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It's the year 2053 and you're driving to visit your grandkids while listening to the oldies radio staiton...
  • And apparently I'm already too old to get the reference

    It's an easy-listening cover of "Get Low" by Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz

    The "skeet skeet" at the end....😆

  • That's what Red Alert means, Doctor.
  • Yep. Dunno why I can let that one go but not the duty station line. lol

    TNG Technical Manual Page 171

    Deflector systems are automatically brought to tactical configuration unless specifically overridden by the Tactical Officer. All available secondary and backup deflector generators are brought to hot standby.

  • MTG’s Pre-Surrender Presser With Steve Bannon Goes Totally Off the Rails
  • If

    (That's the electrified one, right?)

  • MTG’s Pre-Surrender Presser With Steve Bannon Goes Totally Off the Rails
  • Are any of Empty-G's pressers ever on the rail to start with? lol

  • I thought you liked the CrissPoints system!

    Only because liking the CrissPoints system is one of the ways I earn CrissPoints!

    Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016?
  • Yep, but I'd like to think they wouldn't be as emboldened as they have been since 2016. That was 4 years of their worst impulses being coddled and, often, encouraged from the highest office in the country.

  • Clarence Thomas Torn Over Case Where Both Sides Offer Compelling Scuba Trips
  • Maybe we can use this?

    Since bribery gratuities are legal now, apparently, and the Supreme Court is legislating everything from the bench, maybe we can pool a sort of PAC and put together a prize sheet for different positive things we want. If they rule for those, they get the prize indicated. Kind of like the prizes you'd get for selling certain thresholds during school fundraisers.

    Also kind of like the Criss Points system:

  • Is there a reason that mobile devices are considered more "trusted" than desktop/laptops?
  • Is it laziness on the part of (e.g.) my bank?

    Probably. If not that, then a concession to lazy / intellectually lazy "regular" people who only know apps. Or they just want to force their app onto as many devices as possible (e.g. Microsoft)

    My bank doesn't require a second device, per se, just something capable of generating a valid TOTP. Usually that's a mobile device by default, but I can also add the TOTP secret to my password vault which can also generate them for me. I'm less worried about my offline password vault getting hacked than losing my phone.

    In most MFA settings, there's usually some option to let you change the default second authentication method. Microsoft is the worst, though, as it's in a buried setting somewhere that's not intuitive to reach and defaults to push notifications through their Authenticator app.

  • SLRPNK Community Discussion - July 2024
  • One major change was the introduction of an image proxy. This means that images in newly added posts (and new user/community avatars) are no longer directly downloaded from the federated servers, but rather first mirrored on our server.

    I really wish the image proxy wouldn't federate out the proxied thumbnail image URLs, though. My instance isn't fetching the thumbnails of those itself (from 0.19.4+ instances) and always uses the poster's home instance's proxy URL. Just a gripe I've had with how they've implemented that feature.

  • Nintendo Sues 'Modded Hardware' and r/SwitchPirates Moderator 'Archbox' * TorrentFreak
  • Should turn around and sue Nintendo for facilitating the facilitation of piracy by making the consoles in the first place.

  • That's what Red Alert means, Doctor.
  • Or she just really wanted us to know she wasn't heading to the bar. lol

  • Under pressure on plane safety, Boeing is buying stressed supplier Spirit for $4.7 billion
  • “We believe this deal is in the best interest of the flying public, our airline customers, the employees of Spirit and Boeing, our shareholders and the country more broadly,” Boeing President and CEO Dave Calhoun said in a statement late Sunday.

    Fixed that for them.

    It's funny how mergers and acquisitions are always the cure all for every company's woes, but every time one company gobbles up another, everything always gets worse (especially Boeing). Then the cure for that is another company. It's like the corporate equivalent of "Of course having a baby would save our failing marriage"

  • That's what Red Alert means, Doctor.

    I don't know why that line bugs me so much, but it always has. I get that she's basically excusing herself (+1 for politeness), but red alert already implies all officers should report to their duty stations immediately. It should have been a given.


    Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready, as he reports to prison
  • Persecution complex, much?

    • "MAGA army"
    • Info Wars
    • Bannon's War Room
    • (Probably more, but I'm not diving down that rabbit hole)
  • Stadium-sized asteroid buzzes by Earth on Saturday: 5 things to know

    Near miss, in this case, is a relative term: Saturday’s asteroid, 2024 MK, will come within 180,000 miles of Earth. On Thursday, meanwhile, asteroid 2011 UL21 flew within 4 million miles.

    Stadium-sized asteroid buzzes by Earth on Saturday: 5 things to know

    > An asteroid the size of a football stadium threaded the needle between Earth and the moon Saturday morning — the second of two astronomical near misses in three days. Near miss, in this case, is a relative term: Saturday's asteroid, 2024 MK, came within 180,000 miles of Earth. On Thursday, meanwhile, asteroid 2011 UL21 flew within 4 million miles.

