When, if ever, would you call for law enforcement?
I know Lemmy has the ACAB sentinment, and I get it, I don't trust them either. But real talk tho, there are some scenarios where you might not have other options.
So... the question is: When, if ever, would you call for law enforcement? And if you distrust law enforcement, is there ever a situation where it gets so bad that you just have to risk involving law enforcement?
Depending on what happened they might not make one for you. I drove my car to work, parked in a parking lot, and came back out at the end of the day to a heavily dented fender with blue paint scrapes on my red paint. It was obvious someone hit me. I called the police station, told them what happened, and asked for a police report. They declined and said it might have been a deer. It's a busy/high traffic area and there wasn't any green space for atleast a half mile.
I've called them several times to get a report for car break in or vandalism. Once i got a check from a victim fund for my broken window and missing stuff. Called them because someone in a scream mask was banging on my front door at 3am.
Similar vein: when dealing with fraud, etc. I was victim of credit card and identity theft and found that businesses and credit cards took my disputes more seriously when I informed them I had contacted police already.
In many jurisdictions you can just file a police report on a self-serve website. This avoids them showing up and shooting your dog and usually suffices for a claim.
Where I am, you actually have to call the non-emergency for emergencies. 911 is like a ten minutes wait time, but if you call the small town police non-emergency line and tell them a car just flipped into the ditch in front of your house (again) they will get the first responders there a lot faster.
I'm told this is because when there is an accident on the freeway 500 people call it in, thinking they are saving the world and it clogs up the line.
If I'm in a country where police mostly do what they're supposed to do. I don't live in the USA and I've called the cops for unclear and probably dangerous situations, traffic accidents, people sleeping at the bus stop when it's too cold and they don't respond to me yelling... So far everything turned out well. I mean I don't call them for fun, though.
I have no issues calling law enforcement. I actually have done so a few times in my life, for various reasons (reporting safety issues, traffic accidents, crime). And I feel quite safe with it, as I live in a civilized country, where the police is a very professional service of highly trained people, and not just some jerks who got hired because the knew how to hold a gun and then got a few weeks of (online) training on how to write tickets.
I had construction workers break into my business because they decided to work while I was closed. Called the police, they let them stay.
While walking in the bosque near the Rio Grande someone was shooting into the trees and nearly hit us. The cops’s solution was I should carry a gun and shoot back next time. This is within city limits. Same solution when I called them about hunters illegally hunting (both out of season, and within city limits).
There were meth heads squatting in the house next to my parents. They broke into the garage and stole multiple of my wife’s firearms. The sheriff’s deputies told us if the suspects turned up dead no one would really investigate it. They never investigated the theft, it took months to get a report, and even longer for the serial numbers to be entered into the database as missing.
While riding my bike a cop ran a red light and nearly hit me. He started to write me a ticket until he realized I was wearing a camera on my helmet. He told me to be more careful in the future and he was letting me off with a verbal warning.
It would likely take a dead body for me to call the police.
Think of it this way. You are in a courtroom and the lawyer asks 'why didn't you call the police?"
If your home was burglarized and you don't call the cops, the police will assume you've been doing something illegal. Most people will call the cops just to have a police report on file for the insurance or to claim a tax loss.
I'm not white though, pretty sure they'd assume I did something illegal as soon as I opened the door. lol. How would calling the crazy racists on steroids with guns cops help? Seems like a very unnecessary risk. Also, why would I be in a courtroom due to my home getting robbed?
I'm not a homeowner, but guessing that applies for renter's insurance too. Never had to use it, thankfully, but that's def good info to have! If robbed, leave drugs at friend's house so you can make an insurance claim.
I wonder if you actually have to interact with a cop for that. Really adds insult to injury (again, if you're not white of course)
A traffic accident. Cops, as simple minded creatures of habit, fundamentally categorize calls into "I can shoot people" and "I probably can't shoot people" events, and traffic accidents are usually the latter.
Yeah a lot of people hate their local police because of something that happened on the other side of the country. You should only distrust your local department when you have a reason to distrust them. I live in a little town and the local police are super chill.
A cop on my local police force pulled over a driver while off duty and pulled his gun on the poor guy. He wasn’t local and just made an illegal turn without realizing it. (I think the cop may have been drinking as well). Thanks to the driver having a dash cam that recorded the entire incident the cop was eventually forced to resign.
On the other hand I had a police lieutenant that lived a few doors down from me (same police department) and he was a really nice guy, both off duty and on. Once when I was a victim of identity theft, the cop on desk duty that I spoke to refused to take a report from me. I later spoke to my neighbor and he told me in no uncertain terms that the other guy was wrong. My neighbor told me to go request a report again when he was on duty, and to immediately call him if I ran into problems again.
