As Donald Trump pivots his focus to Vice President Kamala Harris, one point of attack toward his new 2024 opponent is an old ploy to mispronounce her name.
Trump thinks mispronouncing Kamala Harris' name is a good attack route.
Yea so... making fun of someone's name is sophomoric. I'm sure some Trump folks love it but actual adults really don't give a shit. I was even kind of annoyed years back when people were attacking Trump because of the Drumpf surname - as if half of America didn't have their name butchered by Ellis Island.
The asshole doesn't have any actual criticisms that will stick so he's resorting to school yard bullying.
Not just sophomoric, as the article points out. Plain old bigoted.
"It's one thing to mispronounce someone's name on the first try, right? But to do it repeatedly and deliberately, it feels purposeful. It's certainly done to make a point. It is othering, a way of saying you don't belong here," said Jean Sinzdak, the associate director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.
"I would describe it as a racist and sexist attack on her because she's been the vice president for three and a half years," Sinzdak said. "It's not hard to say her name. It's not complicated."
It’s a lot simpler than that for psychopaths like Trump: it’s a simple cut that’s dehumanizing. It’s an easy way to say, “You mean nothing to me, and I know this hurts you, so I will keep on hurting you as much as possible whenever I can because I can, and that gratifies me.”
It’s one of the most effective trolling behaviors there is, because, no matter how big a person you are, it will always cut a little. And it is also one of the most obvious signs that someone is a psychopath. Because they hurt someone just because they can.
You see it all the time from trolls on the Internet.
Yeah, also, I know Germany is like the one "okay" group to rag on in the US because of historical reasons, but like, what's wrong with having a German last name?
It's not like you get to choose your ancestry.
You do, however, get to choose whether you try to be a dictator.
I'll admit to mispronouncing her name on occasion myself, but mostly because I associate it with two other figures who did/do pronounce it Ka-MAH-luh. I have to make an effort to get it right for her. But I am making that effort. And I have little doubt that these assholes are not.
I'm kind of afraid that I'll mispronounce it in mixed company and make someone who doesn't know me well think I'm one of those weird Republicans or something.
You’re right of course it’s racism, he knows his audience. But his schoolyard bully tactics always make fun of the unfamiliar, perhaps you mean Anglo sounding?
Because I’m pretty sure he would make fun of his own family name (Drumpf) if it belonged to an opponent. And I can’t imagine it would be any better if they were named Nieminen (Finish) or Svobodova (Czech) or Nikolakopoulos (Greek) etc. Same with first names.
I guess "Hillary Clinton" and "Joe Biden" are hard to mispronounce without making it sound even more obvious than he likes to be, so he took the opportunity.
Yup. Then, when he's still mispronouncing it, pivot to him not being able to remember how to pronounce it correctly being another sign of his mental faculties failing.
All the way through this ordeal of Biden possibly, then actually, stepping down, I've been sort of lukewarm about the idea of Harris replacing him for one and only one reason - because I assumed that, since she's the VP and the obvious first choice for a replacement, the Trump campaign would already have a complete hate campaign against her primed and ready to go, so could potentially catch her and the Dems flat-footed.
Honestly, I think it’s because they underestimate black people and women. They would never have thought democrats would run a black woman, because they wouldn’t.
And it’s not like Sleepy Joe was a brilliant name either, it just stuck for the flag buying morons.
Trump is such a narcissist that he cant actually comprehend someone not being selfish. Biden dropping out caught him completely off guard. It never occurred to him that a person would actually do that
I'm so fucking confused. Trump usually has good insults that actually stick. But literally nothing is sticking. All of Trump's insults vs Kamala though are so lame.
I'm pretty happy about this though. Trump workshopping insults and shot gunning his incompetence and inability to actually pull Kamala down is great for everyone.
"Lying Ted Cruz" worked fine. Except "Lying Kamala" is obviously just recycling an old insult and speaks more to Trump's limited vocabulary rather than something good. Etc. etc. etc. I'm sure Trump will eventually find something and run with it, but... crazy to see him fail at workshopping a response when he's literally had years to prepare an obvious insult for Kamala.
Making fun of name pronunciation makes it sound like Trump is a 78 year old who can't learn how to say a name. This is NOT the path Trump wants to go. Kamala isn't even an exotic or difficult to say name.
I'm honestly surprised he has so little. I mean, not to give that piece of shit ideas, but "Commie Kamala" is right there. Even "Crooked Kamala" would work better than what he's tried.
I saw a clip of him where he called her "Laffin' Kamala" and then stopped to specify that he was spelling it L-A-F-F-I-N-apostrophe. It's hard to remember last time I felt so much cringe.
As much as everyone was making fun of Bidens loss of function (which... Biden always tripped up over words. He always was a bad speaker)... Trumps wit has visibly declined over the recent years.
It's possible that Trump just can't come up with a reasonable insult due to his advanced age. IMO, Trumps signs of aging are worse than even Bidens.
Crooked was Hilary Clintons nickname. So same problem as Lying: it is proof of Trumps small vocabulary if he recycles an insult.
Unfortunately the (lack of) cleverness matters little when his zealots/cultists started wearing adult diapers in public because "real men wear diapers" or something.
When asked why, the Trump campaign, in a statement to ABC News, said "race and gender have nothing to do with why Kamala Harris is the most unpopular Vice President in history."
Some people are suggesting Harris starts name calling in her campaign. I really think if she wants to slam him in a campaign, just list the issues Trump never wants to talk about. Even some conservative states were fighting for abortion. Stop making these elections a joke and the people will come.
Fight back by compromising less, not name calling.
I hope so too... unfortunately they probably get all their advice from people who ran the last couple complains. Plus, technically super PAC can't have input from the politician I think.
Which is... actually really good. It's one word that works with Trump, JD Vance, Crypto ros, Elon Musk, and the whole slew of supporters / Trumps base.