X number of months for the phone - no interest on the amount, or a free (or reduced price, I think) of the phone if you have Y plan for Z months.

  • The developer of Slay the Princess is encouraging those who can't afford it to pirate the game as a new Markiplier video goes viral.
  • It's a great game. The devs seem really chill on their discord server. I highly suggest people try this game out even if visual novels aren't your usual genre of games.

  • Look! It squeaks!
  • My dog goes after the catnip filled toys - so all our pets go after the drugs. πŸ™ƒ

  • I am hungry, but I can't eat.
  • On my lol πŸ˜‚

    I was medicated and mostly asleep. I'm leaving my typo. Love your response. Very true. LoL

  • I am hungry, but I can't eat.
  • This plus hypoglycemia πŸ™ƒ and that I rarely feel hungry before I'm starving... Thankfully I have my kids who tell me they're hungry so I make myself eat them.

  • DIY Camping Bike Trailer
  • It was a ride watching the build video and he included all the ups and downs he had during the process. We watched his camping video with it first and we're really impressed with his one man trailer.

    Love this guy.

  • New to manga. I've finished Death Note, Berserk, Assassination Classroom, and Attack on Titan. What should I read next?
  • The Promised Neverland does drag a bit, but it does finally end.

    Nauiscaa is one of my all time favorites, both the manga and the movie. My dad had the comic book store special order Nauiscaa for him as it came out translated into English. He finally let me read the whole thing back around 2000/2001. I think it just had it's 40th anniversary, so that may be why it's popping up again.

  • How many alts do you have on lemmy
  • I have an account on,, and They are all linked on my respective profiles. I mainly use this one because .world had some issues where I couldn't view comments on the connect android app about a year ago so I just switched. I like the app interface because it reminds me of rifgp, so that's why I've never given kbin a fair shake.

  • Average house price by state
  • We paid 70k for our house 5 years ago. It's now valued around 140k. It's crazy to think that's it's doubled in this short of a time because we live in a rural area.

  • [resource] Political Typology Quiz: Where do you fit in the political typology? Are you a Faith and Flag Conservative? Progressive Left? Or somewhere in between?
  • Your best fit is… Outsider Left … along with 10% the public


  • What Era was the best and why was it the 90s?
  • Memphis design for the colors and patterns, Y2K for the colorful translucent electronics, and Frutiger Aero for the GUIs.

  • What Era was the best and why was it the 90s?
  • I just bought myself a pair of parachute pants! They're not nearly as loud as the wind breaker suits of the 90s and early 00s, but I love them.

  • They Said, β€œSegregation Now, Segregation Forever,” and That is Exactly What They Did
  • I went through public schooling in the south. There were still desegregation laws on the books for the school district I was in. The junior and senior high schools I went to both boasted pre-ap and AP programs that any kid in the county could apply to be apart of. Only about 100 kids were accepted per grade in junior high... Y'all, they shipped in the white kids. (Disclaimer: not all who were a part of the program were white, just the majority of them.) They shipped in the kids from the surrounding white flight areas. Twenty plus years later and it still makes me shake my head.

  • [Discussion] Do you still use your Steam Deck much?
  • Almost daily. I have treatment resistant radial styloid tenosynovitis so when that flares up nothing is easy to play.

    Initially the games were those on the lighter side, but now I've moved on to more graphically intensive games (sometimes having to tweak settings, sometimes not).

    When I want a bigger screen I bust out the dock and set up the portable monitor I bought for it - and, depending on what I'm playing I'll either get out the mouse and keyboard or the controller.

    I don't have a set space for my setup so having the ability to pack up everything is a huge plus.

  • [Discussion] Do you still use your Steam Deck much?
  • I have the 512GB LCD model and recently put in a 1.5TB SD card and am loving being able to install bigger games. So far I haven't noticed any real lag vs it being installed on the internal SSD. That may be an option for you.

    When funds allow I will be upgrading my internal SSD to a 2TB, but, for now, the SD card works fine

  • I have a level that is a tribute to The Stanley Parable in my game, here is my progress. Any feedback?
  • The demo was fun. Apparently I'm a mediocre heartless monster.

  • My first grade report card from 1982
  • I just had parent rage remembering how my oldest's 1st grade teacher wanted to hold them back just because their handwriting was "awful", and their 2nd grade teacher decided to put all the talkative kids away in their own section so they "wouldn't disturb the good kids" because THEY ALL TALKED TO EACH OTHER! This was also the same teacher that wrote "did you even study?" on a second graders spelling test when they came home with a D (that particular week had been so hard).

    Sorry for ranting, but this was prior to oldest being diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. Sometimes the teachers just see flaws and lable the ND kids as trouble makers or lazy instead of thinking they need extra help. Occupational therapy helped so much with their handwriting, medication and psychotherapy helped with the ADHD, and blue light filters helped with the dyslexia.

    I'm sorry you went through all that as a child.

  • Portable monitor for steamdeck?

    I am in need of some help. I'm trying to find a good portable monitor for my steamdeck. I don't need it to be huge, 12inches minimum, but I'm not having much luck with my own research. I would like low latency, high refresh rate, and colors as close to the same as on the og LCD deck (which is what I have).

    I have the official dock, so it would need to be able to connect through that as well.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Update to: Need help with Switch Parental Controls

    Original post here:

    Yes, different instance account but same user. I link all my instance accounts on my profile page for transparency.

    FINALLY after months of frustration I have figured it out - and it was with the help of my 8yo (8 year old [child]). 8yo is the 7yo from my first post. A birthday came and went while figuring this mess out.

    I believe this was a fault of the Microsoft parental controls with Minecraft, and various Minecraft online spin-off games, and NOT Nintendo's.

    8yo added 6yo as a Cross-platform friend using 6yo's Xbox gamertag on Minecraft on their tablet. Then we all went through the hand mom your switches so she can type this mess out for you and they added each other as friends. Problem solved?! Nope. Not quite yet. This was step one.

    Step two was me going into the Xbox Family app on my phone, and changing the following settings:

    • Decide if [redacted] can add friends without your approval βœ… Allowed

    • Choose who [redacted] can communicate with on Xbox Live βœ… Everyone

    Under Minecraft specifically

    • See and upload community creations: Decide whose community creations [redacted] can see. Blocking this may affect whether [redacted] can upload their own creations to games. βœ… Everyone

    • Clubs: This lets [redacted] create, join, and follow clubs for all allowed games, including Minecraft Realms. βœ… Allowed

    I had already allowed the Minecraft multiplayer option before and that alone didn't work.

    I also set up everyone as a favorite friend, and they can all play together across Minecraft, Minecraft Dungeons, and Minecraft Legends on their switches.

    I feel like this process was way too convoluted. There may be some options I turned on that don't need to be on, but I'm including what I did specifically on the off chance that there's another frustrated parent out there with multiple kids wanting to play local multiplayer on Minecraft on their switches while logged into their Microsoft account.

    Edit: fixed auto correct fails because words are hard

    SuzyQ SuzyQ

    Also & πŸ’›

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