Dominos went away from Italy in 2022 after they couldn't compete with the prices of the many (many many many) local restaurant who offered better quality products for lower prices
Wendy's can't open shops in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg because there is a guy with a snackbar with a similar name in Goes that has the right to the name since 1995 in the Benelux.
Another unsourced map with probably heaps of inaccuracies. Everyone will becalling out errors in this map. I know at least one: Netherlands has Dunkin' Donuts.
Can we have a rule against unsourced informational maps? They're always wrong
I doubt the accuracy of this map. I have never seen a dominos in Sweden and I've seen a few dunkin donuts so the map is, at least not fully accurate. Also didn't McDonald's shut down in Russia?
Sweden here. We have Starbucks but it is far far from popular, I think the main demographic is young women, Swedes don't typically go for sweet/weak coffee like what they serve.
Dunkin' has existed but I think it absolutely failed.
Pizza hut exists, but not in many locations, however they have been around a long time and I think they are moderately successful.
Burger King snd McDonalds thrive and have many locations. McDonalds struggle in the northern region where people swear by Max burgers instead.
Subway exist with moderate amounts of locations, have been for a long time. Probably doing okay.
Kfc is rare, but exists in the larger cities.
Dominos exists but I don't know who is buying, in my opinion its sub par pizza at a high price point with poor service and long delivery times.
I hate this so much. Even if I have the time and money to escape this dump it's spread so far I'd have to go live in North Korea to actually escape it, entirely defeating the purpose.
This image needs some correction for Norway. Only SubWay, MCD and BK are prevalent. Dominos have mainly places on Oslo, and a the rest are mainly in the larger cities. Starbucks 10. Most in downtown Oslo.
Think Pizza Hut pulled out of Norway years ago
There's a Subway and Burger king in Germany. They're just on a US military base.
Edit: I have been dutifully informed that these chains are more prolific than I experienced many years ago. The comment was more establishing a difference in reality and the map.
Recently went to burger king and McDonald's in Hungary. The food was a whole different level better than in Germany, it was nearly insane how good it was.
I remember one time, back in the early 00s, when an American tourist asked me where to find a Burger King or a McDonalds, and I told him we didn't have those. He gave me an incredulous look.
Nowadays we have those, domino's pizza... At least we don't have taco bell, dunkin donuts or starbucks (afaik), but yeah, we're getting americanized :(
The one that surprised me is Hooters. They were in Vienna, Budapest, and Prague just to name a couple places.
There is a KFC in Venice. There are several Taco Bell in Barcelona including one across the street from La Sagrada Familia. You can see a Burger King and a Subway "sandwich" shop from the Eiffel tower.
My travels in Europe surprised the hell out of me. Virtually every metro area is full of American trash food chains. The one cool thing is they sometimes have local variations on food. I ate at a KFC in Prague out of morbid curiosity and they had an interesting take on the spicy chicken sandwich.
McDonalds since forever. I remember once having a birthday party there as a kid. That was when they still had all these mascots like Ronald and the purple guy and it was all big fun. Somehow they are seen as „not healthy but good quality“ and have been a staple in popular culture and occasionally they unleash the famous „Big Rösti“ which is like a fifth season for some people
Burger King also exists since forever. It was always the second choice to McD. It doesn’t have a great reputation when it comes to cleanliness.
KFC was actually the very first American fast food chain to invade Germany but they never expanded as much as they could have
Subway started in the early 2000s and really took off. Also not the best reputation on food safety but still a goto place for many
Starbucks also took off in the early 2000s. Used to be really cool because it had comfy chairs, a chill flair and wasn’t so crowded. Not anymore and now we have many small independent places to get much better coffee from
Dominoes tried in the 80s, failed and came back in the 2010s and continues failing
Pizza Hut also started in the 80s. It was rare and I fucking loved it. Now it’s even rarer.
Taco Bell only exists in US military bases but they plan to open some restaurants to the public soon. I’m not convinced it will be a hit.
Dunkin‘ Donuts also started early 2000 but took a while to really expand. It used to be that when someone went to one of the few cities with a Dunkin they had to bring a pack of donuts.
Not on the map: Five Guys. They started in the late 2010s. I was excited because I remember going to one in the US and getting the bag filled up with tasty French fries but here in Germany they are very picky with the amount and it is too expensive. I don’t think it will go very far here.
Most of the US chains started either in Berlin or Frankfurt, I guess because that’s were most of the US military was stationed and now it’s just tradition.
I personally don’t go to most of them anymore but they remain successful even if Americas reputation in Germany has been on the floor for a long time now.