    > But the Saturday passage of 2024 MK — which scientists discovered only two weeks ago — coincides with a sobering reminder of threats from space. Sunday is Asteroid Day, the anniversary of the 1908 explosion of a rock from space above a Russian town — the sort of danger that, astronomers warn, is always lurking as the Earth hurtles through space... In 2013, for instance, an asteroid about 62 feet across that broke apart nearly 20 miles above Siberia released 30 times as much energy as the atomic bomb that hit Hiroshima. While most of the impact energy was absorbed by the atmosphere, the detonation triggered a shock wave that blew out windows and injured more than a thousand people.

    The article points out that if Saturday's asteroid had hit earth, the impact would have "the equivalent impact energy in the hundreds of megaton approaching a gigaton," Peter Brown of Canada's Western University told the Canadian Broadcasting Service. (For comparison, most hydrogen bombs are in the 50-megaton range.) Brown said "It's the sort of thing that if it hit the east coast of the U.S., you would have catastrophic effects over most of the eastern seaboard. But it's not big enough to affect the whole world."

    Meanwhile, the article adds that last Thursday's asteroid — "while it was comfortably far out in space" — was the size of Mt. Everest. "At 1.5 miles in diameter, that asteroid was about a quarter the size of the asteroid that struck the earth 65 million years ago, wiping out all dinosaurs that walked, as well as the majority of life on earth." But the risk of a collision like that "is very, very low." NASA has estimated that a civilization-ending event (like the collision of an asteroid the size of Thursday's with the Earth) should only happen every few million years. And such an impact from an asteroid half a mile in diameter or bigger will be almost impossible for a very long time, according to findings published last year in The Astronomical Journal.

    NASA's catalog of large and dangerous objects like 2011 UL21 is now 95 percent complete, MIT Technology Review reported.

    9 The AP is setting up a sister organization seeking grants to support local and state news

    The Associated Press says it is setting up a sister organization to solicit donor funding in support of local and state news, both at AP and elsewhere.

    The AP is setting up a sister organization seeking grants to support local and state news

    > NEW YORK (AP) — The Associated Press says it is setting up a sister organization that will seek to raise money in support of state and local news reporting, as the crisis in that sector shows little sign of abating.

    > ...

    > AP in particular can play an important role in bolstering coverage of government and political news in the states, said Tim Franklin, who leads the local news initiative at Northwestern’s Medill journalism school. The Pew Research Center has detailed that there are fewer full-time reporters working in statehouses than there were a decade ago.

    > ...

    > Besides philanthropy, the AP has been more aggressively marketing its own news website and asking for reader donations. “We believe there is a gap in the U.S. market, in the consumer arena, for people who want independent, fact-based, non-partisan news, and that’s the role that the AP plays in the ecosystem,” Veerasingham said.

    [US; solved] Does anyone have a source for grinder screen?
  • I've used the stainless steel mesh from the bottom of fine mesh kitchen strainers (the measuring-cup sized ones). Got them from the dollar store and only had to cut them down a little bit. It's not bulk stock, but they're cheap and plentiful. Sadly comes with plastic waste unless you have a use for the leftover part. Luckily I only needed one.

  • Me, making the best of every family gathering:

    Sometimes the best way to deal with the family drama is to grab some popcorn and enjoy it.

    In the past, I handled these like Troi. Now, I'm Data. Life lesson? Be like Data.

    Ohio Republicans force through anti-trans bathroom ban at last minute
  • As your neighbor, I'm still jealous. At least Ohio allows citizens to propose ballot measures. WV doesn't even have that.

  • EVs still have major quality problems, and it’s mostly about the software
  • Wish I could take credit for the term, lol, but I heard it elsewhere.

  • EVs still have major quality problems, and it’s mostly about the software
  • Yeah, I took it to a few local places, and none of them would do anything like that. I lived in the boonies at the time and didn't want to tow it all around everywhere. I'd already driven it like that for 4-5 weeks, and the left spring was pressing against the underside of the bed. One good pothole and it would have likely punched through lol. Figured I'd pressed my luck long enough. I had a welder and could have probably fixed it up good enough for farm use, but no way would it have passed inspection.

    Just parted it out since everything else was in great shape (especially the transmission that had been rebuilt not 4 months prior 😢)

    Ended up just buying the hybrid I drive now since its main use was for my 110 mile daily commute.

  • EVs still have major quality problems, and it’s mostly about the software
  • Yeah, my 2004 not-quite beater truck came to its end that way. The frame rusted out where the leaf spring shackle attached, and there's no real way to fix that. Surprised I was able to drive it as long as I did with it like that (it was my daily driver at the time lol).

    For my OG beater truck, I got a lot of its body parts from a local salvage yard. Some of the parts I got were rusted in the same spots as mine, just less so (e.g. the quarter panels on S10s were notorious for rusting out).