So you can find all sorts of both good & bad cops in just about any department….
Some music gear got stolen from my van parked in my driveway.
I called the cops the next day, they came over and took a report and told me nothing ever gets recovered.
Then I called around the music shops to report serial numbers and stuff. Within a day I got most of my equipment back, especially the expensive parts.
But the cop who took my report for some reason was tasked with doing the recovery from the second hand store, and he was really mad about it.
That was about 12 years ago, and since then I have come to the conclusion that I would only deploy police in conditions where I would be willing to deploy lethal force which is almost never, and ideally probably never.
I’ve called the police on a handful of unsafe drivers: drunk driver on wrong side of road, drunk driver meandering over the line, boyfriend/girlfriend stopped at a traffic light in separate vehicles getting into a domestic assault territory (and backing up rush hour traffic), etc.
Imminent threat of bodily harm and no route for escape. Calling the cops will get you an armed response. The only time an armed response is at all appropriate is if life could be lost otherwise. Any other time, it's best not to bring a gun into the situation.
Fair but calling for this reason is more likely to end with the cops showing up after the bodily harm has occurred. You need a way to self-host your armed response.
"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
I am in a relatively stable area with police who are reasonably well-behaved and under rational oversight. So... all the usual reasons?
I've called because I sighted a possibly rabid animal. The police didn't arrive in a hail of gunfire which struck a bunch of innocent bystanders. I've had them turn up to take notes on a car accident. They were polite and not aggressive.
Like, I fully recognize I'm lucky to live in an area where the police aren't abusive. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to call them because they are assholes somewhere else.
Our local police are really good, we call them a couple times a year for accidents in our front yard (we live in a fairly busy road where a 35 mph speed limit means read your phone while doing 50…). They are always really professional and helpful to both the drivers and us. It helps that our borough has I think 8 officers total.
I have also called when a driver got mad at me for turning towards our old apartment while he tried to pass us which caused him to spin in the middle of an intersection somehow. He then followed us to our building, and started beating on my window and cussing me out while I was on the phone with 911. Drove off before the cop showed up but I got a blurry picture of his plate as he drove away. Showed the cop who read it no problem, found out it was the guys wife’s car. Asked if we wanted to press assault charges (we didn’t, just asked him to go talk with the guys wife, figure that would be punishment enough when he got home from the bar he was at). Cop called me later that evening to check on us and let us know the guys wife was livid when the cop stopped by to chat with her.
Overall, our local police in the various boroughs around Pittsburgh have been pretty great, can’t say the same for the ones downtown though.
Ay fellow Pittsburgh person. Surprisingly good cop experiences here too. Obviously ACAB because fuck the system in general, but twice in the last couple years there were some domestic disturbance calls around here, and the cops deescalated some VERY loud and angry situations. I think it helps that they are smaller groups who tend to live here
Last time I called them, it was because I got home late and my backdoor window was shattered. I had recently broke up with an unstable person, so I phoned the cops the next day just to make a report.
They called my ex, who initially denied it at first and tried to say I was a meth dealer or something. Eventually, the cop said she admitted doing it and asked if I wanted to press charges. I declined.
I reconnected with her years later in 2021 during the pandemic. It did not end well yet again, but at least no one got hurt and no property was destroyed this time around.
Oof, I think domestic disputes is the worst thing to involve law enforcement.
Like, a burglar is much a simpler situation. One is homeowner, one is not. But domestic dispute is just a random stranger in a position of power (that's essentially what a cop is) of judging who is, in their opinion, the worse partner. Basically a 50%/50% roll of dice of getting yourself arrested, or shot.
If someone is attempting to, or has already broken into my house, or things like a man following me, and it's clear he's following me with malicious intentions (I am a girl, so being female means I'd have a harder time defending myself against a man if he really wants to harm me). Basically if my life or another person's life is in danger.
I called them recently after the alarm system went off at 2am and I found the front door wide open. It seemed likely at the time that someone had tried to break in, and might possibly be in the house yet. Nobody was found by the police, and our own investigation of cameras and playing with the alarm system proved the front door's alarm sensor has a lot of wiggle room and the front door was probably just barely open and pushed the rest of the way by the wind.
In the moment it seemed the only reasonable course of action, and without the benefit of knowing the actual cause I think I would call them again, even though I was in fear for my life (from the cops) for part of the event. I suppose the anarchist thing to do would be to be armed and wake up the neighbors for backup or something.
After my experience getting assaulted and having two of my ribs broken by someone I knew, with witnesses and video of it? Fucking never. They didn't do shit.
Burglary of my house, kidnapping, missing person, missing vehicle presumed stolen (after checking any other options), and in case a certain few unstable people I know showed up at my front door.
