Pretty sure it's lifetime. Surgery was at the end of 2018, they cracked me open like a lobster. I've got a 10" scar from just under my chin to just over my belly button.
Oh dang. Well life in the end, isn't just about what others get out of it. It's also what you get out of it. Don't sell yourself short. Everyone deserves to feel badass at least once in their life imo.
I caught myself in an old defense mechanism loop and was able to stop, breath, sit with the discomfort and own that motherfucking trauma response for what it is, then dismiss it and carry on with my day.
So, like a very proud ten.
I overcame my social anxiety today and went to the office after a long period of sickness and it was great! I really missed seeing other people than my wife for a change! :D
In the evening I ran my pathfinder campaign and it went really well, save for some hiccups from foundry, which is the online tool that we are using, so maybe an 8?
Oh that's awesome! Social anxiety ain't no joke. Glad to hear that you're doing better. It's really fun to play TTRPGs. Especially with a good group of people.
Are you running a pre-made or home-brew campaign? I'm interested to hear more.
Thanks for the kind words! I've been battling with it for around a year now or maybe a little longer. I suspect long covid, because it basically followed a hefty period of brain fog after a covid infection, but therapy and supplements help immensely :)
I'm running the pre-made campaign season of ghosts as a first time GM. It's an Asian themed mystical horror setting and it does a good job of guiding me through it as I don't have that much experience running games yet.
The only thing that is a little debatable is the difficulty of the fights, which are intended to be on the easier/very easier side, which I don't really like, so I'm adjusting the fights, but I have five players and it is written for four, so that makes it even harder to gauge, as well as some variant rules we use that make the PCs a little stronger.
Until now, the PCs steamrolled pretty much every fight and boss fight, but yesterday I upped the difficulty dramatically and it was a really exciting boss battle! So I think I'm finally getting a grasp on gauging the difficulty better
Take it or leave it insight: I have learned that procrastination can be chalked up to two things. 1. You don't know where to start on said thing and perhaps feel overwhelmed by it. 2. You don't know how to break down the objective into more manageable steps. And so you put it off 'until you feel like you have a clue.'
An old saying that strongly applies here. "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."
Maybe 6. Im back to college and learning precalc after being out of school for like 10+ years. A lot of relearning old stuff and learning new stuff at the same time.
Oh that's rad! I figure since you're in IT, you don't get much appreciation. But I for one, am very thankful for all that the IT team(s) do. It's all fun and games until you can't access your server data that's crucial to your job. o7
I’m insanely lucky, I happened to meet someone who gets bricks, doesn’t step on it, and when I occasionally want to indulge, gives me a sheeny solid corner of a brick. When I’ve had coke in the past that was stepped on, I definitely couldn’t sleep for hours after. Probably some cheap amphetamines added to it, I hated it. With actual pure cokes you can sleep like an hour after you do your last bump or line!
And you don’t need nearly as much, it’s insane. To get gakked, my partner and I will do about .1g each over the course of the night. With cut stuff, I’d have to do like 5x that for a mediocre buzz!
Because he's my coworker/underling.. And I need to be able to leave him to do work on his own at times. Watching him absolutely fail to recognize cause and effect more than once yesterday was depressing and is no doubt going to lead to problems in the future.
Terrible night's sleep but I've had a couple of leads on work (one is almost in the bag) and I just did a big walk in the sunshine and I'm not in pain.
Pretty badass even if I'm gonna go pass out very soon.
Definitely a 7-8 today. In my humanities course this quarter we did a thing with chopsticks since it's a Japanese culture and traditions course and I somehow managed to pick up 43 raw black eyed peas and transfer them over to a plate in a minute. 50% luck, 50% skill, and 100% fluke. Balanced that out by being a bit clumsier throughout the rest of the day.
I just learned how to do some knitting (cast on), and while I was doubting myself because I couldn't properly do it after the first few times I was shown how to do it, it clicked with me and I got it after a few attempts!