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Since Xorg is getting old, looking at trying Wayland WMs
  • Most people are not making software and trying to create support structures either. So I am not sure what you are getting at here. If someone can create a development project of any decent size, setting up a web page for cheap or free is trivial. So I have no idea what you are getting at.

    It has nothing to do with if I like discord or not, it is simply is it appropriate or not. I have explained why it is not an ideal support place. Certainly not a tier one. Nothing I said was pretending anything.

    And yes it depends on the server. You do realize that admins use various bots and have different settings per discord instance right? There are many discussions with the discord devs about their various approaches and problems with searches.

  • Since Xorg is getting old, looking at trying Wayland WMs
  • How am I being disingenuous? I DO host web pages. We do host pages for support. I am not sure what you are getting at.

    Yes, IRC isn't used that frequently, and it is sad. It just works.

    I am not the only one who doesn't like Discords search, and it really does vary depending on the instance.

    And I am realistic. Again, we already do this. No discord needed.

  • Since Xorg is getting old, looking at trying Wayland WMs
  • most people aren’t gonna host it themselves

    Why not? Barely costs anything. Or even free if you want to rely github, and if that goes away you can move it elsewhere, you own it. I still host multiple web sites and work with several projects that leverage tools to self host. A domain is not that expensive.

    No one under 50 knows how to use irc? We still use it for some of the support cases for a few software projects and I can assure you the majority of users are under 30. But I get your point, for the average, barely computer literate person, they probably haven't even heard of it.

    you just put a discord button in the app or the settings page if it’s something bigger than an app:

    To find out if someone will bother answering a question, to sign up, to ask the same thing over and over again. Horrible way to run support.

  • Since Xorg is getting old, looking at trying Wayland WMs
  • I am not the only one who finds the searches inconsistent. It also depends on how each person sets up their channel. More importantly it doesn't end up in a search engine. You have to know what discord server to start with.

    IRC with history, your own forums, your own chat, your own wiki: they do not disappear.

  • Since Xorg is getting old, looking at trying Wayland WMs
  • Horrible place to support software. No history, your question is answered by whoever happens to be there, you cant see the information with out joining... just terrible.

    With other methods at least there is asynchronous support, history is kept, and no login is needed.

    Not to mention the horrible interface and design choices and the reliance on third party tools that could disappear or change service at anytime.

  • Just edit the config file, so easy!
  • Sure.... Want to fix the stupid new menus in windows 11? Oh it is just a new guid key in the registry in a location you wouldn't expect. You know just cut and paste shit into the registry you found on the internet. Windows is just as annoying, if not more so.

    In any case: what system GUI's do you want? GUIS make everything so much harder, careful what you wish for.

  • Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3?
  • Ogg at lower bitrates sounded better than mp3 at the same rate. Consumers dont care, but for a lot of game developers the zero patent risk and higher quality shipping with smaller files made Ogg a great choice at the time.

    For me? FLACs are the only way.... which reminds me, I wonder I can still convert all the SHN (shorten) lossless files I still have. I should get on that before a converter doesn't exist.

  • Every time I see a headline like "Windows introduces thing, nobody asked for it but it's coming to all versions and can't be uninstalled"
  • Yes it was. Windows XP began the phone home for licensing. It also created a tiered system where things are kept from you unless you paid more, but they were not really clear about it. I remember needing a Corporate license to do some things we needed to do. This is also where they realldy fucked up with Active X and tying windows explorer to the system in such a way that made it harder not to use it. Home users could not actually admin local accounts, and security between then was basically non existant.

    And then shortly after launch they began the push to get the users to use their home page, msn services, notifications for explorer to be the default browser. The media player started pushing their online services. Live ID became a thing.

    If you complained that they had things you didnt want, like explorer, windows media player, windows messenger, etc: they did say you could run a utility to "remove" them. Except it didn't. It removed the icons. So they started the flat out lying to the consumer with windows XP.

    Edit: Now I remember, among other reasons, we needed corporate to stop forced updates.

