Did you miss the "Ignoring the obvious nuance" ?
You make a good point. Which can also be made about any form of freedom as soon as it encroaches on someone else's comfort.
Ignoring the obvious nuance, a loud concert or a horror movie are also not something law enforcement will do anything against but it could terrorize people as well.
That doesn't make them more/less worth it.
If your criteria for worthiness is persistence then is a nice looking meal as worth it as equally nutritious goop ?
Yup, that could also be said about music, cinema and any other form of art/entertainment/distraction. It doesn't produce anything "useful", but again, what is "useful" varies from one person to another. Some would say the waste of money is the point. You blow fireworks because you can.
Ultimately nothing matters because there is no true meaning of life, so anything that pulls you away from the dark nothingness of existence is good to take.
I don't know the guy nor care about American politics so don't take this comment as a support for either side, but reading the comment, I'm curious. Without the caption, would you still say the same things about his face ?
Like if it said this guy was a Nobel prize winner instead, would your opinion of him be different?
He has a very average face to me, nothing noteworthy. At best he looks like an awkward french teacher.
Woof woof woof woof I feel it in my bones, enough to make my master bawl~ welcome to the new pet, to the new pet~
Anytime people needed to save space while texting you have acronyms(tbh) or shortenings(no 8 m8) happening so it's not surprising many languages have them.
French does.
Depicts our dystopian times to perfection.
There's also a correlation with the sounds of said swearwords. Which tent to be more sharp and concussive. That's why "Fuck that shit" feels better than "Damn this mess"
I guess it's easier to have testicles on your chin at this point.
Explains why everyone goes to Europe for fun.
Knowledge is power to make money to get more power.
If my previous consciousness coexisted: Support my young shitbrain self in the tough times he's going through and become the best supporter anyone could ever want...or maybe that already happened and that's why I'm constantly being sidetracked.
I think any force will produce results if harnessed.
Imagine a plane without gravity.
When you're at work, do you ever find yourself fantasizing and being hyper motivated about being home to continue THAT thing you're really excited about or should be doing. But then once you get home all motivation evaporates and you end up doing nothing and feeling guilty about it?