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Just sayin
  • Regarding the edit, I've seen people unironically post this take on lemmy.

  • Just sayin
  • But if you can't summarize the solution to a complex societal problem with a history to it into a single simple sentence that can be used as a punchy "hot take", clearly you just don't want a solution! /s

    Way too many people in the world who are more willing to believe that things suck because everyone's too stupid to try the "obvious" solution, instead of the fact that most societal issues are icebergs of complication and causes.

  • Make it stop.
  • What? The only thing with any definitiveness in what you linked is that 72% of teachers are using an outdated method for teaching early level reading skills (letter and word recognition).

    As a secondary point, it says that teachers feel their kids can't read anymore so the teachers have taken to tiktok about it.

    There's nothing there indicating high levels of illiteracy, or that they've been caused by an over use of devices as babysitters, dawg.

    I think you need to brush up on your literacy.

    It sure as hell isn't a good thing, and it isn't helping kids read or develop, but this is the same argument that's as old as fucking time itself where older adults blame new technology for degeneration of the youth. People literally made the same complaint about radio dramas leading the youth astray.

    The core of the issue is that it has become increasingly easy for parents to use technology to avoid properly taking care of their damn kids.

  • It would take a lot to get OG Fallout lead Tim Cain to return to the series: 'The very first question out of my mouth is 'What's new about it?''
  • I would love a true post-post apocalypse 3D Fallout. Like set in Shady Sands in it's heyday.

    Relatively normal modern day problems in the city, wasteland problems outside. Feel like there's some space to explore some new things there, but Todd seems to be intent on keeping the Fallout setting in "post and a half-pocalypse".

    Least it's not "nuke it all again" Avellone.

  • Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port?
  • Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 (and their console remasters, DX and Battle).

    Mods fix them up and make them better than emulation though.

  • Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port?
  • Silent Hill 2 is a special case. They lost the source code and original asset library for the game, so it's a remake using assets ripped from the PS2 release copy.

    A very, very poorly done and buggy remake that was also underfunded and rushed out the door.

  • Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales?
  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Dying Light, and Hades. $10 a piece on Steam.

    I put a ton of hours into Bloodstained RotN when it was on gamepass, but never beat it. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a game I end up replaying every few years, so I really enjoyed its spiritual succesor back then (around when it first released), and they've only added more content (three new playable characters, a few game modes) to it over time.

    For Dying Light, I love the Dead Rising series, but the moment to moment moving around is nothing to write home about. Dying Light has a focus on movement, and got a lot of good reviews, so I figured I'd give it a try.

    For Hades, I've always loved Supergiant Games since their first game, Bastion, and I never picked up Hades because it was never priced low enough when I had money to burn. Now that Hades 2 is in early access, I watched some gameplay of that and the first shot up on my list to buy. I've been craving an isometric real time combat game too.

  • This started as adding onto a preexisting meme and it turned into a format to vent
  • I know it's a grating saying, but the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It's true.

    You don't have to succeed, you don't have to enjoy it, it won't be easy, but you do have to keep trying. Try to do whatever single action you can get yourself to do in the given moment that gets you closer to your goal. Then do it again. And again. Again. Etc etc etc. You'll at least be closer, and that's something.

  • This started as adding onto a preexisting meme and it turned into a format to vent
  • Buddy, empathy doesn't mean "allow someone to continue with plainly disordered thinking because it's what they know". I'm not the person you're upset with, but the first step in getting over any problem is to force yourself to take that first step.

    You're welcome to hate it, to not want to. It will absolutely be hard, often to the point of feeling actually impossible. It is going to suck, potentially forever.

    But you still need to try if you want any hope of getting out of it. Progress is almost imperceptibly slow, but you will make progress if you keep trying.

    Expecting the planets to align and for yourself to suddenly not have this battle to fight with yourself through no action of your own is like expecting to win the lottery when you haven't even bought a ticket.

    This is the difference between telling someone what they want to hear so they don't feel worse in the moment, and pointing them towards a solution that might lead to betterness longer term.

    I am formally diagnosed with ADHD, depression, and anxiety. I was informally diagnosed with an autism spectrum "condition" (not sure the term at the moment) by a retired spectrum diagnostician I lived with for a few months. Don't try to tell me I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about here. I've lived it.

  • This started as adding onto a preexisting meme and it turned into a format to vent
  • Yep, this has absolutely been what I've had to do.

