Yes I would. Daft Punk's songs are boring AF, except for their work on TRON Legacy. And their movie scoring was only good because of the movie's editors. The soundtrack on Spotify is boring too.
But I do actually like "Giorgio by Moroder". It seems silly but it's served me an inspiring monologue to try new things and find something I to be passionate about. And so I bought a few pairs of headphones and schiit amp/dac to see if music making was what I could be good at. It is not. But I found I loved listening to music on nice headphones, and got a pair of Grados to go with the dac/amp
Sorry I know you don't care just wanted to praise the song lol
Don't worry mate, I am a music gear nerd as well ;) I am really into guitar stuff, effects pedals and amps. My latest acquisition is Astral Destiny by EarthQuaker Devices
This doesn't seem right. Barry White wrote Love's Theme around 1965, and released it in 1973. It also reached number 1 on Billboard, so I guess that counts as (US) mainstream.
I've told the story before, but I worked a MarketPro Computer Show & Sale a million years ago and was stationed next to a booth selling mostly speakers and stereo equipment where the booth owner had brought his 10-ish year old son with him. This son preceded to play "Around the World," full-blast, through an enormous stack of display speakers, instantly filling the entire convention hall. Then he put the song on repeat. All day. No exaggeration, he did not play a single other song for the entirety of the 10 hour shift, just "Around the world, around the world... around the world, around the world.... around the world, around the world"endlessly.