    Edit: I apologize for all the after post edits but the longer I think about it the more I think of!

    What about the new "buy music online" feature? You could ONLY use Explorer to complete the transaction, no matter if you had a different default browser or not.

  • Is there a path forward for better support of newer hardware on desktop Linux?
  • I am really surprised how up to date Fedora is. The frequency is rather surprising. I have Arch on a desktop and Fedora on a laptop and the default kernel is only a step behind. Gimp was set as 3 for months now on Fedora which also was a surprise.

  • Disney+ Lost 700,000 Subscribers in Final 3 Months of 2024
  • So are they getting a lot out of watching something over and over again?

    And yes, no TV is better than any TV. That is a valid adult view, and not idiotic at all. But it really was the over and over again part that I was commenting on.

    Maybe it is better than letting them wander all over tiktok and youtube which is much worse.

  • Dave's Picks 53 is out, are you interested or no? Dave's Picks Vol. 53: Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinnati, OH (10/2/76)

    Buy Dave's Picks Vol. 53: Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinnati, OH (10/2/76). Browse the vast selection of products available.

    Dave's Picks Vol. 53: Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinnati, OH (10/2/76)

    Dave's Pick 53 is Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinnati, OH (10/2/76)

    I believe there are only audience recordings of this show, so this should be a new sound board to listen to. Which is kind of cool. Buy it or not, it will be a new release into the wild.

    Anyone going to pick it up?

    RIP Phil

    This man channeled the universe, and at times we all were on the same wave length and we traveled through time and space. I am going to miss the most creative bassist I have ever heard. As Phil said "Never play it the same way once"

    So are people on board with the new Video and Audio format?

    I really only listen to Audio, I don't see myself ever watching the video so I guess it wont matter much to me. Others might like seeing the video?

    Were tobacco pipes not in the training material?

    I tried several models, several prompts, and the results have been surprisingly bizarre. I also was surprised there is no JR Bob Dobbs recognition. All I wanted was a classic 1950's TV salesman.

    Quit asking me to rate movies

    I know how to turn off the notifications, but Plex should not nag me to rate things I have watched.

    Today In Grateful Dead History 8-4-76 1976-08-04 Grateful Dead

    1976-08-04 Grateful Dead Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, NJ

    1976-08-04 Grateful Dead

    Today we have Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey city, NJ

    A SBD and a Matrix is available, and the complete video.

    Saw this on the TIGDH site, passed it on to here!

    Dave Pick 47 "Lost"? 'Dave's Picks Volume 47' Unveils Lost Grateful Dead Brent Mydland-Era Concert Gem

    Today, the long-awaited Dave's Picks Volume 47 became available for pre-order. The exclusive archival release, curated by David Lemieux, features the

    'Dave's Picks Volume 47' Unveils Lost Grateful Dead Brent Mydland-Era Concert Gem

    Lol at the JamBands headline. Was this show "lost"? Looks like there are 4 traded shows to choose from on Relisten alone....

    Ah the headlines...... It is a good show... not Brents first as this article alludes to.

    I know AWS E3 is beta, but has anyone had any long term success with it?

    I have configured buckets and synced three joplin instances. One time it lasted a month. Another lasted a day. The most common error is *Got Metadata for Path but could not fetch content. * Anyone have any tips or tricks to getting this to work? I sure like concept, the best place to sync for me. And yes I can see the markdown file in the bucket so.....

    I have been using the Steamdeck as a workstation for the past month while out of town.

    I was out of country for the past month. I have access to two monitors, and I brought a keyboard, wireless mouse, and a small JBL speaker. It has been a pretty good experience. I have edited documents, images, and created PDF's. I can connect to jobs that require windows with a web browser to Azure Virtual Desktop. I have streamed live events, worked on my home servers, and it is always snappier than a windows machine. With a click I am back in handheld gaming mode playing SNES games, or Elden Ring.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    kde, linux, busses, open source and the good old Grateful Dead.

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