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My earphones' cable has grown a pimple. It popped today.
  • Oh man… someones in for a fun night.

  • Korn Track Length Analysis
  • Interesting that the average Korn production appears to be going down by years. Are we to assume that Korn production is affected by climate change?

  • Recommendation for a high-quality webcam for Linux
  • i’ve had a lot of luck with the logitech brio which is a 4K WebCam, the only issue that I’ve run into is the fact that you have to make sure that it is plugged in to a USB 3.0 and not 3.1 port.

  • Happy Kia Summer Sale!!
  • I think it’s somebody trying to be passive, aggressive, but the fact that I have to say, I think proves the level of thought that went into it.

  • Renewed drives
  • Purchased 5 renewed drives from amazon, 10 months in 3 have had to be replaced because of escalating bad sectors, all three were outside of the refurbish guarantee… one by only a week. Save your money and go with the new drives.

  • Timezone changes between 1923 and 2023
  • I find it amazing that there were places without official time zones in 1923.

  • 54% of Gen Z Shoppers Use Pay Later Plans to Buy Groceries
  • Betting on the collapse of civilization… I get it.

    Haha… If the us collapses by next Friday, I got my groceries half off.

  • And it went Gold
  • One More Time…

  • Building a tool
  • Thanks for the feedback. The initial page will be going away pretty quickly, it's why I didn't spend much time on it. I will be replacing it with a real CMS here in a couple of days. I haven't gotten to any of the mobile view, but I made sure that I went with tailwind so that working with the break points will be a lot easier. I'm mostly a backend dev so this is the first time that I'm starting from 'scratch' (leaning heavily copy pasta style).

    It's a content management and sharing system, I have been using world anvil for a while and really like it but I spend way more time working on getting all of my images to look right than working on content. Additionally I am to the place where I am wanting to break off some of my content to make it available for me to run in smaller adventures for play testing. I figured that if it's a problem that I have some others probably have it too.

    Thank you for the feedback. I will make sure that I do some mobile testing to tighten it up.

  • FOSS dictation and transcription software
  • Falling into the not sure how open source it is because AI is a mess. But it works category…

  • [Retro Platinum] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1989-05-12)
  • This game caused me so much frustration as a child. even when you were cheating, the game was impossible.

  • The only Monarch I support
  • It took me more than a few seconds to realize that this was in the Memes community, not the anti-work community

  • Building a tool

    Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules about self promotion or any other nonsense. If so let me know and I will either modify or remove.

    I have recently found myself unemployed and I am going through and trying to work with a new programming stack that I haven't worked with in the past. Not sure what I am going to do with it yet, but I was hoping that there might be some people who are interested in trying it out.

    In the past I have utilized other tools for tracking the content of my worlds, but I never found one that really worked for me. The last one that I ended up working with was worldanvil. The tools is amazing.... but, I found myself spending more time trying to make things look better than actually writing content. So here is my crack at things, you can register and poke around, if you have any thoughts for things that you would like to see let me know, not sure if I'm going to fully stand it up as a hosted things or maybe dump it as a docker container.

    Thoughts and feedback would be greatly appreaciated.

    .sıɥʇ puǝɥǝɹdɯoɔ ʇ'uɐɔ puıɯ lɐıɹǝɥdsıɯǝɥ uǝɥʇɹou ǝɥʇ
  • really struggling to figure out if I should vote or down vote this, and which direction that should go.

  • Shielding Your Code: How Effective Unit Testing Enhances Application Security — Withstand Security

    Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a development methodology that prioritizes writing tests for code before the code itself, followed by writing the code to pass those tests. This approach not only ensures the functionality of the code but also presents an opportunity to address security concerns, par

    Shielding Your Code: How Effective Unit Testing Enhances Application Security — Withstand Security

    Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a development methodology that prioritizes writing tests for code before the code itself, followed by writing the code to pass those tests. This approach not only ensures the functionality of the code but also presents an opportunity to address security concerns, particularly validation bugs, early in the development process.

    Where are the good political songs?
  • I personally would add: • The Nowhere Generation • Wolves

  • Job Postings With Wide Pay Ranges Could Discourage Applicants, Study Finds
  • “Companies using dishonest tactics to advertise for job openings finding it hard to get applicants”. There I fixed it for you.

  • People left homeless from Social Security Administration benefits repayment burden
  • Yeah, something else that is really inconvenient for a lot of people, is the comparison between the amount of money brought in by corporations and income taxes and individual people.

  • Getting started
  • Just getting started myself, cannot recommend DAS Bookbinding enough. i’ve learned so much in a very short period of time that has helped me immensely.

  • Damn annoying pieces of rule
  • which one… I see both sides of the argument.

  • Don't worry, we only lost the dangerous parts... not something personal like your dob Screenshot-from-2023-12-22-08-10-46 hosted at ImgBB

    Image Screenshot-from-2023-12-22-08-10-46 in James McKee's images album

    Screenshot-from-2023-12-22-08-10-46 hosted at ImgBB

    Every time that there is a leak like this it's infinitely aggravating how the spin department tries to downplay what happened. If you are using SMS based MFA you probably want to stop doing that now.

    Digital Trash Heap

    So here’s the problem that I have, I have several generations of back ups, which are currently taking over huge amounts of space on my NAS server. I want to be able to go through and process all of the files that are on it while the duplicating, and possibly going through and tagging any files that I find that are helpful. Is anyone aware of a good tool to help accomplish this task. Again because of the nature of the backups, I don’t want to utilize any software I’m not running locally.

    Thanks in advance.

    Accidental Criticaled a Minion

    The goal was to find out if the minion was killed at then end of the monologue, since the party has been invested in thinking that the minion was the BBEG.

    Well that didn't go as planned.

    Edit: Apparently posting images is down at the moment, so had to troubleshoot.

    Returning to the Game

    I am recently coming back to D&D after an almost two decade hiatus. I have noticed that there seem to be a lot of sour grapes towards Hasbro and WotC. I know that there was the whole issue with the Open Game License, and that there has always been a portion of the community that think that the new edition has killed the game. But it seems a little extreme for these items (or at least my understanding).

    Is there another reason for the sour grapes or is there something that I am missing? It is hyped up for ratings/likes?

    punkcoder punkcoder
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