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Holy voting choices!
  • You jumped into the conversation at a weird spot. Not replying to my explanation of why Biden is a bad choice even if your only goal is to beat Trump, but replying to me correcting someone about the context of the meme.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • It is! in the dissenting opinion in which Sotomayor explicitly describes this ruling as granting immunity for political assassinations

  • The World Lost Two-Thirds Of Its Wildlife In 50 Years. We Are to Blame
  • One of the unsung victims of car dependency.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • Trumps own legal team has described political assassinations as qualifying as an official act as president

  • Will Biden's green jobs policy help him win votes?
  • sadly there's been no green job developments anywhere near my rural area, a lone solar sales office closed down recently.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • we didnt really have one. several states, like mine, straight up did not have a single candidate other than Biden on the primary ballots, none of the candidates besides Biden were on a majority of states ballots

  • Trump is “absolutely” immune for “official acts” on Jan 6th, SCOTUS rules
  • The only sane thing to do, full on assassinate, or kidnap in secret and report youve assassinated, all the justices that ruled in favor of presidential immunity. Nominate a new set of justices, with confirmation under threat of further assassinations, bring the case back before the new supreme court to rule against presidential immunity

  • Holy voting choices!
  • It’s not about people who just think Biden is too old and want to replace him.

    you dont replace him

    Yes it specifically is

  • America’s big problem is not Joe Biden, it’s the menace to democracy posed by Donald Trump
  • Donald Trump being a menace to democracy was in Bidens lap at the very start of his term, rallying an attempt to violently overthrow the election. And Biden, the new head of the executive branch, the branch of enforcing the law, just did nothing about it. And nothing about his many crimes beforehand, the documented collusion with Russians, blackmailing Ukraine to interfere in the election, the obstruction of justice, the assassination of Epstein. Trump wasnt held accountable and it was Bidens job to hold him to account. And now here we are.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • But no one here's promoting Trump. I know youre seeing it as intrinsically Biden vs Trump, so detracting from Biden is the same as bolstering Trump. The goal is to beat Trump. The means to do that is everyone rallies behind one candidate. The problem is right now, Bidens not beating Trump, his age and health combined with the tragedy in Gaza is preventing too many people from rallying behind him. He has the most people rallying behind him of all current opponents to Trump, but not enough.

    The timeline where we beat Trump is Biden withdraws from the race and endorses another candidate. Remove Biden as an option and everyone rallying behind him purely because he has the largest support against Trump is forced to shift to another candidate, and we can push for the people that werent rallying behind Biden due to age and Gaza to also rally behind the new candidate, and hopefully then have enough people rallying behind one candidate to beat Trump.

  • Paid operatives linked to a GOP firm are helping Cornel West in Arizona
  • Theyre trying really hard to dig up some dirt several degrees of separation away.

  • Let's do an experiment
  • Oh you're talking about this post

    A screencap of Obvious_Troll from Some Community

  • Let's do an experiment
  • This is the post that i quoted from, where Objection said theyre voting third party

  • Let's do an experiment
  • ...this post???

    Bidens losing to Trump all on his own. You can rally behind a better, younger candidate already available, or replace Biden with a better, younger candidate.

  • Those without A/C, what are your tips to stay cool during the summer?
  • You dont wanna just be blowing around the oven-like air trapped in your house. Open two windows on opposite ends of the house, and point a fan facing outside at one of the windows. This will pull air from the opposite window and create a crossbreeze of fresh air.

    Lying shirtless on a hard floor can also help cool your body down

  • Let's do an experiment
  • I gave you the context, now challenge it with evidence

  • Let's do an experiment
  • This is straight up lies following an argument you had with a trans person ive quoted for you as stating they will vote, that you cited as an example of telling you to abstain.

  • Let's do an experiment
  • You havent heard it for a reason, this guy is completely lying because a trans person told them theyre voting for someone else.

  • blazera blazera
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