  • Momma deer stashed this little guy by my gate.

    Hopefully she comes back for him soon. That spot isn't going to be shaded in an hour or two, and it's inside my yard, so the dogs are going to definitely investigate and bother him when I take them back out.

    Update: Momma deer still MIA, but little guy is just about out of shade. Took the dogs out one at a time on leashes, and they seem to only be mildly interested in him. I was afraid they'd get all worked up like they do with squirrels and rabbits. I may need to still move him so he's not in the 91 degree sun, but won't have to move him as far.

    Update #2 It moved itself further into the remaining shade, so prob good for another hour or so.

    Update #3: It moved itself to the last bit of shade in the corner of the fence, so I hung an old jacket across the top and made a sun shade for him. Trying to avoid moving him if at all possible.

    Final Update: Momma seems to have come back to pick up little dude. Went back to check, and he was gone. They normally don't wander off, so I'm assuming mom came back for him.

    Bonus Aww:

    !My Jack Russell mix giving the fawn a sniff but largely not caring about it.

    Political Memes Admiral Patrick
    PSA: Like tracking pixels, these users are transparent.

    Kbin/Mbin (and possibly others?) definitely have the edge here since those platforms make votes public (only admins can see them on Lemmy). So, if you want to confirm what I'm saying here, go view some of these posts from Kbin/Mbin.

    Every time one of the "usual suspects" says stuff like this in the comments, there will later be posts detailing how Biden is doing (or at least earnestly trying to do) exactly the things they're saying he needs to be doing (oR ElSe i WiLl noT voTE anD NEithER ShoULD yoU!!!11!!). 100% of the time, those posts are downvoted by these same "usual suspect" accounts.

    What gives? They have very strong opinions about how he should run his administration, so you'd think they'd appreciate him doing what they've been so helpfully suggesting. was never about the issues at all.

    That thin veneer of concern they're hiding behind is not as thick as they think it is and is quite easy to see through. Now you know where to look.

    Edit: Please don't name and shame any specific users. That may violate the community or LW rules. We all know who most of the "usual suspects" are.

    107 These Are the Rules of the CNN Presidential Debate

    From muted microphones to no opening statements, here are some of the new rules for the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump.

    These Are the Rules of the CNN Presidential Debate

    The article is short, so worth the read, but here's the TL;DR:

    1. Commercial Breaks
    2. No Opening Statements
    3. Muted microphones, no notes
    4. No Live Audience
    43 Play Strands, our newest word-search game with a twist.

    The objective? Use every letter on the board to find today’s linked words plus their hidden theme. A new puzzle is added daily.

    Play Strands, our newest word-search game with a twist.
    3 Paul Allen’s Living Computers Museum And Labs To Be Auctioned

    After the Living Computers museum in Seattle closed like so many museums and businesses in 2020 with the pandemic, there were many who feared that it might not open again. Four years later this fea…

    Paul Allen’s Living Computers Museum And Labs To Be Auctioned
    [Oklahoma] state Supreme Court ruling against taxpayer-funded religious public charter school

    cross-posted from:

    >...the state Supreme Court ruled against allowing what would have been the nation’s first taxpayer-funded, state-sponsored religious public charter school.

    Linked article mostly just covers the bare bones and a comment from the state AG.

    If you want more flavor here's some different coverages:

    Direct link to the opinion:

    3 Astronomers think they’ve figured out how and when Jupiter’s Red Spot formed

    Astronomers concluded it is not the same and that Cassini's spot disappeared in 1708.

    Astronomers think they’ve figured out how and when Jupiter’s Red Spot formed

    The planet Jupiter is particularly known for its so-called Great Red Spot, a swirling vortex in the gas giant's atmosphere that has been around since at least 1831. But how it formed and how old it is remain matters of debate. Astronomers in the 1600s, including Giovanni Cassini, also reported a similar spot in their observations of Jupiter that they dubbed the "Permanent Spot." This prompted scientists to question whether the spot Cassini observed is the same one we see today. We now have an answer to that question: The spots are not the same, according to a new paper published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

    90's Music Admiral Patrick
    Warrant - Cherry Pie [1990]
    Tesseract 1.4.0 Released 🎉🎉

    cross-posted from:

    Changelog for 1.4.x Series (Intrepid)


    This is the first release which completely drops "legacy" support for 0.18.x and below. The minimum required API level is now 0.19.3 (though it will work with any 0.19.x series, there will be broken features that require 0.19.3).

    None of the 0.19.4 features are implemented yet. Updating my instance to 0.19.4 is not on my priority list at the moment, though I really wished the media listing was present when I added the new media handling stuff. :sigh:

    I'll probably be working on the 0.19.4 features sometime soon as I would like to finish what I had in mind for the media handling, and 0.19.4 provides the missing piece.

