Have you ever met somebody who didn't seem quite human?
I recently rewatched the video of the woman on the plane screaming that the passenger beside her wasn't human and it got me thinking about something I've seen.
I remember seeing a teenage girl in a small food store I go to address the guy behind the counter as 'human'. "Thanks, human." Stuff like that. I think she was just doing a bit or something but I thought it was strange.
I did, two times. First was when woman had some problems with spine and skin so she looked weird and moved weird add to it my shortsightedness and it was weird/creepy. Second time I was going back home at 3 am after drinking, and there was a guy that was walking in my direction in the unevenly lit underpass and he had no face. I was like don't scream like a little girl it's alcohol probably. Then I understood it was a guy who learned to wear helmet on a moto the hard way of being human chalk piece.
Yea. Mark Zuckerburg. Just watch this reptile drink a glass of water. Its a alien reptile that has his UFO break down, and he's stuck on Earth. This reptile loves violating people's privacy so that's why this reptile invented facebook.
/s I don't actually believe he's an extraterrestrial, but like, with this crazy timeline, I won't be surprised to see Independence Day Aliens
I don't know how he got a following at all. Like, a lot of televangelists have a style. If you watch them as a kind of theater, it's kinda fascinating. Not something I'd recommend on the regular, but you can see how they draw people in. Stage magicians can take notes from these guys.
Kenneth Copeland, though? How does he not creep you the fuck out at first glance? Just watch him doing this blood ritual thing. Copeland would make a terrible stage magician.
have you considered that you might be on the autism spectrum? 50% basing that off your description 50% basing that off your username. Normies hardly read xkcd
Haha, yes those creatures are so strange, isn't that right fellow humans? Who do they think they're fooling? Get a copy of A Changeling's Guide to Being Human and blend in better, aw jeez.
lol. the only sentient beings on the planet are us humans. Stop wasting your time trying to out things that obviously do not exist and enjoy earth sports and earth entertainment and earth foods. Do not be the silly who worries about how light reflects off the surfaces of his neighbors plant matter and if its wavelength is more pure than what his does.
Or, another thought, maybe I'm just curious and want to have something interesting to read. Or, maybe I am the silly who worries about how light reflects. Or, maybe I'm the non-human wanting to interact with humans. It's all a possibility.
I mean my ex wife had what she called "resting bitch face."
Everyone else just said she's emotionless and has the exact same monotone of voice outside of her "customer service" voice. She could get angry, but she really didn't get angry she just got loud. Until she typically lost it then it was different.
Looking back on it, people always told me "there's something off about her." I always kind of brushed it aside cause she was hot.
I was the director of a very small summer camp in a former career. For some background info, the camp mainly served kids from some rather infamous inner-city neighborhoods. This was one of the very few black owned summer camps in the country. 99% of these kids were black or brown; I am vampiricly pale white and ginger.
And so, I found myself at a conference representing this camp…. Mostly to beg, coerce, and shame wealthy people there into giving us money (we sure as shit weren’t making money off the families of our kids; most couldn’t pay, but going to camp was safer than any week at home in the city).
On day 2 of the conference I get a text. It’s from the secretary of some high powered individual from Focus on the Family whose name I have long forgotten. He wants to have lunch with me to discuss an “opportunity.”
What the hell, right? Their money’s just as green as everyone else’s. Maybe I can charm the guy into cutting us a check.
So, I say yes and we meet at the fanciest restaurant in the hotel this conference was in.
Friends, I’m not one to believe in possession but something was straight up evil about this man from the moment I sat down. I mean I felt like I was eating with a fucking demon.
The “opportunity,” by the way, was to essentially fuck over the community our camp was for and convince our board to sell the land to his organization. This land was the same space some of the families of our community had been enslaved on. It was hallowed ground.
I ordered the most expensive dish I could find, waited for the food to come, told him to go fuck himself, and then went back to my hotel room and took a shower to get the feeling of being around that….. Thing off me.
I really don’t know how to describe it. It was like sitting across from some kind of hungry emptiness in the form of an old man.
I don’t know what I talked to, but I do wonder if that mother fucker was human.
Note that a lot of people who come across like that are probably somewhere on the autism spectrum. Lt Cmdr Data is seen as autistic representation for a reason. Like Data, they aren't bad people at all, they just function differently.
