I'm convinced the reason all my drives used to fail is because I would leave the PC on, and only reboot for updates. Otherwise I would just put them to sleep. Three years later, I turn off the PC every night and haven't had a failed drive since.
Server is rebooted, as needed, for updates. I think it just got a kernel update two weeks ago, so it probably only has ~14 days of uptime.
My desktop and laptop are shut down when not in use. Leaving them on when not in use is pointless.
Never understood obsessions with "uptime". If you have high numbers for uptime, you're a bad sysadmin/maintainer of your hardware unless the appliance is purpose-built to be always up and air gapped.
About 90 mins. I shut it down when i finish every and turn it off at the wall (fuskibg standby LEDs). I can go days without booting it back up. I use #LMDE
My laptop gets shut down every night, booted every morning. If I suspend it sometimes spontaneously wakes later, but boot is so fast anyway so it’s fine.
My server gets updated and rebooted weekly. I don’t bother checking CVE bulletins, I just upgrade weekly.
When I had big desktop and all, it was running for days/months. Now, I have a miniPC and I start it up Monday morning and shut if down Friday afternoon.
It's off at the moment. I turn it off whenever I'm not using it for security reasons, and also just noise reasons so the fan doesn't bother me. It boots relatively quickly so I'm unbothered.
People leave their PC on constantly? I understand leaving servers running but i always turn my PC on in the morning, then off at night once im finished.
My laptop has been up for 123 days. It gets put in standby when it's not in use. I should probably reboot into a new kernel soon.
My desktop gets shut down at night because it's power hungry.
My server gets shut down about once a year for cleaning and hardware upgrades.
My Arch system stays on until a firmware package needs an update. Then i cry and scream bc it's only been a month since the last one. Also I just updated a bunch of those, so my system has not been on long.
It depends. Sometimes I shut it down every night. Occasionally, I'll leave it in sleep mode for a few days.
I think the longest uptime I've had on anything I've owned is probably a month or so on a Raspberry Pi 4 server I used to have running with a personal Mediawiki instance (I still have the Pi, but if I ran a server in my dorm, I have the feeling someone might come to bite off my hand).
There was a period where I was testing my laptop's hibernation so I got uptime to around 30 days.
But now, The highest uptime I can reach is around 2-3 days if I forget to turn it off and leave it either plugged in or on a high battery so it lasts until the next day.
I have an Nvidia GPU and suspend/resume works about 20% of the time so my PC is shutdown every time I won't use it for a few hours. Don't use my personal computer that much so it doesn't really bother me a lot. My laptop is however long the battery lasts with the lid closed, I don't use it much so most times I pick it up it's dead.
I think my desktop has been on the past couple days because I've been too lazy to turn it off because I caught the flu and basically slept the past couple days away.
I had about 300 days of uptime on my server but I did some hardware maintenance recently. I'm back up to like 20 but I need to do more stuff.
I did find a fun "bug" the other day with windows and how it tracks uptime. Since shutting down hibernates the kernel it doesn't treat it as time off. So when I fired up this surface I hadn't used in a long time it had 180 days of uptime.
I'm surprised how many people turn their computers off. My desktop uptime is 4 day, but, I do put it to sleep at night (which I think counts towards its uptime).
I will look into hibernating. The reason I don't shut down is because I usually end up with carefully placed windows and lots of ongoing projects all over. Restarting would mean I'd have to start all that up again - assuming I remember what I was doing.
My main PC only stays on for a couple days at a time (on sleep/hibernate when not in use) only because I'm generally too lazy to shut all programs down. I reboot on updates though, which is every couple days.
34 days without booting? Are you using a Debian system and don't update often? You should, for security patches at least. I'm on an Arch based system and update every day. Sometimes there are updates that require a reboot, so all services are up to date. My system is often up for a few days, sometimes even for a week.
Small tip, logging out and in will have a semi clean environment without a full boot. That means the uptime won't reset.
One or two of my computers have been on for about five years. The laptop I use mostly has been on for several months. But I'm a very teched-up person. I've got computers in various forms all over the place. Actually less nowadays compared to many years ago. I don't shut anything down because I've got various services in operation 24/7.
I turn mine off to save power when I'm not actively using it. I have a small 65 watt server that stays on all the time. Currently it has been up for 3 months or so.
I have all my devices set to reboot once weekly a few hours after daily scheduled updates. I probably don't need to do this, but I do. It's a habit I got in with scheduling router reboots, and then started extending it to other devices. It's nice to have some solid uptime, but I have three unbound DNS servers in sequence so they update and reboot on a staggered schedule so it's like they never go down.
You never know when the odd cosmic ray is gonna hit and flip yer bits.
My work laptop has been up for 26 days, 17:24. My primary server at home has been online for 42 days, 21:27. Personal laptop - 45 days, 20:51. The primary server of my exocortex has been online and crunching away for 278 days, 19:48.
I turn it off every night or if I'm away for many hours, so about 10 minutes right now.
I do have a Raspberry Pi that's been up 12 weeks, 5 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes. I believe there was a planned power outage when it was lasted turned off.
Only a few days, maybe 12 if I had to guess. Im running with memory overcommit disabled and building a rust project with vscode and Firefox open will hang the kernel eventually. I caved to the kernel's expectations and set up a swap partition but it still dies.
I should say it's been on for probably 2 years straight ignoring reboots