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A hole in Saratoga Spa State Park
  • I’ll have to make a trip to goatse it sometime.

  • Nutella
  • no wrong way to eat that shit

  • Have rock
  • Yes, there’s been irreparable harm done, but we’re not done yet.

  • 'The way our districts are drawn is BS:' Ohio redistricting effort moves toward fall ballot
  • proportional representation solves a lot of problems with these districts

  • Have rock
  • I hope it doesn’t turn out that way.

  • Hello, I'm laid off and I can't afford therapy. If it's okay I'd like to vent.
  • Interesting. The people I know who struggle with anxiety tell me crossing off completed items helps.

    Well, make sure to value self-care in whatever way works for you.

  • Have rock
  • Don’t worry, animals. It’s temporary.

  • Hello, I'm laid off and I can't afford therapy. If it's okay I'd like to vent.
  • It doesn’t have to be a calendar. But if it is, how would a month of crossed off days make you feel?

  • How I Met Your Mother
  • one of my favorite NIИ songs

  • Imagine Selling Your Body For A Buck…
  • workers of the world unite

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • Can the current king please decree that we’re a democracy?

  • YNAB price increase
  • has some options I’ll be checking out. If you’re searching, make sure to set your filters to narrow it down to your preferences.

    Not sure if it has enough of the same functionality, but is self-hosted and open source.

  • Anyone else who knows they are a softie, but absolutely hate it when someone else points out that they are a softie?
  • Yeah, “softie” sounds like an insult. I’d rather have emotional intelligence than to be (or act) calloused to the world. Feelings are part of the human experience.

  • Hello, I'm laid off and I can't afford therapy. If it's okay I'd like to vent.
  • I don’t have a comprehensive answer, but I find using a calendar for scheduling my wellbeing (like I would schedule work tasks or medical appointments) helps. For example, schedule things such as naps, walks, television watching, book reading, sexy time with your partner, masturbation by yourself, long hot baths, dinner dates with friends, museum visits, concerts, etc. These are the things I would often neglect since my schedule was too full with work stuff or putting out fires in my personal life. Now they get equal footing in my life.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • Yeah, as long as we can get rid of lesser-of-two-evils voting, things would get a lot better.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • If I recall correctly, that’s how the president of the government in The Songs of Distant Earth was chosen.

  • A John Wayne flop has been linked to high cancer rates. A new documentary aims to tell the community’s story.
  • The 1956 movie “The Conqueror” is infamous among cinephiles…

    Oh, wow, thank you for the warning. Won’t be watching that. I find went don’t want (edit: damn you autocarrot) cancer. Cancer sucks!

  • Firefox Focus complaints

    I have two complaints about Firefox Focus on iOS:

    First, when typing into the address bar, you must finish and tap “search” or “go” or else all you typed will go away if you switch to another app and back again. Firefox Focus shouldn’t forget what you’re doing unless you hit the garbage can icon or force close the app.

    Second, if you’re typing, and you tap anywhere I’ve marked in red in the screenshot, it erases the search/url text you’ve typed, and you have to start over. It didn’t used to do this when Firefox Focus first came out. It would be fine to put a garbage can icon somewhere in that area, but the area now that deletes what you’re typing is bigger than the keyboard, and I’ve mis-tapped there way too many times.

    Political Memes Zachariah
    Fair and Balanced
    Fresno homeowner starts fire trying to kill spider

    > “We get it, we don’t like spiders either, but it’s never a good idea to use a blow torch or any other flammable device for pest control,” firefighters said in a social media post.

    This label informs you it is easy to peal, and it was.

    I peeled it off, and there is no reside on the item, nor did was there any damage to the label.

    I had to stick it back down on each side to get the photo, but it pealed right back off in perfect condition again.

    If this can be done, why aren’t all labels like this?

    Vanity license plates Zachariah

    Texas Cheese

    “We Don’t Mind” by Michael Franti & Spearhead

    We don't mind\ See we've been doin' it all the time\ But if you want us to you sacrifice\ You will not get it without a price\ We don't mind\ See we've been doin' it all the time\ But if you want us to you sacrifice\ You gotta give something back to life

    You think I'm vulnerable to your pressure tactics\ Because I shed a tear, 'cause I shed a tear\ You think I'm vulnerable to your violence\ Just 'cause I'm sittin' here\ But my babies came into this world\ Without a single fear, say they has no fear\ 'cause the seven generations before me\ They all fought to get us here

    You can't just come in here like that no more\ And snatch up our childhood\ You just can't walk on up\ And replace it yo, with your Hollywood\ But I see now\ How all of the words I say you'll take and misconstrue\ And I'm prepared now\ To suffer the penalties for speakin' the truth\ And I speak the truth when I say

    People if you hear me now I wantcha to say\ Naa, na-naa, na-naa, nah\ People if you hear me now I wantcha to say\ Naa, na-naa, na-naa, nah

    Mad Sorcerer Dworkin Barimen

    From the Tarot D’Ambre deck sold in the ’80s.

    Sting • Russians • _The Dream of the Blue Turtles_ • 1985

    In Europe and America There's a growing feeling of hysteria Conditioned to respond to all the threats In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets

    Mr. Khrushchev said, “We will bury you” I don't subscribe to this point of view It would be such an ignorant thing to do If the Russians love their children too

    How can I save my little boy From Oppenheimer's deadly toy? There is no monopoly in common sense On either side of the political fence

    We share the same biology Regardless of ideology Believe me when I say to you I hope the Russians love their children too

    There is no historical precedent To put the words in the mouth of the President There's no such thing as a winnable war It's a lie we don't believe anymore

    Mr. Reagan says, “We will protect you” I don't subscribe to this point of view Believe me when I say to you I hope the Russians love their children too

    We share the same biology Regardless of ideology What might save us, me and you Is if the Russians love their children too

    Can't paste URL for login

    When I copy the URL for an instance to paste it, it includes the protocol. But Voyager says it’s not a valid instance. Take off the https:// and it works fine. Seems like Voyager should handle this better.

    What do you think of posts that are only a link?

    Should all posts include a thought, opinion, or summary from the OP? Is a post title usually enough?

    If you appreciate posts that just a link to a video, news article, blog post, or website with no post text by the OP, why do you like them?

    Same SD card for SteamOS and Windows-To-Go?

    I used to set up Windows-To-Go for a few games that won't work in SteamOS. It seems to be working fine, but now I wonder if this would work…

    I currently have a 1 terabyte SD card that I'm using for SteamOS. I know Linux partitions can be shrunk, so I'd like to shrink it down to half the size. Then I'd clone the partition(s) from the Windows-To-Go SD card to the now-empty space on the 1 terabyte SD card.

    I think I''ll need to clone the Windows partition(s) to the beginning of the drive. So when I make the empty space by shrinking the Linux partition, I'll create the empty space at the beginning of the drive.

    I'll be using GParted and Clonezilla since I'm used to them.

    I have two questions:

    • Will Windows care that the second half of the SD card has a LInux partition? I don't want/need it to see or read/write to the Linux partition.
    • Will SteamOS still see the Linux partition automatically as if nothing's changed and just ignore the new Windows partition(s)?
    Zachariah Zachariah

    looking for replacements r/anarchydnd r/apolloapp r/Condution r/robotech r/OSUOnlineCS r/vintageobscura r/ZeroCovidCommunitv

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