    Anyway, here's what's new and improved:

    New Features

    Zoomable Images

    Most images are now zoomable: post images, user/site/community avatars, images posted in comments, etc.

    All the pan/zoom libraries I tried suuuuuuucked, so I ended up rolling my own from scratch. The pinch zoom isn't quite where I want it, but it's a start. If anyone wants to contribute some code for improving that, please let me know.

    • Support zoom, pan, and rotate
      • Mouse scroll to zoom
      • Click/grab to pan
      • Rotate via on-screen buttons
      • Double-click to quick zoom in/out by 2x
    • Gesture support
      • Pinch zoom in/out
      • Swipe up to zoom in
      • Swipe down to zoom out
      • Swipe left or right to close the zoom modal
      • Other gestures may be added once I figure out a clean way to differentiate them from conflicting mouse events
    Basic Gesture Support

    First, I should point out that I am not a fan of gesture navigation; absolutely hate it as a primary method of interaction. I'm old and hate having to guess whether my fingers need to do the Macarena or the Hokey-Pokey to perform what should be an intuitive action.

    That said, I do like waving things (and people) away.

    To that end, I've added some gesture recognition in a few places, mostly modals. Any modal can now be dismissed with a left or right swipe in an area not bound by other event handlers.

    • e.g. You can't swipe in the text field to dismiss an edit/report/ban/remove modal; you have to swipe outside of that.
    • Left/right swipe was chosen as to not interfere with scrolling so it could be used consistently across all modal types.

    The only other place, currently, with gesture support is the image zoom modal (described above).

    I may add some additional swipe actions where it's intuitive to do so. For now, I'm content with modals being easier to dismiss on mobile without having to reach up to the close button in the top corner.

    User Profile Modals

    Clicking on usernames throughout the application will now load a modal with their user card and relevant action buttons. Old behavior was taking you to their profile directly.

    Actions include:

    • Go to profile
    • Message in Lemmy / Matrix
    • Block User
    • Search for alts / simiarly-named accounts
    • Ban user from instance (admins only)
    • View user on their home instance
    • Copy Lemmyverse link for user
    Image Management on Posts/Comments (Paste Images into Post URL and Markdown Editor)
    • Images can be pasted in the post's URL field as well as in the markdown editor.
    • Images can optionally be pre-processed to webP along with a user-selectable quality level. Especially useful if your instance limits the size of uploads
    • Can delete post images (only before you save the post; unfortunately there's no way to retrieve the delete token after that even though it is stored in the DB. Yet another API limitation :sigh:)
      • This is addressed in 0.19.4, but I don't have support for that yet.
    • Images pasted/uploaded into the markdown editor are tracked in a bar along the bottom of the editor. Individual images can be deleted as needed along with the corresponding markdown code for them.
    Hide Posts/Comments From New Users

    In App Settings -> Filters, you can now opt to hide posts/comments made by new users. You can also set the number of days an account is considered new: 1 to 30 days. That setting also is applied to the new user badges (if you set the minimum age to 15 days, any account 15 days or younger will show the new user badge).

    This setting behaves differently for mods and admins:

    • Mods: Filter will be applied to all posts/comments except in communities of which you are a moderator.
    • Admins: Filter will be applied to all posts/coments except those made to communities local to your instance or those made to remote communities of which you are a moderator.

    Comments made by new users will be hidden, and that includes any replies (essentially behaves the same way as blocked users)

    Federation State Viewer

    From the instances menu on a post, there's a new option called "Federation Stats" which will show you the stats from your instance to the target and from the target to your instance. Also included in that is an estimated cacluation of the number of activities each instance is behind (useful for troubleshooting federation delays).

    This information has also been added to the instance items at /instances

    Please note that the "Activities behind" counter is only an estimate. The value for newest_activity_id is not provided by the API (because that would be useful, so why would the Lemmy devs include it?), so it has to be estimated. The estimation is done by looking at the last_successful_id of all the linked instances and grabbing the highest number and subtracting the last_successful_id for the selected instance. Not all of those activities would necessarily be coming to your instance (votes/posts/comments to communities yours isn't subscribed to, etc), so it is merely an estimation. Just because it shows you are behind by X number doesn't necessarily mean it's behind by that many.

    Instances Page

    Re-wrote this to do manual pagination, searching, and filtering. Much more responsive now that it is not rendering several thousand components each with actions items.

    "Click to Play" Media Embeds

    If media is disabled in the feed, the thumbnail will now have an overlay button that will convert it to an embed on-the-fly.

    When loading a video via click-to-play, I'm conditionally setting the "autoplay" flag where the embed API supports it, but it doesn't always seem to be honored. This is an attempt to not have to press "play" twice for a video. So far, the only video frontend that seems to honor it is YouTube. Invidious/Piped, so far, do not, and neither does PeerTube.

