Donald Trump has won a second term in the White House after surpassing the 270 electoral votes needed for victory, CBS News projected Wednesday morning.
I agree... did they expect her to start a socialist revolution? As if they would march to the capitol for her when they wouldn't even show up to vote?
I'm glad she's setting an example of normal adult human behavior, it's hard to even call it the "high road"... It's just NOT acting like a toddler. We can't afford to have a January 6th every four years.
We can still try to obstruct via filibuster and other mechanisms. (Republicans have already shown us how to do it effectively.) But certainly no progress can be made for the next four years.
Had Trump won in 2020, he'd have taken the fall for the Recession and Hyperinflation and it would have caused a 2008 effect. Populist Wave haulted, strangled in it's crib by Coronachan.
Had Trump won in 2020, he'd be done now and his VP would still be the democracy respecting Pence.
Trump when elected in 2016 had no major plan and mostly left the employees of the state intact, and in 2020 the change was minimal. Now there's a full blown scheme to control the government
In 2020 they didn't know how much they could get away with. They've seen the limits now.
Winning in 2020 means no January 6th shattering the overton window and leading SCOTUS to some interesting choices about power.
2020-2024 had one Supreme Court Justice to appoint. Now there's another 2 if not 3
In 2020 it would have been close. Now Democrats will have to regain ground, New Jersey New Hampshire and Minnesota are now Swing States.
2016 Trump had his populist wave weakened by Gary Johnson and Evan McMulin who blocked the popular vote and kept states like Colorado and New Mexico out of his hands. 2016 Trump sucked with Hispanics. That initial wave would have burnt out with the COVID fuckery. Instead Democrats slotted in, took the 4 worst possible years, and are handing it back having effectively both given them another shot in the arm and crippled themselves. There goes the court. This isn't John Kerry, it's Carter.
I've heard of 2020 hindsight, but this is ridiculous
2020-2024 had no Supreme Court Justices to appoint.
Biden got one, Ketanji Brown Jackson, in 2022. And had Trump been president during this time, Thomas and Alito would have probably retired after Dobbs.
I agree, hindsight is 20/20 and if he would have just won then, this would have all been over yesterday.
But now, we're 75 days from being an actual dictatorship, and when we help Russia flatten Europe we'll also be an axis power.
Every time I think we're in the worst possible timeline the universe says "bet" and throws us another curveball.
I'm getting really fucking tired of living in an era that will be fascinating to read about in future history books.
I compared these threads to the one in 2016 announcing the win. Mostly different vibes(more awe and surprise and 'maybe it won't be so bad' and less horror), but two things in common.
Brexit comparisons(2016 had more, but still)
People blaming a dead beloved mammal for cursing the timeline(Squirrelboy is up there with Harambe now...)
Also 2020 Trump was still struggling with Hispanics. The 2015 rhetoric really hurt him there.
Too fucking late to put that genie back in the bottle. It's gone man, solid gone
Good point. Out of many things to blame for this, I didn't think about him losing 2020. Who would have thought back then, that him winning would be better in the long run. He would be finished and disgraced by now. We truly are living in the worst timeline.
Think Carter. Nixon had a populist wave born out of the DNCs 1968 disaster destroying the Kennedy lead operation dating back years, it was big. Then a huge scandal knocked the wind out of him, populist wave was down, Democrats won with a safe white guy, mission accomplished? Except the economy imploded and a ton of foreign wars happened and everyone blamed 'histories greatest monster' and the Republican populist wave that would have died with Nixon got a round to breathe and the Democrats took the fall for the disaster in Carters term. 8 years of Reagan followed and then 4 years of Reagan 2, Texas Boogaloo. Except Reagan was old and JD Vance isn't.
This is the truth. Americans have forgotten the common good and looking out for each other. The boomers began the culture shift towards selfish assholism and the subsequent generations have accelerated it.
Happily voted Harris, to defeat the christian fascists. But I think her concession confirms that she was never going to be the fighter we needed.
First, Democrat's gamble on pushing aside the progressive core (thanks to incorrect reading of Biden popularity and protests over Israel's genocide) in favor of a coalition of former Republicans and mythical "decent conservatives" was a huge red flag. It has now proved absolutely catastrophic.
Second, "the high road" has rarely extracted more than the absolute minimum at the slowest possible pace. This election proved it has failed us. Peace is not an option anymore. Unfortunately, we're going to need to fight ruthlessly for every inch. Entrenched billionaire oligarchs, funding literally insane religious extremists and domestic terrorists. They will gleefully turn up the heat on our formerly cold civil war with their brutality over the next few years.
The worst thing about Trump by far is his refusal to accept a peaceful transition of power. It's a national tragedy that he will never be held accountable for that, and that his behavior has been validated by winning another election.
I'm glad she is setting an example of what a peaceful transition of power looks like, for those who apparently aren't familiar with the concept.
Now, with all of that being said, I do NOT want to come off as the same of the likes of a Trump supporter. I do not want you all to look at me like I am trying to cause distrust in the system. I do trust the system (as much as I can of course), so let it be said here and now, I am not saying this as a matter of fact.
Honestly this has been knocking around in my head. Did truly less people vote this go around?
We have more days of counting to go through but I'm honesty surprised at the numbers so far.
If less people voted then fair, but something feels off. Kinda left with some uncomfortable possibilities if there's a way to know the true number of people that voted.
I agree. If there really are that much less votes this year, and everything is clear as can be, then I concede my theory. It just seems so.. strange? Like, he was literally sitting there claiming fraud, and then...? Nothing..? Just stopped peddling it, and won? Like, he got real confident, real quick..
You are not alone. On the AP website's live vote map, I saw quite a few suspicious looking "called" on states that hadn't even started yet. I know it was an algorithm or prediction method, and maybe I didn't look as hard in 2020 as I did this year, but I just can not help but question the amount of shit that happened THIS time not having an affect on the election. I am probably just being hopeful that SOMETHING pops up about all this in the following weeks. Do I believe it will? Nah, not really. We literally allowed a felon to run as president, so, yeah. Am I HOPEFUL? Yes, just a smidge.
While the right is doing their little celebration dance, saying how they are going to do all of these terrible things, I just have the smallest smidge of hope that someone in power somewhere in the USA is collecting some damning evidence in the background.
Crazy? I get it. Really just an emotional person trying to convince themselves there is someone looking into it on the basis of odd and/or suspicious.
My wife voted from overseas (Germany) and her ballot is stuck in customs for 4 weeks now and didn’t arrive in time. We sent it through airmail with tracking and usually, letters arrive in a week.
Thats begs the question:
Why would a ballot be stuck in customs for so long and why does a letter have to go through customs in the first place
Worst of all, she voted in Wisconsin where trump won by less than 30k votes. Online there are multiple people reporting that their ballot is stuck in customs. Could it be that postmaster general DeJoy is supressing votes by redirecting votes to customs? I assume that overseas votes from Europe are overwhelmingly for the Democrats.
A bit different this time, since the people overwhelmingly voted for the fascist. The Nazi party in the late 30s only had a plurality in their parliament.
But yeah it definitely rhymes... Though I'm honestly not sure what else they should do that wouldn't result in all out civil war