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Linux back at 4.04% on the Desktop. Windows went below 73%
  • likely content blockers preventing the trackers from working properly and invalid user agents. So i would expect about the same ratio of usage on there as well. Maybe very slightly more Linux since maybe the users are more likely to tinker with their browser configs and install content blockers, but even there Id say its an extremely slim minority of even linux users who do that

    StatCounter also sometimes miscounts when new versions of windows or macos come out. At one point (I think at windows 11 release) there was a huge dip in windows 10 users and a huge gain in "unknown" and it was quickly fixed.

  • How can Proton monitor the dark web for my SSN if ive never given it to them?
  • Yeah thats pretty weird, maybe this is related to identities in proton pass? But they are not released yet

  • Yes, SimpleX Chat is now on Flathub.
  • That's electron for you!

  • TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro 15 - Gen9 - AMD
  • I've found tuxedo to be quite expensive compared to their competition, namely Slimbook. Definitely look at their website, you will likely find the same computer over there as well since they are not custom designed laptops

  • Steam announces game recording beta
  • I think it's fine because the recording is not saved unless you explicitly tell it to save. If it's anything like Nvidia's shadow play, you set an amount of time, say 5 minutes that it keeps in memory, and when you save the clip, it simply saves that file containing the last 5 minutes.

  • NVIDIA driver 555.58 released as stable bringing Wayland Explicit Sync
  • I have seen reports of Firefox crashing under Wayland and that the way to make it work was to disable Wayland in Firefox or iirc to add a kernel parameter. Maybe it was fixed in Firefox too, but I saw some people saying the flatpak was somehow now affected (?)

  • NVIDIA driver 555.58 released as stable bringing Wayland Explicit Sync
  • I have no idea about Bazzite but since it is based on Fedora Atomic, I would guess at around the same time as regular Fedora. I think realistically if there is a fix for the firefox issues under wayland, it should be there within 2-3 weeks

  • NVIDIA driver 555.58 released as stable bringing Wayland Explicit Sync
  • Don't, being among the first to install a new Nvidia driver version is a good way to get a system that doesn't display anything after being rebooted. I would wait a week or two before installing them (basically when they land in your distros repositories)

  • NVIDIA driver 555.58 released as stable bringing Wayland Explicit Sync
  • Oh, I hear there are some pretty major issues with Firefox and explicit sync on Wayland. Does anyone know if fedora will have patches to make sure everything works fine when it releases to rpmfusion? If not then I might wait a bit...

  • Affichage : le nouveau règlement québécois est adopté
  • en plus il y a un symbole dédié pour allumé/éteint avec le cercle et la barre

  • Costs of living in Montreal
  • I forgot to say! If you don't have them already, place some leftover money to get a used winter coat and some boots (maybe the boots won't be needed, sometimes snow is late). September it will be fine, but as november comes closer it will start getting cold

  • Costs of living in Montreal
  • Your total budget will be tight if you want to live alone, you best bet is to share the rent with roommates as most reasonable 1 bedroom apartments in locations that don't require a car will be 1100-1400$. If you are looking for roommates online, I suggest you also use the word "colocataire" which is the French word for roommate (word for word would be co-renter). Just know that downtown/university areas will be more expensive for everything, especially if you buy take out food, then be ready to spend 20$ for a sandwich.

    For transportation, the bus and metro system works in Zones. Zone A is montreal and is going to be ~60$ as a student with taxes per month for unlimited use (maybe student discount doesn't apply if you are foreign, so in that case it will be ~100$). For the other zones (for going outside of MTL it will be more expensive, check the prices here: You could also try to ask the place you are getting your internship to pay your transport pass especially if they require you to be on site!

    Also if you are not from Canada and you want a local phone number, avoid the big/premium companies (Rogers, Bell, Telus and Videotron) at all costs. Instead use and Fizz has the potential to be cheaper if you disable unlimited SMS (you just need to add balance to your account and it becomes pay per use) and with data rollover (unused data is transferred to the next month) but if you are a big data user, public might be the better option with unlimited plans and the like

    For gym I have no idea of the prices, maybe that means I should start training though...

    Also please save some money to try some real Québec poutine !!

  • Is battery calibration necessary on a fresh distro install?
  • The battery state should be controlled by the firmware, which is independent of the installed OS, so a calibration should not be needed

  • L'invasion secrète - 7 jours sur terre
  • J'ai pas regardé la vidéo mais je tiens tout de même a mettre un avertissement a propos de 7 jours sur terre: quand je regardais leur contenu il y a quelque temps ils ne mettaient pas les sources de leurs informations, ils disaient de regarder dans la description sauf qu'elle était vide. Surtout que c'était du contenu politique et qu'ils avaient tendance a présenter des informations comme étant des faits ou d'un certain angle qui élimine le doute que quelqu'un pourrait avoir de la certitude d'une information

  • TUXEDO on ARM is coming
  • Mostly that they are generally made of cheap/very thin materials. They also kind of look like cheap Chromebooks (especially clevos, tongfang are better in this area). And it's also the fact that these laptops aren't really unique at all, they are mostly a logo swap with preselected components guaranteed to work with Linux. I've been using this Lenovo laptop that has a fantastic screen and an amazing CNC aluminum body, it works flawlessly and Linux support was never a consideration for them making this PC

    If I am buying a laptop i want it to be unique, because if it's not then I'll just buy it straight from China on clevos website for half the price. What I don't like is this is basically drop shipping but less consumer hostile

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • In over 3 years of daily flatpak use (of multiple apps) I've never had a single reliability issue with flatpak, the only ones being caused by me because I was trying out settings in flatseal that the app didn't like. On the flip side I've found native packages to be broken more often than not, with .Deb files sometimes just not working and throwing an error or something. Package managers are better for sure but I've had dependency issues that I have never experienced with flatpak.