I've debated calling the non-emergency number to ask what the speed limit was on an unmarked stretch of road, but decided not to.
The one and only time I phone police is after a car accident, and only because insurance claims require a police report to go anywhere. Even then, most cops fuck up the report or leave out important details, so it's out of legal obligation and not actually wanting the service.
I've no idea why anyone would willingly call the police of their own accord. They will not help you. If you've been robbed, it's already gone. If you've been stabbed or shot, you want an ambulance. If your spouse is abusing you, they'll side with your spouse. Statistically speaking, U.S. cops do less than nothing for the communities they pretend to serve. It's the equivalent of calling a motorcycle gang to solve your problems, except a motorcycle gang would probably be motivated to achieve better results.
If your spouse is abusing you, they’ll side with your spouse.
Well this depends. If you are a woman, they are more likely than not to side with you, if you are a man... yea just don't bother, since you are the one getting arrested. (Exception to this rule is if you are a woman and your male partner is rich and already has the cops on their payroll, then probably don't call) If you are in a same-sex relationship, it seems like a 50/50 of who's getting arrested, or even both getting arrested.
Not a call, but while on vacation a few years ago my wife and I were rear-ended on a highway by a drunk driver. Our car spun around and off the highway before coming to a stop. The other car stopped in the middle of the 4-lane highway.
When our rental car came to a stop we learned that it had one of those OnStar types of things because we suddenly heard a voice asking if we were ok, etc. I was a bit panicked at that point and was having a terrible time trying to tell them where the accident occurred. I could hardly remember what city we were in, much less what highway we were on, or what exit we were near.
Luckily within a minute or two a state trooper on a regular patrol arrived on the scene. He was very professional in his handling of everything, and I feel like from the very start he could tell what happened. He had paramedics on scene in minutes to ensure we were ok, and spent a good 10 minutes interviewing the other driver. When he finally came to talk to me he mostly just asked if we were ok then told me the other driver was going to be arrested for DUI. He didn’t try to blame me for anything, etc.
Bottom line is that I was very glad he showed up as quickly as he had.
I don't drive like a grandmother in any way shape or form.. I'm a left lane kinda guy, don't get me wrong (fuckcars going to respond like I'm talking about rolling coal) but I call 911 everytime someone is reckless on the freeway, fucking with people, intentionally fucking with traffic. Or obvious emergencies. I'll do it every time. They could kill someone.
I called the other day when a dude refused to leash his attack dog who had (lightly) bitten me a few weeks prior. Didn't know what else to do. Last time I called was nine years ago for a home intrusion
I'm not in the US but I've called the cops before when I could hear a woman screaming while on my way home. I didn't really get a lot of info about the situation but as far as I could tell nobody got hurt.
Luckily our cops are only half bad (one quarter bad apples, one half who doesn't give a fuck and just can't be bothered to do anything, one quarter trying to fly under the radar and bootlickers, one quarter decent) in my country and nowhere near the levels the US have to experience.
I have to work with them due to working in EMS and there have been dozens of situations I was happy for police backup - more than situations where I wish the cops weren't there.
BUT: I am also a white cis male and the experience is very different when I am not working - and verrrryyy different when I was still obviously a leftist than it is now. (Still am, but bidding it better).
They were plain right obnoxious then and I would only call them for a situation I knew they either be pissed off enough by my opposite automatically or I know I can make them do what I want/need as I usuall know the relevant laws and their procedures well enough to pressure them.
So for a perp with a knife? Yeah, definitely.
For a burglary? Yes because I know how to make them do their job if the half who doesn't want to do it arrives.
I called recently when somebody was trying to break into my car while I was in it. Not that it made any difference. I managed to get away and never heard back from the cops.
German here, with relatively moderate bullpigs. I never had bad experiences with them, and most reports of right-wing content (eg. in chats) pile in eastern germany (saxony etc.). And abuse from them is pretty rare afaik, but there are famous reports of drunk people being killed and one drunk non-white person being burned (maybe alive), again in eastern germany. Overall, here in western parts, I would trust them. Basically with everything. In eastern germany I'd be very careful with anything a right-winger might be biased against.
I've called the police twice, once while walking home in the early hours, a car left the road and decided to try and run me over on a football field. Another time, after hours in a closed pub, people were trying to break in, throwing chairs at the windows and pepper spraying through the side door. Both times was equally pointless.
I distrust them they've tried to stitch me up and failed a few times now, I'd be more likely to talk to paramilitary groups if I needed real justice (I live in Belfast).
Maybe if I saw someone else being robbed or something I'd make an anonymous call and get out of the area but that's about it.