    Ok, so autoplay works if muted (no idea how YouTube's player gets around this; probably some chicanery). I think that's worse because you still have to click twice on the videos, and the "unmute" button is harder to reach than "play". So I think I'm going to just settle on having to click play twice.

    This seems to be be a Chrome/Chromium thing (and explains why YT gets to bypass this). In Firefox, the autoplay flag is respected without having to mute the video.

    Re-Integrated Piped Support as an Embeddable Youtube Frontend

    Now that click to play has been added, Piped support has been added back. It was removed due to poor performance and rate limiting when used with feed embeds.

    If media embeds are enabed in the feed, only YouTube frontend will show direct embeds. Piped/Invidious will always be click to play regardless of embed setting due to above mentioned rate limiting / performance.

    Alternate Source Dropdown / Archive Links

    Removed the [Archive Link] next to the post URL and replacd it with a fancy menu to the left of it.

    • On posts with links, it currently has buttons to search for the article at Archive Today, Ghost Archive, and
    • On Youtube-like posts, can select alternalte links for YouTube, Invidious, or Piped
      • Invidious/Piped will open with your preferred instance (defined in settings)
      • Useful if someone posts a video to an Invidious instance that performs poorly for you and you would prefer to view it on your preferred Invidious/Piped instance or canonically on YouTube.
    Quick Action Menus

    On mobile, the navbar was getting cluttered, so most of the discrete dropdowns there have been moved into Quick Actions menus.

    • Main, Community, and User feed pages: Quick Actions has replaced all discrete menus
    • Search Page, Modlog, instances page, and Community Browser: All of the filtering options are in a quick action menu
    Users Can Now Add Their Own Preferred Invidious/Piped Instances

    Prior to this release, any Piped or Invidious instances needed to be added by the administrator via environment variables. In addition to that, users can now add any number of custom Invidious and/or Piped instances in the app settings.

    These will be combined with the built-in list and the admin-extended list and be available for use as your preferred YT frontend and for detection of Piped/Invidious links in posts.

    Be aware that those custom instances will only render as embeds for you; they will be thumbnails for anyone else who hasn't added them to Tesseract. If you feel that instance should be added to Tesseract's built-in list, please submit a Github issue with the details.

    Tesseract is pre-populated with the official list of public instances for each, but it can get out of date easily.

    Note: As of 6/20/2024, I've noticed a lot of Invidious/Piped instances are now requiring login, and embeds through them no longer work. I believe if you have an account with one, log in, and enable 3rd party cookies for that domain, the embeds should work. I have not tried that, but it does work with Spotify. This isn't a Tesseract bug, unfortunately, or I'd fix it.

    Can Disable Infinite Scroll if you Want

    If you're not a fan of the infinite scroll, you can go to App Settings -> Feed and disable infinite scroll.

    TOTP 2FA Setup

    Can now enable and enroll in 2FA as well as disable it.

    Account Icons Now Use Your Profile Avatar

    Icons in the account switcher and account screens now sync to your profile avatar, if defined.

    New Placeholder User Avatars

    Instead of the initials as used previously on accounts without avatars, now uses Dicebear Adventurer pseudorandom avatars. Initials are still used for placeholder community icons when the community mods haven't set one.

    Passwords Can Now Be Revealed

    All password elements will now allow you to toggle them to reveal. Should make a big improvement when logging-in on mobile.

    Vote Viewer (Admins Only)

    Admins can now see votes like in Lemmy-UI. Uses infinite scroll and deduplication to compensate for the stupid API that returns multiple/duplicate votes on each page.


    Bugfixes and Enhancements

    Removed 0.18.x Backwards Compatibility
    • Or, more specifically, removed 0.18.x JS client and the extensions I wrote to make that compatible with 0.19.x. Now uses the 0.19.3 JS client.
    • Removed the image upload proxy which was needed in 0.18x due to CORS restrictions.
    Various Enhancements to Auth Module.
    • Added safety check so that the auth token is only ever sent to the profile's associated instance and cannot accidentally send to non-home instance (e.g. when browsing communities on a remote instance).
    • Fixed a few chicken/egg situations where the profile store needed to be accessed before it was initialized
    • If your auth token is invalid, such as after changing your password on another device, you will get a toast message you can click to take you to the login screen.
    • If a profile exists for a username/instance combo, logging in will update the auth token for that existing profile rather than creating a new one.
    • User avatars are now fetched when logging in.
    Grace Period Before Media Embeds are Destroyed When Scrolling out of Viewport
    • Embeds now have a short timeout when leaving the viewport before they're removed from the DOM and turn back into thumbnails. Fixes annoyance when resizing the window while a video is playing and the video temporarily leaves the viewport and is destroyed. Timeout is 2 seconds and will reset/disarm if the post returns to the viewport before it expires.
    Community Creation / Editing
    • Uses new upload handler for banner/icon
    • Can pre-process the banner/icon to webP before uploading
    • Shows a live preview of how the community card will look
    • Slightly darkened background color in light mode cards (bg-white->bg-slate-100) for better contrast. Did similarly for some button colors
    • Added "OpenDyslexic" as a UI font option
    • Can now close modals with Escape key, close button, or by swiping left/right
    • Added button to reveal password fields
    • Some modals can be closed by clicking out of them.
      • I need to disable this or make it more consistent. Some workflows utilize nested modals, so I do need to be able to keep them open when interacting with a child modal.
    • Added "share" link for searches.
      • Will generate a URL with the current search params and copy to your clipboard.

