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Trump Says ‘You Can Be Evil’ Because ‘There’s Only One Thing That Matters, and That’s Ratings’
  • Maybe, but you don't often hear people call Jimmy Hendrix a guy who thought about guitar a lot. There is talent augmenting the interest. (Note: I'm not a fan of Trump, but I do think it is important to understand he's strengths so he can be beaten in the election).

  • Biden blames jet lag and travel for poor debate performance
  • Of course, we all should vote Dem so we still have a democracy in the future. And I'm not overly picky, so long as they can win. So that should be the question - and if Biden's age impacts his ability to win, the Dems should choose someone who can.

  • Trump Says ‘You Can Be Evil’ Because ‘There’s Only One Thing That Matters, and That’s Ratings’
  • The man is horrible generally speaking, but he is a marketing genius.

  • Biden blames jet lag and travel for poor debate performance
  • His age is a problem to the point where some people are worried about voting for him. And the Democrats have to include that fact in their calculus as they make decisions and move forward - or they will lose.

  • I'm an officially diagnosed Autistic and a self diagnosed Narcissist. AMA
  • I am not on the spectrum (I follow the community because I have 2 kids on the spectrum). I did, however, go to high school and also thought I was smarter than everyone else. I was probably smarter than some people. But as I've grown up, my perspective has shifted: (1) smarts are genetic, like being pretty, and both are like winning the genetic lottery. In contrast, people who work hard have earned it. (2) Being academically gifted does not always translate into success later in life. EQ, hard work and luck also play into it. Anywho, I thought I would pass that along because I'm not so sure you are a narcissist, but maybe just haven't had as much experience. Best of luck to you!

  • Should Democrats stay the course or replace Biden? | Robert Reich
  • Oh yeah! He would be an excellent choice (if not this cycle, maybe in the future).

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • Oh, thanks for the clarification.

    I'm one of those weirdos that likes to work (like I would still work 12 hour days if I won the lottery), even if I wouldn't expect others to do the same. So this type of article is relatable. Didn't mean to imply that others needed to work this way.

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • Are you recommending I put poison in my mouth?

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • I mean, it says "people would work as much as 130 hours in a week, including an all-nighter", so I don't read it as being consistent, nor always her. And the all-nighter was singular.

    Edit: forgot to mention that this article is objecting to her formula for success, not her claims about working that many hour as being impossible.

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • That like 5 hours per night with 20 min to shower/get ready. Not great, but it can be done by taking meetings during your commute into work, having food delivered and eating/working at the same time. I assume that lady didn't have kids during her time at Google (when she was working those hours).

    Edit: Marissa Mayer did not have kids during her time at Google. She had her first after she'd moved to Yahoo. There are no mentions of her hours there, so I assume they were less (not as fun to put into the article)

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • I think they were including things like travel and executive meals/networking as work time in the hours worked per week. I also assume these people really like their work (more like a hobby), which I can see making it easier to put in the hours. And at some point they can probably afford to pay for things that most of us do in our off hours (cook, clean, sit in traffic). So the numbers are definitely greater than butt in chair time.

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • This is also my impression of some billionaires. I found this article about the work ethic of some famous people:

  • Sonia Sotomayor Is Trying to Warn Us About the Supreme Court’s Dirtiest Open Secret
  • I wish the EPA had the kind of power it did in Ghostbusters (original).

  • Why do the vast majority of romantic comedies depict people who are wealthy?
  • I think of it as being similar to the fantasy genre - which often has things like oarks, trolls, etc. Billionaires are the oarks of romcoms. 😉

  • Newly Diagnosed
  • I am, for better or worse, not often able to tell when I get gluten. Going GF did get rid of my migraines and interestingly my hangovers, but it can be hard for me to make a connection with what I've eaten. Do you happen to know if there are any good ways to test food before I try it? My current technique is to rely on people who can tell and follow their recommendations.

  • Newly Diagnosed
  • Thank you!! I'm in Washington state. I've found a few GF restaurants and am getting the hang of reading labels. Trader Joe's has been super helpful. But I'm all ears for any pro tips you may have. 😀

  • Celiac sunbrrnslapper
    Newly Diagnosed

    I am newly diagnosed with CD. Wanted to connect with others to see if you have any helpful tips or information for newbies. CD wasn't previously on my radar - getting tested was part of several tests ordered - so I know very little on how to navigate this.

    Parenting question: how to handle getting stuck on a topic

    My son (10 yo) has a few very strong interests that he talks about pretty much nonstop. We haven't discouraged any kind of talking because he was quite delayed. However it has come to my attention that his narrow focus on these topics can annoy his peers at school. I don't want him to feel ashamed about his interests, but I also don't want him to be ostracized at school. I'd really appreciate any thoughts this group may have on how to handle (or not) this situation. TIA!

    sunbrrnslapper sunbrrnslapper

    Surban mom.

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