    No single one of us is the protagonist in some story where we'll be the ones to tip the scales in what's wrong with the world. Do what you can, where you can, and focus on the world around you. What directly effects you and those you care about.

    There is not enough energy in any single person to be able to care about everything, and you'll just burn yourself out for trying. This is true even in neurotypicals. It's why people aren't running around screaming constantly about the shit situations going on. It's why people don't seem to care, they can't possibly care about absolutely everything.

    So you, like them, have to at least try to exert some control over what you spend your time and mental energy on. It's sure as fuck not easy and it doesn't help improve shit in the grander world, but spiraling isn't easy on you either and it also doesn't help. It just makes you feel worse about everything.

    I know this sounds just like someone telling you to "just focus more", "just don't be sad", "just don't worry". But that's not it. It's not that simple. Never will be.

    Even though it will likely be astronomically harder for you, you can exert some will and effort against the roiling storm of your own internal state. Anyone saying that it is literally impossible is letting the bad inside them win. Sometimes it is truly too much amd you have to, but you shouldn't live in that space forever, and you need to remind yourself that it isn't impossible whenever other people who are in a bad place are letting it win.

    That internal bad is the bad you most need to try and fight, not the bad effecting the whole world.

    The bad inside you may win. It may win most of the time, sometimes you might have to let it win because it's too mich at the moment, but you need to try to fight it as much as you are able to. You don't have to win, you just have to keep trying, as much and as often as you can.

    Like if you haven't eaten in 8 hours, and there's food in your house, just eat some of it. Doesn't matter what it is, if it's appealing (is it ever when you feel like this?), if you don't think it will help (do you ever think it will before you eat when you feel like this?), if you don't want to (again, do you ever want to do anything when you're spiraling like this?) Go shove some fucking slop into your goblin mouth. Something's better than nothing. Hold onto whatever tiny bits of progress you can grasp by the edge of your fingertips and try to keep moving forward.

    The secret is that you can do this. It sucks. It's not easy. It may take years and external help. But it is possible. And it has been the most worthwhile thing I've ever done in my life to just keep trying.

  • Away from home for months; homelab unreachable; now looking for UPS
  • Man, I don't even run my desktops without a UPS. Maybe I'm jaded from too much tech support, but I feel like not having a UPS is like not using a condom for a random hookup: it's fine until it dramatically and seriously isn't.

    Almost every desk at my workplace has its own lead-acid battery. That's well over 1000. We haven't had any fires or explosions.

  • 'SuperSega' FPGA Console Will Play Genesis/Mega Drive, Master System, Saturn And Dreamcast Games | Time Extension
  • More an issue to have another existing company as part of your product's name. Slam dunk legal case for Sega right there.

  • Netflix mulls introducing free ad-supported tier. The circle is complete
  • There is one benefit, at least for now. You aren't locked into long term contracts like cable has/had.

  • "In fact, let me take a few pages to describe how much I can't describe this"
  • I love eldricth horror precisely because of this. Imagination will almost always be scarier than something that can be put into words. Descriptions give handles to hold onto for your understanding, boundaries and walls for the horror to fit in.

    Give me more vagueness about how, gazing at it, the room could not have possibly contained its size. The feeling of the split second while tripping before you connect with the ground, stretched into an interminable constant in the back of your mind.

  • Alright, you've had enough fun today buddy.
  • Realistically, however long it took for someone else to notice you were doing it and call them.

    Source: had the cops called on my friends and I multiple times for having foam sword fights in parking lots at college. Apparently people from a distance thought actual fighting was going on. Not sure if that's a testament to our acting or their poor eye sight.

  • Apple AirPods Bug Allows Eavesdropping
  • Misleading. When trying to connect to a device, an attacker can spoof being said device to get the airpods to connect to them instead. Similar to SSID spoofing with Wi-Fi.

    Nothing in the linked article indicates this allows eavesdropping on existing connections.

  • Mythbusters
  • For anyone missing the show, there was a wonderful project called Streamlined Mythbusters where fans edited each episode down to remove the filler, pre and post ad recaps, etc. They usually also would reorder things so each individual myth was seld contained.

    It's wonderful, but some episodes legitimately got cut down to be 16 minutes long with no real content loss, which can be kind of jarring.

  • Verizon screwup caused 911 outage in 6 states—carrier agrees to $1M fine
  • This sort of disclaimer needs to be beside every article concerning corporate fines. Fucking ridiculous.

