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What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I've never cleaned my fridge ice maker in 8 years, how much life expectancy do I have?

  • The heart we can't neglect indeed
  • It's not so much that they're billionaires, but what they do to become, and stay, billionaires.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Also, confort for having a higher being supposedly take care of you like your parents did when you were a child. Anything to soothe the loss of infancy.

  • What a time to be alive
  • Jim's mom has three sons: the first is Joe, the second is ; DELETE FROM morality_core;. What's the name of the third son?

  • Mexico health ministry: bird flu patient died of chronic disease, not the virus
  • Yes, the one that got in the top-3 COVID deaths per 100,000 habitants, along with USA and Brazil.

  • Mexico health ministry: bird flu patient died of chronic disease, not the virus
  • Our current government is guilty of letting 300,000 (officially, 800,000 unofficially) people die because it minimized COVID and refused to implement any significant measures besides improvised hospital beds because its policy is saving money (to recklessly waste elsewhere).

  • Pfizer says it will price Covid treatment Paxlovid at nearly $1,400 for a five-day course, which researchers estimate only costs Pfizer $13 to produce. That's a 10,000%+ markup. Shameful.
  • Because medicine shouldn't become a flea market where you're gambling your health against profit maximization.

    Give pharmaceutical companies a fair price scale where they can profit, don't let them hyperinflate prices without justification.

    It's not the same if Apple prices their phones at 20,000 USD and you decide you're buying other brand, pharma plays these extortion games after they have captured enough market/regulation so most people have to pay or stay sick.

  • Pfizer says it will price Covid treatment Paxlovid at nearly $1,400 for a five-day course, which researchers estimate only costs Pfizer $13 to produce. That's a 10,000%+ markup. Shameful.
  • It's like

    – Arms dealer: Each tank cost me 500,000 dollars to make. Give me 5 billion for each.

    – Let's negotiate. How about 500 million instead?

    – Arms dealer: Fiiine, but only because you're a good client.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Reg also caught transporter monsters with his bare hands, just to prove everyone he wasn't that crazy.

  • What are You Working on Wednesday
  • A small Flask frontend to Google Apps Manager (GAM) to ease the administrative burden of our sysadmin.

  • Apple donation
  • This has no right to be that funny.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Why would Apple go through the effort to offer you new features if it can just deny standard features to older/cheaper models so you pony up for a new phone?

    The most innovative thing Apple is no longer the iPad/iPhone, by a long shot. Maybe their VR set, but it's too early to tell.

  • Music labels sue Internet Archive over digitized record collection
  • You'll only get more extensions, if anything. The current copyright system is an atavism from older, simpler times.

  • USB-C confirmed for the iPhone 15 in new leaked images - Macworld
  • We changed to USB-C ports because the EU forced us we have courage!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • True, but I still have occasional wet dreams about the future Enterprise D. It was amazing in a bellic kind of way.

  • Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful
  • Most of us neurodivergent people consider ourselves smart and observant. Observe those who you consider small talk comes naturally, and see how they fall into patterns. They're more elaborate that a non-answer catalogue, but they're still crutches to make ease the friction.

    An acquaintance of mine, for example, tells jokes. Some times they bomb, but he doesn't sweat it, they're still ice breakers. Another acquaintance immediately gets the attention of nearby females by retelling one more how he went randomly backpacking across Europe as a poor, young musician. If that doesn't work, he has other, equally entertaining tales, which we have few ways of fact checking, ha ha.

    But for us small-talk-stunted people, clever non-answers are a perfect crutch to fend off the awkwardness until we acquire this skill, and we can always refuse small talk if we're not in the mood.

  • ATTENTION: 1337X IS NO LONGER SAFE [Reposted from Reddit]
  • Risk is practically nothing in your case, because you're being careful, and know what you're doing. You won't run a binary when you were expecting the Barbie movie, for example.

    If you were downloading binaries, then your risk is significant, but even then, unless you're downloading new releases immediately, it's likely that your antivirus will catch the new popular ransomware after a few days, when a few thousands of people have become infected. Governments won't employ valuable zero-days on any rando who just wants to see their new isekai episode.

  • Hearing voices
  • Behold:

    sudo snap refresh

    ... yeah... I'll see myself out...

  • TeamAssimilation TeamAssimilation

    Futility is resistant

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