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What did people do before smartphones to pass the time when you were bored?
  • Reading, TV, video games, studying, crafts/hobbies

  • Man fined for squirting mixture of urine and flour onto woman's dress to try to chat her up
  • Sounds more like he was trying to mark them, if not punish them for not speaking to him first. Why use urine (water???) and flour? Did this guy really think a girl is gonna swoon over the guy that squirted her with piss paste? I think he just made up an excuse when he got caught.

  • 4th rule
  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Man, I've been tempted. I've started saying I'd try a drug if it was ever offered, because I'm too much of a coward to figure out how to get it myself. I have an additive personality, so I know it would kill me and, honestly, I'm fine with that.

  • What's your biggest gamer achievement?
  • Back in the day, I could finish Fatal Frame 2(Wii edition) in under 3 hours. I had played it a lot so my camera was is "festival" mode and full upgraded, so I could pretty much kill a ghost on sight which sped things up.

  • I was blind, but now I see
  • I remember really, really wanting glasses because I thought they were cool. I thought it was cool to see two "different" worlds. I even tried to lie on a eye exam.

    Well, ask and you shall receive I guess.

  • What does the world think of India?
  • I think it has a rich history and culture. That being said, I've never been, but the news that comes from there doesn't make me form a good opinion. I always hear about horrific sex crimes against women, or gang rapes, or murders. I'm certainly not going to say that's all they do, but that's the bulk of news I hear about it. I hear about the scam centers that seemed to be baked into society. I hear about the caste system, the lack of cleanliness and infrastructure, I hear about the overcrowding. Yes, I hear that they work towards better tech, but the news I hear from there has places India squarely on the "Do not visit" list.

  • The latest Ads
  • I heard the branding was to help recovering alcoholics, so they don't feel like they're "missing out," and won't stand out so much with a scary can instead of a water bottle/glass. So they can still crack a cold one with the boys and such.

  • If you didn't have to work, how would you spend your time?
  • Reading, crafting, learning a language.

  • South Korea thinktank suggests girls start school earlier to raise birthrate
  • Do schools in Korea ban different grades from talking to each other? What's stopping someone from one grade up from being with someone one grade down (or a year down if in college or something). They're making it seem like, currently, you can only interact with people your own age?

  • Justice Clarence Thomas formally reports trip to Bali paid for by conservative donor
  • For fuck's sake, did this man do anything without a bribe? He studied and worked all the way to the supreme court just to be a piece of shit. What a embrassement of a person. I'd say he should be ashamed, but I'd probably have to bribe him to do even that. 🙄

  • What are your ideal temperature and weather conditions?
  • Summer: I'm not outside, but 80's and breezy. Some clouds. I'm bad with heat though 🫠

    Autum: 60-70, mild breeze. Overcast if possible.

    Winter: Fluffy snow, I like how quiet it gets.

    Spring: 60-80, any cloud coverage. Breezy

    Any time of the year, as long as I'm inside: Rain. Lots of rain. And thunder. I hate driving in storms, but I love watching and hearing them.

    Edit: Whoops, sorry. This is Fahrenheit.

  • FUTO Keyboard app
  • Thank you for the recommendation. I've been dying to get rid of Swiftkey. 🙏🏾 So far, it seems to work well.

  • 2ugly2live 2ugly2live

    Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

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