Edit: I'm guessing all of the downvotes are from asexuals I've offended somehow? I don't really get how my personal experience of feeling not quite human is somehow offensive. Romance/sex are literally ubiquitous in media...almost every song, book, movie, etc. involves them in some manner or another. To not be able to relate to something that's literally all around me every single day makes me feel less human than everyone. And to then not be able to relate to the asexual community makes me feel even further away...
Sometimes I feel like I am a different species of being that isn't quite human. I lack a very core set of feelings and sensations that 99% of humans seem to feel and experience. Not in terms of empathy or compassion or anything like that, so I don't think I'm a psychopath, just a bit different...
I've found there are others out there like me, but so rare that I've not met another in person.
For the curious, I'm likely to be considered to be on the asexuality spectrum. But the confusing thing to me is that many asexuals I've spoken to or read about online still seem to experience their own form of attraction and their own sexual urges. So I still don't relate to the majority of them and I find it confusing why they all still consider themselves to be asexual.
I can at least try clearing some stuff up on being asexual.
While the name Asexuality inherently suggests a complete lack of sexual interest, folks these days try to treat it more as a spectrum, much in the same way that sexuality itself is a spectrum (more to it than gay and straight!) There's probably a better way to describe the spectrum than calling all parts of it the "I don't like sex" club, but I digress.
There's folks like you who are completely not into sex. "Sex repulsed" is the term I've seen used most, though repulsion to sex itself doesn't inherently suggest finding disgust in sex ("It ain't gross, I just don't see the appeal"), but plenty enough asexual people find sex to be disgusting in some way, shape, or form that it should be noted.
I've always called myself grey asexual - I do get sexual urges, and I enjoy relieving those urges on my own, but the thought of sex itself isn't a pleasant one for me. I consider myself sex repulsed given my history of having been sexually abused.
I've met folks that called themselves demisexual - Sex itself isn't what's desired, but rather the human connection one can build with sex, and the bonds that form in one's passions with another. They're not interested in random hookups, cause sex itself isn't the point. They find that sexual appeal rises in people they have a more personal connection to.
What you and others feel and experience is valid. It just became a way for me to feel further alienated from the human race knowing that I didn't fit in with the vast majority of asexuals either.
One interesting thing I've found is that those in the community are hell bent on defining every single facet of themselves. It becomes a mess and ends up imo not overly helpful for some of us. With others you just have terms like "gay" or "straight" and leave it at that. I've looked up all the definitions before but haven't found them useful. It just made me feel further alienated from the human race seeing as I do not even fit in with the asexuals either.
I think I just have a problem with the term "asexual". Just look at the breakdown of the word: "a-"-"devoid of" "-sexual"-sex. To me, looking at the word implies a total lack of desire for sex, both in terms of libido (with the self or with others) and sexual/romantic attraction to others. In practice, this is NOT what it means to be asexual. I do understand that this is not what it means for a majority of asexuals. But in that case, I wish they could have picked a different term to claim.
Not sure if the downvotes above are from me somehow offending asexuals. I don't really see how what I said is overly offensive. Sex and romance are absolutely ubiquitous. I'm surrounded by said media every single day...music, TV, movies, books. And I cannot relate to any of it. I remember being excited the one day I thought I finally found others like me, only to be disheartened by the fact that the vast majority of them are still not like me. It is alienating.
Not exactly what you mean but I actually tell myself all the time that I wish I was a real human because the things I struggle with make me feel isolated.
The NPC type people. It's like they don't exactly have a conscious that can be spoken with.
Some of you reading this might think I'm referring to individuals I think are dumb but it's not that. I don't know if it makes sense there's a type of person that thinks they're above others. And that it is them who are interacting with everyone else who are NPCs.
Like, dude. Snap out of it and talk to people like a normal human being.
I remember seeing a teenage girl in a small food store I go to address the guy behind the counter as ‘human’. “Thanks, human.” Stuff like that. I think she was just doing a bit or something but I thought it was strange.
My ex would say this type of shit to people she didn't know, I'd say it was half "doing a bit", and half she is just a strange person.
Sometimes my wife does things like this at work to emphasize a lack of gender (or other) assumptions. Don't have to worry about pronouns or offense if you just talk to everyone as if they are the same.
I haven't heard about her doing it as much lately but at the peak of conservative banter at her work she did it to emphasize we have a gay son and a gender fluid kid as well still trying to figure out their place in the world, and bigotry was not tolerated around her.