  • It's true.
  • Giving me flashbacks to the game Space Station 13. It was never "the clowns", just "The Clown". And it absolutely was a threat.

    More often than not, the person who picked the singular clown role on the station (or who mugged the person who did and stole the costume), would be someone who was highly skilled with the game who wanted to get up to shenanigans.

    I've watched a clown armed with nothing but two banana peels single handedly take out an entire security force, steal their gear, disappear while the station gets wrecked by a changeling, then pop back out and lure the changeling into a carefully built conveyor belt system that traps them in an inescapable loop of being knocked over forever, trapped, forced to listen to infinite bicycle horns and a farting robot made out of their own cut off butt.

    The clown then used the opportunity to set the station's black hole engine loose, destroyed the end of the hall to the escape shuttle, and lubed the floor. The survivors, rushing to escape, slip, and glide out into the void. More bicycle horn honks are the last sound they hear.

    Honka honka honka honka honka honka...

  • What's the best possible justification for vandalizing a library?
  • Ah yes, the classic "you can only be upset about one thing at a time"!

    If you're upset I pissed on the floor instead of in the toilet while Biden is complicit with genocide you're part of the problem!

    Sorry boss, I can't care about my job because of Palestine!

    How dare you pull me over for going 80mph in a school zone, pig! Don't you know what Israel is doing?

    How could you possibly expect me to care about something so insignifIcant as wiping? Don't you know that children are dying?

  • NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Landmark Cybersecurity Framework

    The agency has finalized the framework’s first major update since its creation in 2014.

    NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Landmark Cybersecurity Framework

    NIST is a US government org that releases industry guidlines on best practices for cybersecurity.

    I know that infosec and sysadmin work aren't the same, but in my experience it often falls to sysadmins and systems engineers to fill the gaps. Hope this is useful.

    Security News wizardbeard NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Landmark Cybersecurity Framework

    The agency has finalized the framework’s first major update since its creation in 2014.

    NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Landmark Cybersecurity Framework

    NIST is a US government org that produces industry guidlines on best practices for cybersecurity, and they've just released a massive update to their framework.

    0 NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Landmark Cybersecurity Framework

    The agency has finalized the framework’s first major update since its creation in 2014.

    NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Landmark Cybersecurity Framework

    Soichi Terada is a House music artist who was popular in Japan in the 90s. Outside of Japan, he's mostly known for his soundtrack work on the PS1 game Ape Escape.

    This is one of his covers/arrangements/remixes, where he plays around with elements of another song. Not quite sure what to classify it as, otherwise I'd label it in the title.

    I find his music to have a pretty distinct style, and I like using it as background while I study, code, or do other work.

    Any reputable Ad Blocking app on the Play Store?

    I'm looking for a free, reputable ad blocker on the Play Store. Something that does local host/filter list filtering using the VPN feature, like Blokada 4 or 5 (before they started cloud hosting the filtering features as a money/data grab).

    Personally, I'm no stranger to F-Droid or Obtanium and even have dipped my toes into ADB.

    I need this for family members when they start asking, so I can point them at something decent that won't try to fleece them and get on with my life unburdened by family tech support hell. Something they can install through the Play Store they already have and easily switch on and off if something they "need" isn't working.

    So that eliminates just setting their DNS to an ad blocking one in their Wi-Fi settings. Wouldn't follow them off that specific connection, and wouldn't be an easy toggle if something broke.

    Assistance with access revocation using MSGraph

    Microsoft's documentation for revoking user access from Azure AD currently references cmdlets from the AzureAD PowerShell module, which will be deprecated on June 30th.

    Microsoft reccomends using the MSGraph module or API as a replacement for the AzureAD module, but I'm having a hell of a time with it.

    I'm trying to figure out how to use PoweShell to wipe corporate data off a user's BYODs, and I'm stuck trying to get a list of a user's BYODs through Graph. Ultimately this will be part of automation kicked off when a user leaves the company.

    Queries for devices and managed devices for a given user seem to be missing devices that are shown through Azure Portal when looking at a user in Azure AD and then looking at their devices. The query for deleting data is also unclear in whether it wipes the whole device or just corporate data.

    Does anyone have any resources or guidance on this? Most of what I'm finding is outdated or too vague for me to be comfortable utilizing it.

    wizardbeard wizardbeard
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