how is it possible
Power structures that favor the wealthy elites
Pretty sure people admire him because he shares their values, which is not at all what you're describing. Which value that he listed above do you have a problem with and why?
"Volume control disabled."
Then the windows all go opaque so you can't be distracted by the outside world
I heard that. He definitely doesn't have autism lol
Watching Jeen-Yuhs, as someone who works in mental health, I saw a story play out I've seen time and again. Dude had a serious break with reality after his mother passed away. I don't know enough to tell whether it's schizophrenia, bipolar I, or schizoaffective disorder, but he's almost certainly dealing with one of these and not receiving any treatment for it because his money and status protects him from the consequences that would land the rest of us in a psych hospital involuntarily.
Given Ukraine’s near-total economic destruction since its proxy war against Russia erupted in February 2022...
The phrasing of this sentence is just one example of pro-Russia propaganda in an article filled with it. Of course the US spins messages and creates its own propaganda, every country does this. It's important to be able to see through spin to evaluate facts, but blindly eating up the propaganda of other nations just because you don't like the story the US is telling is not a great take.
This represents 0.0036% of the USAID budget...
What blatant corruption?
As an independent charity, we are not directly funded by the BBC License Fee. Our vital work relies on our donors - governments, foundations, corporations and individuals. Donate today to support our mission.
There doesn't seem to be anything secretive or untoward happening here. What is he even alleging?
I don't understand all the focus on John Fetterman as somehow being representative of the Democratic party writ large. It's blatant that his personality has changed since his stroke, and I'd wager he's going to lose his next primary if he even tries to run again
If you buy sugar and cocoa powder you can make hot chocolate whenever you want to, and also save money in the end.
What does the paragraph right below the one with a red square around it say
The YPG is a Kurdish militia in Syria who are libertarian socialists. They fought ISIS and Assad, and Erdogan hates them and has attacked them along the Turkish border. The US had given them consistent support until Trump abandoned them in his first term.
I don't know who the bereted man is though.
You've gotten a lot of advice on here, but I don't think I've seen this...are you able to "suck in your gut" if you try hard and it improves how it looks? If so, it might not even be visceral fat, but just poor muscle tone in your abdominal area. If this is it, then core strength exercises are the way to go. Practice sucking in that gut more and more until it becomes the default, and strengthen your abs and obliques.
You clearly haven't read anything I said if you think that, given I just talked about how awful they are. I prefer to base my opinions on reality rather than making shit up, though. If they threatened someone, you'd have a simple question to answer. Instead you went for my character, so what does that say about you?
Costs compared to what? Loading up a ship on the Pacific coast and sending it around Indonesia and through the Suez canal and then unloading it in Europe and putting the cargo on trains there to the final destination?
When I cook onions, I typically start with that and continually add things to it, including the wilted mushrooms. Cooking mushrooms in a dry pan doesn't really leave any water, it all boils off and I wipe out any remainder prior to the onions
This already exists and has demonstrated success, and does not pass through Russia or Iran. The Upper Corridor passed through Russia, but since the Ukraine invasion, much of it's trade has moved to the Middle Corridor. Greece and Turkey don't particularly like each other, but still have good trade relations and movement across their borders
I almost always cook mushrooms in a dry pan first to get them to release their water, then set them aside to add to the dish at a later point. So I disagree
Y'all recognize headlines like this are coming at a rapid pace on purpose, right? Trump says or does an outrageous thing that dominates the news cycle for a few days, he walks it back, and the media pays little attention to the actual things his administration is doing that are not being walked back. "Flood the zone" is a purposeful strategy.
But now I'm in bed questioning my decision.
I know this will sound callous of me, but fuck this NIMBY bullshit, and also KVUE for promoting it. This apartment complex is going up a 60 second walk from the Highland Station on the Red Line. Throw a rock and you can hit both Airport Blvd and 2222. This is the geographical center of Austin near some of the busiest intersections in the city. It's not reasonable to expect the vacant lot behind your house will stay that way.
>The man said while waiting for his rideshare to arrive, he was flagged down by the suspect. Mistakenly thinking it was his rideshare, he got into the front seat without verifying the vehicle or driver information.
>According to the affidavit, the suspect offered the man a drink from an open container, which he accepted. The man said shortly after taking a drink, he blacked out and had no memory of what occurred for several hours.
Yeah please don't do this
The new spot will have a full-service kitchen, a large patio with views of the Greenbelt, and the same jolly service and eclectic atmosphere as the original location, representatives said.

Stoked for this

Morning y'all, anyone able to identify this "weed?" It grows very low to the ground and has tiny blue flowers. Seems to be one of the first bloomers of the year

These were sold to me as Senegalia roemeriana, but really don't look like any pictures I'm seeing. Any ideas?
Thirsty Planet, best known for creating Thirsty Goat Ale, will suspend operations and close its taproom.

Thirsty Planet Brewing Co. is closing its taproom and suspending distribution.
The Hole in the Wall music venue has secured a 20-year lease and will remain open to celebrate its 50th anniversary next summer, thanks largely to $1.6 million in assistance from the city’s Iconic Venue Fund. Will Tanner, who purchased…

The Hole In The Wall music venue has secured a 20-year lease and will remain open to celebrate its 50th anniversary next summer, thanks largely to $1.6 million in assistance from the city’s Iconic Venue Fund.
Will Tanner, who purchased the club located on the stretch of Guadalupe Street known as The Drag in 2008, signed the new lease agreement – an initial 10-year lease with two five-year extensions – with The Weitzman Group realty firm on Monday. The signing followed 10 months of negotiation and work with staff from the city and the Austin Economic Development Corporation to become the first recipient of city funds allocated to preserve culturally significant music venues.
Austin is currently experiencing the longest stretch of triple-digit heat in recorded history.

[T]emperatures have reached the century mark for 27 days in a row. With records dating back to the 1890s, that ties with 2011 as the longest stretch of triple-digit temperatures ever recorded in Austin.
The KXAN First Warning Weather team is currently forecasting at least seven more days at or above 100°, which would extend the streak past 30 days.
The funding could help close the growing gap between unsheltered Austinites and available shelter beds.

Positive news from the state on this issue, and kudos to Kirk Watson for knowing how to build relationships and get things done with the state
Spirit Halloween will open for the Halloween season the first week of August at 2110 W. Slaughter Lane, Austin.

The goats will stay at the trail day and night for the next three to four weeks, taking breaks to chew their cud and sleeping in their on-site trailers.

Austin’s City Council is currently on summer break, but when its members return next week for the meeting scheduled on July 20, they’re taking on a fairly significant land use resolutio…