Welp. I look forward s to hearing about how our strategic reserve was hacked away from us by a dozen coders in China who found an open wallet on an unsecured PC.
Trump Crypto Rally Fizzles After Skepticism on Reserves Plan
Coins picked by Trump gave back some initial gains Monday Crypto experts are questioning the benefits of Trump stockpile
It's likely you already are bought in if you have a typical 401k investment setup as several large firms have btc on their books. Small as it may be, it's likely there.
Why? Because a whole bunch of it is locked up somewhere? That's already the case for bitcoin. Only a tiny fraction of the total supply actually moves. The vast majority is either in abandoned or lost wallets, or being held.
Or materials that take a while to manufacture, but which may be needed in large quantities relatively quickly. Even if it’s not a case of foreign actors, some things just take a while to start coming off of production lines in large quantities.
Shelf-stable food is a good example. You can’t just grow more wheat overnight. Sure, you may be able to reallocate where resources are going to use them more efficiently or start converting more into shelf-stable versions, but your overall food production levels are going to take a long time to actually ramp up, as new crops and livestock take time to grow.
This one is meant to pay back all the cryptobros who supported his campaign. Still gotta get Congress to authorize funds for it, but the cryptobros have been pumping money into those campaigns, too.
First he creates his own crypto out of thin air worth billions. Then he's going to make US gov't and tax payers buy his fantasy value currency with real money? You can't a clearer day light robbery than this!
You're forgetting the final part of the plan. Take those dollars and exchange them for gold or a different currency so that when the dollar implodes you still have all your loot.
Oh yeah... that's a great idea especially since Bitcoin has cratered in the last few weeks and people have lost over $2 billion on trumps scam meme coins.
"Strategic crypto reserve" of several billion in taxpayer funds, and then in several months "oops where did it go? It's all been moved to several different wallets now, gosh how did this happen" and the news cycle will just glaze over it as another Trump blunder while he and his cronies pocket it.