    Other Stuff

    Peertube Follows

    On my last release post, someone mentioned that following Peertube channels may be broken. At the time I was still on 0.18.5 and had followed a PT channel, and seemed to be getting updates from it. Then I wasn't sure.

    I can say that I have been getting at least some updates to the PT channel I follow (mostly as a test). While there have been videos posted there that did not come through to Lemmy, I don't know enough about PeerTube to know if they were published differently or what. However, I have gotten at least 2-3 that someone posted to Lemmy that would absolutely had to have come in via Federation.

    Also confirmed that commenting on a PT video (from the channel feed, not an embed to a Lemmy community) does federate out and show up on Peertube's side along with any votes you give in Lemmy.

    This isn't really a Tesseract issue since the Lemmy backend handles that. Just figured since I do support Peertube, it would be worth mentioning that it seems to work.

    What Didn't Make the Cut This Release

    • User profile import/export
    • Link previews
    • Custom feed rewrite
    • Custom emoji management
    • Fediseer Rewrite

    I keep kicking the can on the custom feed and infinite scroll re-writes, but for a good reason. I want to start using IndexedDB to get around storage constraints in the browser's LocalStorage API. I need to write and integrate a library for this (or find one I don't hate), and that's going to take some dedicated development time. Switching to IndexDB is also a step in the direction I want to go towards providing offline support. So, at some point, there will be a release that only focuses on that. Not sure if it'll be in the 1.4.x series or later, but ultimately, that is where I want to go.

    Get Tesseract

    Tesseract 1.4.0 Released 🎉🎉

    Changelog for 1.4.x Series (Intrepid)


    This is the first release which completely drops "legacy" support for 0.18.x and below. The minimum required API level is now 0.19.3 (though it will work with any 0.19.x series, there will be broken features that require 0.19.3).

    None of the 0.19.4 features are implemented yet. Updating my instance to 0.19.4 is not on my priority list at the moment, though I really wished the media listing was present when I added the new media handling stuff. :sigh:

    I'll probably be working on the 0.19.4 features sometime soon as I would like to finish what I had in mind for the media handling, and 0.19.4 provides the missing piece.

    Anyway, here's what's new and improved:

    New Features

    Zoomable Images

    Most images are now zoomable: post images, user/site/community avatars, images posted in comments, etc.

    All the pan/zoom libraries I tried suuuuuuucked, so I ended up rolling my own from scratch. The pinch zoom isn't quite where I want it, but it's a start. If anyone wants to contribute some code for improving that, please let me know.

    • Support zoom, pan, and rotate
      • Mouse scroll to zoom
      • Click/grab to pan
      • Rotate via on-screen buttons
      • Double-click to quick zoom in/out by 2x
    • Gesture support
      • Pinch zoom in/out
      • Swipe up to zoom in
      • Swipe down to zoom out
      • Swipe left or right to close the zoom modal
      • Other gestures may be added once I figure out a clean way to differentiate them from conflicting mouse events
    Basic Gesture Support

    First, I should point out that I am not a fan of gesture navigation; absolutely hate it as a primary method of interaction. I'm old and hate having to guess whether my fingers need to do the Macarena or the Hokey-Pokey to perform what should be an intuitive action.

    That said, I do like waving things (and people) away.

    To that end, I've added some gesture recognition in a few places, mostly modals. Any modal can now be dismissed with a left or right swipe in an area not bound by other event handlers.

    • e.g. You can't swipe in the text field to dismiss an edit/report/ban/remove modal; you have to swipe outside of that.
    • Left/right swipe was chosen as to not interfere with scrolling so it could be used consistently across all modal types.

    The only other place, currently, with gesture support is the image zoom modal (described above).

    I may add some additional swipe actions where it's intuitive to do so. For now, I'm content with modals being easier to dismiss on mobile without having to reach up to the close button in the top corner.

    User Profile Modals

    Clicking on usernames throughout the application will now load a modal with their user card and relevant action buttons. Old behavior was taking you to their profile directly.

