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Tennessee cancels driver’s license of 77-year-old Navy veteran saying he isn’t a US citizen
  • If I remember correctly, you only need to serve one a year in the military to become a naturalized citizen...

  • Is there any problem a weapon can't solve?
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle

  • Yes a logical chain of events
  • Technophobe mental break..... i don't even see how a artillery shell is a valid target when there were a so many actual computers and powered objects nearby. Literally went for a pile of artillery shells blew up the storage vault and half the chemfuel. Needless to say i reloaded and have lobotomized that trait from the pawn.

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • Isn't that the room from the milk nazi meme ?

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • This is not my forte. I'm pretty sure you would fall under the definition of an egg or non binary. Personally I would think it would be super cool to experience the other side of things for an hour or two but I DO NOT want any type of long term change myself.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • Doors open everyone who is tolerant of others is welcome

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • I need context

    This meme has gone at least a mile over my head

  • The problem
  • "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”


    So what you're saying is that I have a chance.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • You are correct but I'm going for much broader strokes.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • If you would be totally happy and excited by the possibility of not having a penis and instead having a vagina then you're probably trans. If, however, that idea horrifies you. Congratulations! You're probably not trans. It's basically that simple but with a few more steps.

    Sincerely a Bisexual cisgender furry with many gay pan and trans friends

  • Alcohol is my way to turn myself on and off again
  • You would think that wouldn't you? However you may be surprised to learn, they responded with

  • Alcohol is my way to turn myself on and off again
  • Yes no clearly clearly. I never would have tried that. Thank you for your insight. I don't know how I would have missed that. No clue just pure flabbergasted over here

  • Alcohol is my way to turn myself on and off again
  • And what email are you sending us in from?


    And which Outlook email account are you sending that from


    For your Outlook account does it say something like

    No it just says Outlook


  • WhY iS tHe SeRvEr DoWn
  • Yeah I see a few of those a day

  • WhY iS tHe SeRvEr DoWn
  • The joys of providing support for idiots

  • WhY iS tHe SeRvEr DoWn
  • For the love of Christ, back your shit up before you fuck with it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah but it was more like a bunch of puppies frolicking vs someone brutally murdered face down in a ditch and it tended to be the latter

  • furry_irl Forester
    Slurp slurp slurp
    help w links on connect

    I can't open the links anyone have an idea.

    Forester Forester

    Based Jaded & Stoned

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