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Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • Welcome to a day in the life of a billionaire. You'll need to get up nice and early for a personalised yoga routine devised by your trainer, and then it's straight out of the house to work. You've got breakfast scheduled with a CEO, and you're going to spend an hour objectifying women with him before heading into the office. Quick hello, report from your executive team, and now it's time for a power brunch with the man who sources child slaves for you to have sex with. Private jet flight to the next city over for lunch, you have a corrupt mayor to bribe so the minimum wage won't go up. Then it's time to fly back and spend an hour in your office looking important. You ended up sleeping with your secretary instead of getting anything done, but hey, we can't all be faithful to our wives. Now that it's 2pm, you've got to go play golf with your "professional contacts". You refer to your caddy with a racial slur. At 4pm, you go back to the office for the last time today, where your son is waiting for you. It's very hard educating a young man on how to inherit a fortune 500 company that runs itself. You spend most of the next hour telling him about golf. At 5pm, finally get in your limousine to go home. You've been working all day, and you're beat. You praise yourself for your work ethic, and wonder if the single day you work next week is going to be as hard.

  • c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • It seems you've already made up your mind that deconstructing and condemning transphobia is transphobic, so maybe it would be best for your mental health if you avoided posts where we tell transphobes to fuck off.

  • c/ is full of transphobic trolls
  • Making fun of people who try to shame me into killing myself is my coping mechanism for being shamed and told to kill myself. I agree, it's gross that such a situation has even arisen. But it's not like ignoring transphobia is going to help.

  • Category 5 Titty Rule
  • I always struggle with believing thin people as a convincing love interest. I understand that's what most people like but I still can't relate to it.

    EDIT: looked up some pictures, she's big enough to be a halfway convincing love interest

  • Here, I translated it from Troll into English for you
  • I am trans, i wouldnt vote for joe biden, or any democrat.

    Please don't kill yourself, I'm sure you have plenty to live for. You've got a long life ahead of you with lots of surprises that could be really wonderful. I'm sure there are people who love you and would miss you, and if there's not anyone in your life who makes you feel complete right now, you're bound to meet someone special sooner or later. I know with all the political doom and gloom it can seem pointless, like there's no point trying. But there is a point. They haven't killed us yet and they're not going to as long as we keep on fighting for our right to exist. If you need to talk to someone, you can call the number at Your life is worth living.

  • Here, I translated it from Troll into English for you
  • It's not a joke where I tell trans people to kill themselves. It's a joke where trolls tell me (who is a trans people) to kill myself.

    The part where it's a joke is that I'm pretending they're honest about it instead of hiding it behind dogwhistles.

    Maybe you could try actually understanding memes instead of running a keyword search for topics to get mad about

  • Here's a fun trivia
  • I don't think there's a single game made after 2010 that will ever need a remaster outside of hardware compatibility issues. And I consider Insomniac's Spider-Man Remastered a mark of shame for the industry.

  • Political Memes MindTraveller
    Here, I translated it from Troll into English for you
    c/ is full of transphobic trolls

    The community c/ states in the sidebar it's a community for leftists and post leftists, but if you actually look at the posts the mods are making, it's almost nothing but trolling and telling people not to vote in the general election.

    This rhetoric is especially dangerous to trans people, who this instance is supposed to be a safe space for, and West Bank Palestinians. If the USA elects a fascist president, there is guaranteed to be multiple genocides of society's most vulnerable groups, in addition to what the US is already doing in Gaza.

    The mods on Liberty Hub openly troll their users and ban people for advocating left wing or harm reducing positions. The only action that is allowed on the sub is advocating political inaction in the face of genocide, taking a centrist position with regards to open fascism.

    This community has absolutely no place on Blahaj Zone and should be removed by the admins.

    Thanks for teaching us how the kids with alcoholic fathers felt Mr Resetti

    Remembering how if you didn't realise the full stop was part of what he wanted you to say, he'd just yell at you over and over and over again

    "We don't have gods where I come from," said Twoflower.

