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why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.
  • Oh look another super new account posting doom and gloom anti biden stuff. So weird.

  • Could a small planet actually be possible?
  • Neutron star degenerate matter will expand if you don’t have all the usual surrounding matter making it into degenerate matter. Neither a black hole nor a neutron star will work for this.

  • me_irl
  • Go gargle some salt water. It will help.

  • That's a stupid question
  • After he hangs out with Raffi for a few years he's more inclined to boofing it.

  • Basic American etiquette
  • I stand corrected.

  • Basic American etiquette
  • Real shooters can shoot with both hands.

  • Biden blames jet lag and travel for poor debate performance
  • Why is every doom and gloom political post always from a less than 1 month old account? Suspicious that.

  • What We Do in the Shadows (2014) | Comedy, Horror
  • What are we?

    Werewolves, not swear-wolves.

  • [Italian-American hissing noises]
  • My face when the deli is out of gabagool:

  • I volunteer as tribute
  • A "posse of 'possums" if you will.

  • RFK Jr.’s Family Doesn’t Want Him to Run. Even They May Not Know His Darkest Secrets.
  • The portrait family members paint of Bobby is of a man of exceptional charm, wit, brains, and generosity

    Not since the brain worms.

  • Physicists Have Created The World's Most Fiendishly Difficult Maze (using Ammann-Beenker aperiodic tiling and Hamiltonian cycles, possibly mimicking quasicrystal structures)
  • "In a Knight's tour, the chess piece (which jumps two squares forwards and one to the right) visits every square of the chessboard just once before returning to its starting square. This is an example of a 'Hamiltonian cycle' – a loop through a map visiting all stopping points only once."

  • That's what Red Alert means, Doctor.
  • Maybe she was just sundowning. She is super old after all.

  • Clay content
  • Why would grated parm be different from parm regianno?

  • "You see, laddie, a pimp's love is very different from that of a square."
  • Maybe Rituhura was the painting instructor at the academy and that is why Picard is so shit.

  • "You see, laddie, a pimp's love is very different from that of a square."
  • Rita is the actual reason Pike had an issue with women on the bridge:

  • Estoy muerdo inseido
  • one day it stopped being gibberish and started being language.

    I think that day is awesome for any language learner. When you realize you actually understand what someone is saying instead of trying to translate in your head. 🤌

  • Leonard Nimoy: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins [2:19]

    cross-posted from:

    > Might not be super obscure but as a lifelong LoTR fan and new Trek fan this was my first watch!

    Starfleet Ship Tier List

    Happy April Fool's Day. In reality I love all Starfleet ships equally. Except for the USS Equinox. That's a garbage ship for garbage people.

    Neelix was in for a rude awakening when he got back to federation space

    This is the real reason Neelix left Voy early. He learned about Katie's ambassador to slave labor scam.

    My face while reading today's headlines.

    Book doesn't appreciate the DMA headlines as much as the rest of us.

    Especially articles which mention the impact the DMA is having.

    7 Something Strange Happens When You Ask AI to Act Like Star Trek

    The art of speaking to AI chatbots is continuing to frustrate and baffle people.

    Something Strange Happens When You Ask AI to Act Like Star Trek

    cross-posted from:

    > Proof that Trekkers are the best.

    3 Something Strange Happens When You Ask AI to Act Like Star Trek

    The art of speaking to AI chatbots is continuing to frustrate and baffle people.

    Something Strange Happens When You Ask AI to Act Like Star Trek

    Proof that Trekkers are the best.

    Who is your favorite cybernetic organism in Trek and why is it Samanthan Rutherford?

    Characters clockwise from top left

    Samanthan Rutherford

    Unnamed Cerritos Operations Officer


    Seven of Nine

    Jean Luc Picard


    One One


    Kayla Detmer

    Geordi LaForge

    Standing in this spot behind Astarion's tent in the Act 1 camp will play a unique song that I haven't heard elsewhere.

    The instrumentals you can hear all over but if you stand in this spot the song will start playing lyrics. I thought that was neat since I had never heard it in the hundreds of hours I've played so far.

    teft teft

    Just a bridgeman doing his thing.

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    Comments 1.6K