    Actions include:

    • Go to profile
    • Message in Lemmy / Matrix
    • Block User
    • Search for alts / simiarly-named accounts
    • Ban user from instance (admins only)
    • View user on their home instance
    • Copy Lemmyverse link for user
    Image Management on Posts/Comments
    • Images can be pasted in the post's URL field as well as in the markdown editor.
    • Images can optionally be pre-processed to webP along with a user-selectable quality level. Especially useful if your instance limits the size of uploads
    • Can delete post images (only before you save the post; unfortunately there's no way to retrieve the delete token after that even though it is stored in the DB. Yet another API limitation :sigh:)
      • This is addressed in 0.19.4, but I don't have support for that yet.
    • Images pasted/uploaded into the markdown editor are tracked in a bar along the bottom of the editor. Individual images can be deleted as needed along with the corresponding markdown code for them.
    Hide Posts/Comments From New Users

    In App Settings -> Filters, you can now opt to hide posts/comments made by new users. You can also set the number of days an account is considered new: 1 to 30 days. That setting also is applied to the new user badges (if you set the minimum age to 15 days, any account 15 days or younger will show the new user badge).

    This setting behaves differently for mods and admins:

    • Mods: Filter will be applied to all posts/comments except in communities of which you are a moderator.
    • Admins: Filter will be applied to all posts/coments except those made to communities local to your instance or those made to remote communities of which you are a moderator.

    Comments made by new users will be hidden, and that includes any replies (essentially behaves the same way as blocked users)

    Federation State Viewer

    From the instances menu on a post, there's a new option called "Federation Stats" which will show you the stats from your instance to the target and from the target to your instance. Also included in that is an estimated cacluation of the number of activities each instance is behind (useful for troubleshooting federation delays).

    This information has also been added to the instance items at /instances

    Please note that the "Activities behind" counter is only an estimate. The value for newest_activity_id is not provided by the API (because that would be useful, so why would the Lemmy devs include it?), so it has to be estimated. The estimation is done by looking at the last_successful_id of all the linked instances and grabbing the highest number and subtracting the last_successful_id for the selected instance. Not all of those activities would necessarily be coming to your instance (votes/posts/comments to communities yours isn't subscribed to, etc), so it is merely an estimation. Just because it shows you are behind by X number doesn't necessarily mean it's behind by that many.

    Instances Page

    Re-wrote this to do manual pagination, searching, and filtering. Much more responsive now that it is not rendering several thousand components each with actions items.

    "Click to Play" Media Embeds

    If media is disabled in the feed, the thumbnail will now have an overlay button that will convert it to an embed on-the-fly.

    When loading a video via click-to-play, I'm conditionally setting the "autoplay" flag where the embed API supports it, but it doesn't always seem to be honored. This is an attempt to not have to press "play" twice for a video. So far, the only video frontend that seems to honor it is YouTube. Invidious/Piped, so far, do not, and neither does PeerTube.

    Ok, so autoplay works if muted (no idea how YouTube's player gets around this; probably some chicanery). I think that's worse because you still have to click twice on the videos, and the "unmute" button is harder to reach than "play". So I think I'm going to just settle on having to click play twice.

    This seems to be be a Chrome/Chromium thing (and explains why YT gets to bypass this). In Firefox, the autoplay flag is respected without having to mute the video.

    Re-Integrated Piped Support as an Embeddable Youtube Frontend

    Now that click to play has been added, Piped support has been added back. It was removed due to poor performance and rate limiting when used with feed embeds.

    If media embeds are enabed in the feed, only YouTube frontend will show direct embeds. Piped/Invidious will always be click to play regardless of embed setting due to above mentioned rate limiting / performance.

    Alternate Source Dropdown / Archive Links

    Removed the [Archive Link] next to the post URL and replacd it with a fancy menu to the left of it.

    • On posts with links, it currently has buttons to search for the article at Archive Today, Ghost Archive, and
    • On Youtube-like posts, can select alternalte links for YouTube, Invidious, or Piped
      • Invidious/Piped will open with your preferred instance (defined in settings)
      • Useful if someone posts a video to an Invidious instance that performs poorly for you and you would prefer to view it on your preferred Invidious/Piped instance or canonically on YouTube.
    Quick Action Menus

    On mobile, the navbar was getting cluttered, so most of the discrete dropdowns there have been moved into Quick Actions menus.

    • Main, Community, and User feed pages: Quick Actions has replaced all discrete menus
    • Search Page, Modlog, instances page, and Community Browser: All of the filtering options are in a quick action menu
    Users Can Now Add Their Own Preferred Invidious/Piped Instances

    Prior to this release, any Piped or Invidious instances needed to be added by the administrator via environment variables. In addition to that, users can now add any number of custom Invidious and/or Piped instances in the app settings.

    These will be combined with the built-in list and the admin-extended list and be available for use as your preferred YT frontend and for detection of Piped/Invidious links in posts.

    Be aware that those custom instances will only render as embeds for you; they will be thumbnails for anyone else who hasn't added them to Tesseract. If you feel that instance should be added to Tesseract's built-in list, please submit a Github issue with the details.

    Tesseract is pre-populated with the official list of public instances for each, but it can get out of date easily.

