damn it really is the prophecized land of the free
Measles ? fucking measles ? vaccine is mandatory here in france,.... and I assumed the rest of the world
Looked it up and it's veen mandatory since jan 1st 2018.... assumed it had been for longer... anyway https://www.futura-sciences.com/sante/questions-reponses/vaccin-depuis-vaccin-rougeole-il-obligatoire-45/
hmm, that's also right, but I find it hard to believe he would be acquitted
He's not going to be epsteined. Epstein got epsteined because he knew too fucking much. Luigi doesn't know anything more I do, his use for the ruling class now is example.
This is what the mafia does. Racketeering in exchange for protection... from itself (=in this case, Russia)
If my memory serves right the IWHBYD skull was datamined, not naturally found.
As for the painted backdrops in some cutscenes, the choice over a fully modeled environment makes sense in the context of the original release, the game ran at around 720p and you could barely tell. There's another couple of these skyboxes later (start and end of the final level, "Halo"). I personally miss that in games today, I like painted art
Well so far I haven't been shot by any cops that I've interacted with
maybe you're just not brown enough ! fat chance
enough of them and it becomes systemic
for weeks ?? holy shit, that snowflake took its time to melt
maybe if you remove one rib...
absolutely, keeping that information secret is a gift to the patronat
ah, I see
I see. This is something to ruminate, thanks for sharing.
Stalin became good out of spite ?
That's all because he didn't drive to the ER. He hoofed it
I don't understand the part with chips at the end. Why was the offer ridiculous ? do you mean the compensation was ridiculously higher than your usual ? I kinda did that recently, and am still hard at work to finish the thing in question,... so I can relate, I think.
Imagine if Trump starts being the good guy... out of spite
anybody else see an orange goldfish with its mouth open ?
I haven't even cooled down yet, literally just finished it... I don't think I've ever experienced a piece of art so carefully intentional, so cleverly crazy, or so painfully human. I've only done one playthrough, but I could guess the multitude of paths and forks, the complexity of it all, simply staggering.
My friend recommended it to me a couple weeks ago, and I went "yeah yeah, sure I'll play it". Oh, boy. I got hooked a few days ago and played through the entire last night -I think I didn't blink once during the last four or five hours. I was nearly brought to tears when I met the phasmid on the island. I was hoping so hard that holding onto that belief would pay off... and it did ! it appeared at the apex of the story, the moment of resolution, and suddenly... nothing else mattered.
So much conscientious artistry went into that world, it feels incredibly tangible. That writing was unbelievable. The art style is fantastic too of course. Perfectly wraps the whole package.
For the record, I played a mostly communist Harrier, with artsy tendencies and a logician/analytical brain, but also a strangely developed sense of authority. 😂 Gotta admit I was kinda trying to throw off the game, but it... totally rolled with my weird build.
So yea I just needed to share. Peace !
“We have to change all the governments. … All the governments in Western Europe will be changed,” Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, a former member of the European Parliament for Le Pen’s party, said in an interview. “We have to control this. Take the leadership of this.”

It looks like text wraps because it is too long, this ends up looking a bit off. Perhaps you can try scaling it down to fit the monitor width.

Hi all, here's my contribution to getting this sub off the ground : link to ArtStation (cross-posted from https://lemm.ee/post/2985781)
> Hope it's alright that I'm linking to my Artstation gallery. This is a procedural mangrove tree I made with Blender geometry nodes. I've been working on it for a while, finally got it in a state where sets can be populated with it. The approach is pretty naive, there's no phototrophy or anything fancy (yet!), just branches planted on branches planted on branches... I did respect the golden angle though, and the leaves turn to face the sun to an extent. I'd like to try space colonization next, most likely that will have to be simulated from the seed onwards. But that should yield much more organic and realistic shapes.