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  • I've heard Trump speak. I've seen the shit he posts. I didn't need to see yet another example of him acting like a cracked-out dementia patient to know that's what he is. I have yet to hear a single criticism of Biden that doesn't fit Trump to a T.

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  • Your argument is basically that debates are meaningless performances where no rational person should care about who "won". Which I suppose I agree with, but I don't consider it a good or even neutral thing. Political debates as they exist now are bad and should never be allowed to happen, because all they do is allow the loudest asshole to look good while distracting voters from anything that matters.

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  • I didn't see the debate, but calling Trump coherent under any circumstances is very generous. He just spews word salad and bullshit with no regard to the topic he's supposed to be addressing.

  • How is Reddit's current mobile site so bad?

    When you try to edit a Reddit comment in their mobile web app, it deletes all line breaks from your comment so you have to remember to manually put them back before submitting.

    The other big issue I have is that when you type in and edited comment, it will omit spaces between words at random. JFC, there's no reason to use anything but a vanilla HTML input element (because only markdown formatting is supported), but they somehow fucked up basic text input anyway!

    My last little gripe is that nothing in the interface tells you that markdown is supported, which is extra dumb because the desktop interface tries so hard to hide the fact that markdown even exists.

    (And yes, there are a host of other annoyances, but I'm trying to limit my criticisms to things that can only be explained by incompetence.)

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