    Note: As of 6/20/2024, I've noticed a lot of Invidious/Piped instances are now requiring login, and embeds through them no longer work. I believe if you have an account with one, log in, and enable 3rd party cookies for that domain, the embeds should work. I have not tried that, but it does work with Spotify. This isn't a Tesseract bug, unfortunately, or I'd fix it.

    Can Disable Infinite Scroll if you Want

    If you're not a fan of the infinite scroll, you can go to App Settings -> Feed and disable infinite scroll.

    TOTP 2FA Setup

    Can now enable and enroll in 2FA as well as disable it.

    Account Icons Now Use Your Profile Avatar

    Icons in the account switcher and account screens now sync to your profile avatar, if defined.

    New Placeholder User Avatars

    Instead of the initials as used previously on accounts without avatars, now uses Dicebear Adventurer pseudorandom avatars. Initials are still used for placeholder community icons when the community mods haven't set one.

    Passwords Can Now Be Revealed

    All password elements will now allow you to toggle them to reveal. Should make a big improvement when logging-in on mobile.

    Vote Viewer (Admins Only)

    Admins can now see votes like in Lemmy-UI. Uses infinite scroll and deduplication to compensate for the stupid API that returns multiple/duplicate votes on each page.


    Bugfixes and Enhancements

    Removed 0.18.x Backwards Compatibility
    • Or, more specifically, removed 0.18.x JS client and the extensions I wrote to make that compatible with 0.19.x. Now uses the 0.19.3 JS client.
    • Removed the image upload proxy which was needed in 0.18x due to CORS restrictions.
    Various Enhancements to Auth Module.
    • Added safety check so that the auth token is only ever sent to the profile's associated instance and cannot accidentally send to non-home instance (e.g. when browsing communities on a remote instance).
    • Fixed a few chicken/egg situations where the profile store needed to be accessed before it was initialized
    • If your auth token is invalid, such as after changing your password on another device, you will get a toast message you can click to take you to the login screen.
    • If a profile exists for a username/instance combo, logging in will update the auth token for that existing profile rather than creating a new one.
    • User avatars are now fetched when logging in.
    Grace Period Before Media Embeds are Destroyed When Scrolling out of Viewport
    • Embeds now have a short timeout when leaving the viewport before they're removed from the DOM and turn back into thumbnails. Fixes annoyance when resizing the window while a video is playing and the video temporarily leaves the viewport and is destroyed. Timeout is 2 seconds and will reset/disarm if the post returns to the viewport before it expires.
    Community Creation / Editing
    • Uses new upload handler for banner/icon
    • Can pre-process the banner/icon to webP before uploading
    • Shows a live preview of how the community card will look
    • Slightly darkened background color in light mode cards (bg-white->bg-slate-100) for better contrast. Did similarly for some button colors
    • Added "OpenDyslexic" as a UI font option
    • Can now close modals with Escape key, close button, or by swiping left/right
    • Added button to reveal password fields
    • Some modals can be closed by clicking out of them.
      • I need to disable this or make it more consistent. Some workflows utilize nested modals, so I do need to be able to keep them open when interacting with a child modal.
    • Added "share" link for searches.
      • Will generate a URL with the current search params and copy to your clipboard.

    Other Stuff

    Peertube Follows

    On my last release post, someone mentioned that following Peertube channels may be broken. At the time I was still on 0.18.5 and had followed a PT channel, and seemed to be getting updates from it. Then I wasn't sure.

    I can say that I have been getting at least some updates to the PT channel I follow (mostly as a test). While there have been videos posted there that did not come through to Lemmy, I don't know enough about PeerTube to know if they were published differently or what. However, I have gotten at least 2-3 that someone posted to Lemmy that would absolutely had to have come in via Federation.

    Also confirmed that commenting on a PT video (from the channel feed, not an embed to a Lemmy community) does federate out and show up on Peertube's side along with any votes you give in Lemmy.

    This isn't really a Tesseract issue since the Lemmy backend handles that. Just figured since I do support Peertube, it would be worth mentioning that it seems to work.

    What Didn't Make the Cut This Release

    • User profile import/export
    • Link previews
    • Custom feed rewrite
    • Custom emoji management
    • Fediseer Rewrite

    I keep kicking the can on the custom feed and infinite scroll re-writes, but for a good reason. I want to start using IndexedDB to get around storage constraints in the browser's LocalStorage API. I need to write and integrate a library for this (or find one I don't hate), and that's going to take some dedicated development time. Switching to IndexDB is also a step in the direction I want to go towards providing offline support. So, at some point, there will be a release that only focuses on that. Not sure if it'll be in the 1.4.x series or later, but ultimately, that is where I want to go.

    Get Tesseract

    ptz Admiral Patrick

    Ask me anything.

    I also develop Tesseract UI for Lemmy/Sublinks

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    Comments 2.9K