    "You do, you know," said The Lady. "Everyone has gods. You just don't think they're gods."

    \- Terry Pratchett

    Episode 4 assassinated Obi-Wan's character

    Episode 4 did Obi-Wan Kenobi completely dirty. In the first three movies and The Clone Wars, we see that he's an honourable, compassionate, brave person. He killed Darth Vader and left him for dead. By all rights, he should have continued to fight for the rebellion instead of moving to a desert and being alone for 20 years.

    You expect me to believe after being a general in the Clone Wars and defeating multiple Sith, Obi Wan proceeded to do absolutely nothing while the emperor oppressed everyone? As soon as he heard Darth Vader was still alive, he should have hopped on his ship and gone to kill Anakin! The version we see in A New Hope is an old loser hiding from his own mistakes in the desert.

    Obi Wan is supposed to be determined, a warrior, someone who always accomplishes what he sets out to do. Not a coward! I grew up with the original trilogy, and these new movies completely ruined my childhood. Why did George Lucas feel the need to crap all over us Obi-Wan fans who loved his original three Star Wars movies? And all in the name of sUbVeRtInG eXpEcTaTiOnS


    This is a joke about The Last Jedi.

    How do I schedule a steam download manually?

    There's this game I'm trying to download, and it's big enough that it's going to take several days of continuous downloading to get. I have about half of it so far. I want it to download during my scheduled auto update hours, and pause in the morning when I wake up. Sounds simple, right?

    Problem is, it won't. I can either drag it to "up next", in which case it downloads immediately, or I can drag it to "unscheduled", in which case it won't download at all, even if I leave my PC on all night. I can't click and drag it into the scheduled category. How do I get it in there so it'll download when I'm asleep, but won't hog the pre-bedtime bandwidth?


    (Seizing the state and then slowly reforming it is still slowly reforming it)

    Steven Universe is grimdark

    Alright, just started watching Steven Universe. I'm 4 episodes in. That poor boy. All he wants is to be part of a family, and all three of the crystal gems are horrible mentors. Pearl likes to think of herself as responsible, but she cannot relate to Steven and is utterly failing to provide a system of structure that he can understand. Amethyst gets along with him, but she acts like she's the same age as him and can't provide him any of the guidance a kid needs. And Garnet is barely even trying. Greg is the best mentor figure Steven has in his life, and he's homeless with no future. At least he's actually taught Steven to have a positive outlook, but he's still not parent material.

    That poor boy is getting wrapped up in big ideas of how he's going to save the day and have the perfect family, because the reality of his life is unbearable. I saw this show on the TV a few times when I was a kid and it bummed me out, but now that I'm a grownup I can see how traumatised that boy is and how badly he needs a responsible parental figure who can relate to him. All of the adults in his life suck! Watching this show is miserable, because I'm watching a kid who desperately needs a family be failed by the family he has.

    I like traditionally grimdark settings like Warhammer 40k, but watching Steven Universe gives me the same feeling I imagine non-grimdark-fans must feel seeing a setting like 40k. Overbearing, unrelenting misery. It all sucks and it isn't getting better. On occasion 40k describes the life of civilians in that setting, how oppressed and abused they are by the fascist governments they live under. The fun of seeing evil soldiers who chose a life of violence killing each other fades away. Suddenly, we're seeing the perspective of the innocent. Their suffering. It's depressing and heartbreaking in the same way SU is.

    It's a choice

    The universe didn't force you not to believe in magic. You could have spent your whole life believing magnets are magical stones, that the electromagnetic force is magical energy, and that computer engineers are wizards who conjure spirits from magic. And you could have been 100% factually and scientifically correct.

    But you chose to believe that magic is by definition not real, because you didn't want to live in a world of whimsy and wonder. You defined magic as supernatural, in opposition to the natural world. While every scientist knows that nature is just a word for everything that exists. You chose to define magic in a way that it wouldn't exist, denying it through tautology and not through science.

    Why did you choose that?

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