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • In that case you should use user-install flatpaks and separating and reusing your /home partition

  • TUXEDO on ARM is coming
  • If they don't use another shitty tongfang/clevo chassis this might be worth a buy

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • It's an app store made for distributing Flatpak applications (desktop apps that work on every distro where Flatpak is installed, most distros install flatpak by default now). Flatpaks also allow isolation between apps and a fine permission system like you get on a smartphone (check out Flatseal for that)

  • le projet de loi 69 (réforme énergétique) Vers la modulation des tarifs résidentiels d’Hydro-Québec dès 2026

    Par son projet de loi, Pierre Fitzgibbon veut diminuer la consommation d’électricité dans les périodes de pointe.

    Vers la modulation des tarifs résidentiels d’Hydro-Québec dès 2026

    Vous en pensez quoi de ce projet de loi? Personnellement ça fait juste me donner l'illusion que Fitzgibbon est encore plus un magouilleur qui a des chums à rendre heureux... C'est pas le pire projet de loi du monde, mais il donne plus de libertés au privé ce qui me semble être une pente très glissante.

    Why is head hair different from other hairy parts?

    Why is my hair smooth and soft compared to the other hairs?

    I suddenly have a massive cursor with some GNOME apps. Does anybody else have this?

    cross-posted from: >Hey there, I don't know if any of you noticed something similar recently, but I have noticed my cursors have gone HUGE, like 2x what it should be at least. I think this is related to the affected apps using a beta version of Libadwaita 1.6, but I just wanted to confirm here before I create an issue in the repo. I use 200% scaling, GNOME 45, Fedora 39. Does anybody else have this problem? Thanks!! > > How it should look (in Pods, firefox and most other apps) > > ! > > How it looks in Ptyxis > > ! > > How it looks in Adwaita Demo (latest update, which bumped the libadwaita version to 1.6) > > !

    Huge cursor with 200% Scaling (Libadwaita 1.6?)

    Hey there, I don't know if any of you noticed something similar recently, but I have noticed my cursors have gone HUGE, like 2x what it should be at least. I think this is related to the affected apps using a beta version of Libadwaita 1.6, but I just wanted to confirm here before I create an issue in the repo. I use 200% scaling, GNOME 45, Fedora 39. Does anybody else have this problem? Thanks!!

    How it should look (in Pods, firefox and most other apps)


    How it looks in Ptyxis


    How it looks in Adwaita Demo (latest update, which bumped the libadwaita version to 1.6)


    Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer Revealed

    Rockstar has revealed the GTA 6 trailer earlier than expected, probably because it was leaked on Twitter. I think it looks amazing!!

    I can't wait to see what the community does with the images and what we will know almost for sure before the release

    Finances d’un Québec indépendant : L’indépendance est profitable et efficace, avance le PQ Finances d’un Québec indépendant : L’indépendance est profitable et efficace, avance le PQ - Parti Québécois

    Québec, le 23 octobre 2023 — Le Chef du Parti Québécois, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, a dévoilé ce matin le contenu des finances d’un Québec souverain et du budget de l’an […]

    Finances d’un Québec indépendant : L’indépendance est profitable et efficace, avance le PQ - Parti Québécois

    C'est surprenant que je publie ça a voir mon pseudo...

    Voici un court résumé tiré de la page web: > #### LE QUÉBEC INDÉPENDANT EN BREF > - Des revenus récupérés, dès l’exercice financier de 2024, de 82,3 G$ ; > - Des gains d’efficacité en éliminant les chevauchements de 8,8 G$ ; > - La péréquation est une illusion de dépendance, le Québec reçoit au net 9,6 G$, bien moins que ce que François Legault avance ; > - Pour le ratio dette/PIB des engagements bruts, en 2e position du G7 et largement en dessous de la moyenne. Seule l’Allemagne ferait mieux ; > - Pour les engagements nets, en 3e position du G7, avec une dette nette nettement inférieure à celle de la moyenne ; > - L’étude pro forma du Parti québécois est vérifiée par six économistes.>>>>

    0 Pierre Elliott Trudeau avait une unité secrète pour espionner les indépendantistes

    De nouvelles révélations au sujet d’une unité ultrasecrète créée au sein du cabinet du premier ministre Pierre Elliott Trudeau pour espionner les souverainistes québécois témoignent de l’ampleur de ce qu’on ignore encore concernant la réponse d’Ottawa au mouvement indépendantiste.

    Pierre Elliott Trudeau avait une unité secrète pour espionner les indépendantistes
    Finalement, c'est peut-être possible de briser le cartel de Rogers, Bell et Telus! Enfin de bonnes nouvelles dans le sans-fil canadien

    Grâce à une décision récente du CRTC, deux nouveaux fournisseurs pourraient percer le marché canadien de la téléphonie.

    Enfin de bonnes nouvelles dans le sans-fil canadien
    Pourquoi les taxes sont pas incluses dans les prix?

    A chaque fois que je vois les prix en Europe, (spécifiquement les prix de téléphonie et d'internet...) je me fais rappeler à quel point notre système est con de pas afficher le prix incluant les taxes. Ça sert juste a donner une impression que quelque chose est moins cher qu'il ne l'est réellement . Pis c'est pas comme si on en est pas capables, la SAQ affiche très bien le prix incluant les taxes.

    Est-ce que quelqu'un ici sait si ya déja eu des projets de loi pour que tous les frais et taxes soient inclus dans le prix affiché? Il me semble que ça serait le genre de chose que l'OPC ferait.

    independantiste Bob
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