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Any MythTV Users Here?
  • Nice. I think we simultaneously wrote very similar comments. But I don't use my Jellifin to mimick live TV. Either I choose some movie or the next episode of my new favorite TV show, or I just waste my time on YouTube. I also used to watch Netflix, but I think they removed most of the interesting content.

  • Any MythTV Users Here?
  • Wow, MythTV is still around? I used that like 12 years ago. I've stopped watching live TV since. Except for some of the regional program and news that's part of public broadcasting.

  • Instagram’s “Made with AI” label swapped out for “AI info” after photographers’ complaints
  • Lots of photos are edited. Probably almost all more professional ones. It certainly also doesn't help that AI enhancement is now default in newer phones.

    And it's bound to be difficult. We try to use AI to judge if an image is real. But on the other hand we train the AI image generators to generate more and more realistic images.I don't think we can have both at the same time because they contradict each other.

  • Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)
  • Yeah, sometimes perceived reality and the real reality are two things. And there are places where you can't walk on the streets as a woman. I'm not sure if it's about fear in your case. Or just because you broke your promise but there isn't any fear involved.

    Anyways, in relationships general advice is to talk to each other. Ask her what's bothering her. Maybe it's a pretend reason and there is something deeper that's bothering her. Maybe this was the proper reason. Maybe she's a resentful person. Maybe she just had a bad day.

    Unless it happens regularly or there are other factors to it, I wouldn't necessarily attribute it to malice or be a manipulation strategy...

  • Answered: Is there such a thing as "overqualified"?
  • Yes. In professional settings that means with that degree you can expect a certain salary, and the position pays considerably less.

    Colloquially it's also used for: You'll be bored with a task. Or waste your potential.

  • Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)
  • I don't think it's gaslighting. Gaslighting is manipulating someone into questioning their perception of reality. This is being angry at someone.

    I can't really relate. Is it really that dangerous where you live? We probably live in different countries but I don't have CCTV in the residential area where I live. And usually in the summer, it's still bright enough at 10pm an people are still around and it's safe enough for women to walk home alone. At least in most places.

  • NSFW
    Linux Nikon Z30 MTP as Webcam via Web Sockets and OBS (and a lot of ranting)
  • I remember fighting with the browser source. Nowadays you can just install a full build of OBS from some (third party) repositories. At least that's what I've done. Good reminder not to use Snap. As far as I know it's just causing problems for lots of people.

    Btw I don't find the language that offensive. Sure it's not meant for kids. But I think fairly acceptable for a rant.

  • Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go?
  • Apache isn't a copyleft license. I guess they (and everyone) can just copy or compile it, make it a derivative work and say it's now non-free and terms and conditions apply.

    I mean the GitHub repo has a license file which says it's Apache 2.0. And 3h) of the EULA says it doesn't apply to open source components. So it kinda doesn't apply to itself. I think you're right, it's Free Software after all and them saying "Some builds [...]" means it's the binaries distributed by them. IANAL and it kinda contradicts the Apache license which explicitly states I am allowed to redistribute copies both modified and not modified and both in object and source form. I'm not sure why they do it and if there are components missing in the GitHub repo.

  • Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go?
  • Hmm. I guess that works, too. I'm just a nerd and really like Free Software. Almost exclusively use it. My phone runs a custom ROM with just a few unfree apps and without Google services, all my computers run Linux. Even the internet router does, and my IoT smart sockets run Tasmota or ESPHome. I like the 4 freedoms and the culture behind it. I participate and regularly contribute. All of that is mostly personal preference. I guess I could as well live comfortably with using Google Drive, but I choose not to. Source-available software would allow me to look at the code, something proprietary software doesn't allow. But that's pretty much it. I often can't remix and share it as I like. I don't have the freedom to decide to use it as it pleases me. And depending on the exact license, I can't even invite my friends and family to use the services I set up...

    It's just the line I draw. And with the software I really rely on and use daily, I'm pretty strict. Either it provides me with the Four Essential Freedoms of Free Software as lined out by RMS in the eighties, or I don't volunteer to use it. I have no issues though with other people making different choices.

  • I'm Conflicted
  • Sure. But running an unmaintained operating system also is an huge security issue. I mean the proper choice is quite obvious: get rid of the phone and buy a new one that's supported by Calyx or Graphene. But since I'm not willing to do that, I have to choose what's more important to me.

    And with security, it always depends on the specific threat model. I'm not sure if I need secure boot that badly. Can people steal my phone, flash a different OS and access the cryptographic key to my storage? Because that'd be one of the things I worry about. If not, I don't think I care about secure boot that much... YMMV

  • I'm Conflicted
  • I own the same phone. Also mine still is perfectly alright. I'm currently on GrapheneOS but that's also not supported anymore. Sometimes I get some smaller patches. I'm planning to switch to LineageOS. The phone seems still supported there and they even have Android 14 available.

    I'm certainly not wasting that phone. Except for the camera which seems a bit outdated to me, compared to the camera of my partner's Samsung... It's still a really nice phone. And I refuse to buy a new one at this point.

  • EUID-Wallet: Eine Brieftasche voller Schlupflöcher
  • Ja die sollen da mal Pseudonyme einbauen, Anonymität, sowas wie Altersverifikation und zwar so dass and das dem gegenüber ich mich ausweise nur angezeigt wird ob ich 18 bin und nicht wer ich bin... OAuth und 'nen Ersatz für tausende Accounts und Passwörter. Vllt wäre auch mal ein rechtssicherer und verschlüsselter Nachfolger für Briefe und E-Mail angebracht. Aber bitte alles so, dass es funktioniert und nicht nur bei 3 Firmen genutzt werden kann.

  • HDD data recovery
  • Since you got your data off that drive, there is no way to make it worse. So sure, go ahead and open it up and learn something. But I think you're underestimating the flimsiness of the mechanics inside. It's like nanometers clearance between the read heads and the surface of the platters. You won't get it right without expensive equipment. And changing the PCBs is probably not going to change anything if it's a mechanical failure.

  • What's the software they use for their livestreams?
  • Not sure what they use (you could ask one of them.) Bue we've used OBS Ninja for similar things. As far as I remember it works well, has acceptable latency and everything is open source.

    Edit: Obviously you have to put in some effort to configure OBS to your liking, make appealing slides etc.

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