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  • I think we need more manderan oranges

  • Does Starfleet even have sergeants?
  • We all live in a yellow enterprise a yellow enterprise

  • 'Affirmative'
  • Can't believe this line is the only reason I'm aware of red alert

  • hmmm
  • Sign: Incase of fire use elevator Me opening elevator: oh now I wonder what the stiares are like here

  • hmmm
  • Well that escalated quickly

  • What food makes you grow?
  • Tries aggressively winking but continues to fail due to lack of eye lids

  • Are you still living with your parents/family?
  • I'm 19 dropped out of college and still living with parents. Right now I'm really planning on just saving up to move to Japan because everything in the US is taxed to high hell and our government is barely functional. I'm just fed up with everything so I'm just going to keep myself sane by studying Japanese and minimizing my expenses

  • When a non-binary person uses a computer
  • One line then 2 lines then another 2 lines and then one line next to a horizontal line and you have Ulta simplified loss formula

  • When a non-binary person uses a computer
  • Gotta love how we have parodied loss so many times we have quite literally tuned it into a formula 1 2 2 1-

  • Diet
  • It's called the see food diet

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • Lizard is looking at the camera like you seeing this shit

  • What an incredible step in human explorati-
  • Ah I have become the anime slayer

  • Garfield
  • Y'all have heard of r/imsorryjhon now get ready for c/imsorrygarfeild

  • Alright, you've had enough fun today buddy.
  • Tbh how often do you see someone sword dueling lol

  • ‘HOT MESSIAH’ [OC] (for the hot summer days)
  • Does being crucified count as being handicapped

  • You can fit two cars there
  • Yeah crumple zones are enforced by the bumper so when you lift a car you're making the colliding car smash into the other above the bumper and gliding above the crumple zone if I recall the Ford pento was unfairly judged because the cars that were used to rate it's rear end crash safety had their front ends waghted down to simulate heavy breaking however it caused the cars to not only have more weight than normal but they also ramed into the pento going under the crumple zone and directly into the gas tank so I guess you can also make a argument for lowered SUVs and trucks to be just as bad as lifted trucks and suvs

  • You can fit two cars there
  • Eh most of your points kinda proves my point of how we have been sacrificing pedestrian safety for driver safety the only considerable counterpoint you brought up is how SUVs are more prone to rollover and from what I understand about cars getting bigger is so crashing is less deadly but by being bigger you also make crashing more inevitable so I guess that's a bit of a stalemate argument

  • This baby has so few fuses
  • I believe Tesla tried tried doing this when he was trying to figure out the best way to distribute this new found electricity however it was very difficult controlling where the wireless energy enters the electronic as it would lash out to anything metal or conductive

  • You can fit two cars there
  • One pretty big factor to these getting bought is due to safety and for that reason I feel like we as a society has prioritized driver safety that we have sacrificed pedestrian safety

  • Where are some good places I can buy metric tape measures

    I live in amarica and noticed that every tape measures I find are imperial only. Hell even on Amazon I can't find a metric tape measure and you'd think they must exist considering us amaricans are the only people using imperial.

    Animemes credit crazy
    When a car guy gets esakaied
    Help all of my games seem to number my controller buttons

    It seems that steam is the only application that understands what my buttons are supposed to be called is anyone else having this issue is this a driver issue

    Question Motorola users has your screens cracked for no reason whatever

    I’ve just came from using a Google pixel that’s lasted me for 5 years before the battery died and since then I’ve gotten a Motorola edge one year in and the screen cracked in half while it was sitting on a table as I was watching YouTube then I got a Motorola edge and while I was at work I put my phone in my pocket for a second and there’s a crack on the edge of my screen do I just have really rotten luck or are Motorola’s prone to braking

    creditCrazy credit crazy
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