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How to avoid having cat hair all over my house and clothes every 2 days?

So, i have 2 cats and, while one of them lose some fur the other one could fill a pillow with all the fur that she shed, even if I brush her to remove some extra fur it seems like it never ends.

They sleep on a couch that has become completely unusable due to the fact that if you sit on if you will be full of fur in no time, even after multiple vacuums it still has fur on it.

I have to always close my bedroom door to avoid them going on the sheets because if they do when I do the laundry the hair will spread to everything in the washing machine, even if I programming 2 extra rinses.

I always see people with cats have somewhat no fur on them, even with cats sleeping on the beds and on couches that seem to have the magical ability to not retain fur like magnets.

So what's the secret? They just vacuum more then me? Is there some mystical product that helps removing hair from couches and washing machines?

Food safety
  • Ah, you're right I was thinking about the pre packaged one, now all the people telling me they have found multiple bugs in their lettuce makes sense considering I would probably expect to find small bugs and dirt in a whole head of lettuce

  • Food safety
  • I don't think that salad bought in a store should have bugs and dirt on it, if you find them in your sink when you wash it you should change supermarket

    EDIT: My bad, I was thinking about pre packaged salad, not like a whole head of lettuce, OP is correct and OOP should wash their lettuce better

  • Elephant in the meeting
  • Look up "ShadPS4 bloodborne" It's an emulator for the ps4 (obviously) and the developers are basically speedrunning to get it to run bloodborne at 60fps. Right now it requires a beefy PC and has some minorgraphical issues, but considering that a month ago it was unplayable I have high hopes

  • Rule (Penance 28/100)
  • No.

    In the traditional problem, the man tied to the tracks has no input in the final result, they are just a passive piece of the problem, we can assume what their thinking is and that it is how I rationalized my solution: I would expect the lever to be pulled if I was tied to the tracks and so I pull it myself knowing I would not blame the one pulling the lever for my death.

    But in this scenario the man has the ability to act for himself: he can decide to jump. I would never expect him to do so (actually I would never expect 99% of people to pull the lever if they were to die themselves) because that is an action that goes too much against all of our instincts and by pushing them I would, in my opinion, commit a murder.

    If I was the fat man I would not jump, and if I was pushed I would absolutely blame the one doing it for my death.

    You could think that killing 1 to save 5 is the better outcome, but who decide that 1 human is less worth than those 5? It's just the numbers? Then you could argue that between fighting WWII and submitting to the Nazi the better outcome would have been to not fight them because the people that died in camps were less then the victims of the war. Of course that's an overblown example, but it show why I'm extremely uncomfortable with pushing the fat man: imposing your will on someone who has the ability to act is almost never the answer

  • Rule (Penance 28/100)
  • I happily live with myself. The death is on the hands of whomever tied those people to the tracks.

    Yes, I pulled the lever and by so chose who lived and who died, but if I was that person alone on the tracks I wouldn't blame the one pulling the lever, I believe it was the lesser of two evil. I would still be fucking pissed, but at the one who tied me there, not the person forced to choose.

  • heavy as fvck
  • I'm a new metal fan and I'm really enjoying avenged sevenfold's "hail to the king" album, since I don't think this is an ironic post, can you suggest me something similar?

  • United States fast food chains in Europe
  • Lmao yeah the "family" size usually is for 4/6 people and is often referred as "pizza al metro" which means "pizza by meter" (as in a literal meter or 2 of pizza) and is usually bought for parties

  • "rebellious"
  • Having the same opinion of some mainstream entities is not inherently bad, as long as you don't blindly agree on anything.

    The important part is thinking critically for yourself, otherwise you are either someone who follows propaganda/ disinformation too blindly or you go too far the other way and become a conspiracy theorists and start believing antivaxxer bullshit just because you believe the opposite of anything mainstream media says

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