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Nexus mods want feedback from Linux / Steam Deck users on their new cross-platform app
  • Their mod managers were the ones I tried first, and then I tried MO2, and just didn’t get a feel for it so I stuck to manual modding until they revamped their own mod manager. I then tried the newer version out, and it just clicked for me.

    I don’t blame you for sticking with what works now and has always worked though! :)

  • Nexus mods want feedback from Linux / Steam Deck users on their new cross-platform app
  • Hey! I don’t know when the last time you used Vortex, but is is SO much better now. They’ve even added mod collections that allow you to one click install a few to all the way to over 1000 mods (Looking at you Skyrim mod collections, Constellations and Gate to Sovngarde!) and have it ready to play as soon as it is done.

    I have played Oblivion, Skyrim, and Stardew Valley with collections and not once had a collection not work! It’s crazy how good it is now!

    I know some people don’t like Nexus for whatever reasons, but I give them so much credit for making modding easy enough that my friends could finally mod their games without going, “You sit here and go through pages and pages of mods? And that’s fun?” Or “That seems like too much stuff. I’d rather not mess with that…”.

    I would love to hear your opinion if you do try it again! :)

  • IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent
  • The problem is that the actual government is the one requiring me to use a third party company, that is not part of the government, for me to give them information so that the government can verify who I am.

    I use FreeTaxUSA, and never had to do

    It’s an arbitrary requirement, that is stupid in the sense that the GOVERNMENT knows everything about me so WHY should I need to use a COMPANY’S bullshit to verify that?

  • TeamViewer got hacked
  • Thank you, TeamViewer, for flagging my personal use of your software as commercial. I immediately uninstalled it from all my devices, and installed RustDesk in its stead. This was just earlier this year, so you could not have dropped the ball at a better time for me. :)

  • For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st
  • Thank you for taking the time to reply!

    I understand the retaliatory bullshit would definitely scare more people than we should allow. Say your entire department decides “Fuck that. I’m taking my two days off.”, what would that do as a whole? Would they retaliate on all the people or just the ones who they know need a job more than others?

    I’m not dumb and think that that’s even possible, because organizing is a lot harder than we’d all like to admit. I’m just genuinely curious about how that would work out long term I guess.

    You don’t have to reply or anything, and I hope I’m not coming off any type of way. I just can’t believe this is something they thought was a good idea.

    Thank you! :)

  • For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st
  • Hi. I just want to ask what happens if you choose to not work that extra day? I’m assuming you might get fired?

    If that is the case, when they fire you, they lose even more work force, which will just make whatever this is even worse, right?

  • FediMatch: Explore the Fediverse
  • With how predatory the “dating” market apps are, I think something like this would be wonderful to use to find friends or love in a way that doesn’t prey upon loneliness. Kudos to the devs, and I hope to see this project get wildly popular. No one deserves to have their loneliness taken advantage of.

  • I'm convinced watchOS 11 is hinting at an Apple Watch 10 with better battery life
  • Just thought I’d mention that if you are getting a rash when sleeping with the watch, you need to start cleaning the bottom of the watch or clean it better. I wipe mine down with an alcohol wipe once a day, and use my nails to get the wipe into the crevices where dirt and sweat might be building up. Hope that helps you!

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • Ah yes.

    The group of men, which granted IS larger than it should be, that say stupid shit like this online or in person is not representative of men in GENERAL.

    If I sat there and tried to bring out the worst characteristics my exes had for ALL women, I would be as much of an asshole as this comic creator is.

    There will, unfortunately, ALWAYS be bad actors in the human race. Those that get their kicks from saying stupid shit like the man in this comic, because they have nothing better in life to do and probably hate their life so much that they do and say the stupid shit they do because they are broken people in one way or another.

    Does that mean that all men are the same? No, of course not, and it’s kind of silly to even think that way to begin with.

    Are all women as horrible, cheating and uncaring as my exes? No, of course not! I have a beautiful and caring woman in my life now who treats me well!

    I think we sometimes let the minority outclass the majority, especially when trying to spin a narrative that basically ends up being: All men = bad All women = bad All white people = bad All black people = bad

    The reality is, folks, that you need to keep the bigger picture in your mind at all times.

    Did that group of people on an online forum act in bad faith? Yes? Then move on, and let their toxicity eat away at them until they no longer exist in this world. By giving them your time, and letting them upset you, you are doing exactly what they are wanting, which is to cause chaos and dissent for no real reason other than getting a rise out of someone or to fool someone else into thinking the same way.

  • Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • The point that I’m making though, is that there will ALWAYS be bad actors. There will ALWAYS be a group of people who are just hateful, and will do or say anything to upset others, because they have nothing in their life that gives them actual happiness.

    So, to me, this whole man vs bear thing is just incredibly stupid, and I am shocked so many people would get so upset about it, from either side!

    It truly worked, and that’s more sad than anything else here.

  • Recently set up dual boot..

    EDIT: Pathfinder worked perfectly with the mods! I was even able to have it setup the exact same way by transferring the mods from my desktop mods folder to the decks folders. 👍

    Hello, all!

    I just wanted to post and say that dual booting with tiny11 has worked flawlessly so far, and I will update you all when I finish downloading Pathfinder and trying it out on the windows side. If it works well enough, I can boot back into SteamOS and delete it from there as I am wanting to play with a few mods and SteamOS breaks them due to UnityModManager being a windows only program.

    If you have any questions, I can point you to where I found my answers, or I may even be able to provide some info to address any issues I was also running into during the process. 👍

    Preserving dynamic webpages Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin Cheat Sheet

    Cheat sheet for Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. Checklist of things to do, items to get etc.

    Is there any way at all for me to preserve webpages like this so that if the website goes down or the webpage is abandoned I may still use the web page as intended? I guess I could take a chunk of time out of the day to recreate this in an excel sheet, but I wanted to ask here just in case there is a smarter way to do it.

    Thank you!

    Wanting to move out of the US?

    Hello, all! Longtime lurker on Reddit and now on Lemmy. I’ve tried looking into getting out of the US as things aren’t looking too great as I’m sure many of you know, but wanted some tips from those of us who have gotten out. Where did you decide to move to, and what were the things you looked at when deciding to move there? How did you go about the process? What are some stories you can tell about the immigration process? Where can I start? How can I realistically make it happen? I hope this isn’t silly to you all, as it matters quite a lot to me and I’m genuinely interested in getting away from here for good. Thank you all for your time!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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