But also Baldurs Gate 3. Been playing that with my wife and it’s fantastic even just for the sole reason of being able to plug 2 Xbox one controllers into my desktop and play on the couch with Mrs. Perogigurl
Agreed it's honestly pretty sad how so many games are "multiplayer" when without any sort of public chat or communication or anything it might as well be single player with NPCs that tea bag you on occasion even then I've noticed that people have stopped tea bagging so you don't even get that as a hint that there are people playing with you
Edit: I may be mistakenly looping stuff like Darktide, Helldivers, Monster Hunter, etc into Deathmatch, as those are most of my co-ops aside from survival builders. I also play FFXIV and Elite Dangerous with friends so not hurting as much as others for co-op.
I love rogues, but most soulslike games feel soulless (pun intended). Once in a while we get a great game like Lies of P, but most of the time they are uninspired.
Multiplayer games used to have single payer storylines. Even franchises like CoD had some really fun and memorable ones (Snowy Park, anyone? “No Russian”?) and of course GTAV in general. Now it’s all just Battle Royale or some other standard FPS mode. There’s little inbetween.
I'd like to suggest a game called Planet Crafter. Me and my significant other picked it up recently and it's a fun and chill crafty survival terraforming game. There is no combat or monsters trying to eat you, survival is just like oxygen water and food bars, so that might be a turn off for some, but it fit the vibe we were wanting to play. Crafting / base building is similar to subnautica.
Solo player here: I still prefer multiplayer games because single player AI is dumb and predictable. I can only put up with every enemy behaving the same exact way, making the same exact mistakes so many times before it gets boring. And FWIW you don't need friends to enjoy most online titles. Most games let you queue solo.
Difficulty modes just more often than not means that the AI will either cheat or become a bullet sponge. Increasing the difficulty also doesn't fix the issue of every enemy behaving exactly the same way as every other. Single player AI ruins immersion for me. The story has to be really good for me to be able to look past the bad AI that is in nearly every single player game.
Not arguing that, but not everybody has that option. If you don't have/don't want friends, queueing solo is the next best way to get maximum enjoyment out of a game, IMO.
all games should be both. I love the pawn system in dragons dogma 2 and would love an online/offline mmo that would let your character level and get rewards from other people using your character.
The problem isn't necessarily multiplayer games as much as many multiplayer games refuse to release with functions to help you group/party find and actually meet people in-game. They don't have to because discord exists.
So you go to play a new game and turns out you're just playing with the same people you always play games with because despite being multiplayer there's no reason to interact with strangers in-game.
well let us help you work on having friends by making you sit alone in a room staring at a light flashing at your eyes 120 times a second screaming obscenities into a headset at like-minded people.