Of course. It's not political if it's just The Way Things Should Be™
The two Races: White and Political
The two Genders: Male and Political
The two Sexualities: Straight and Political
Their views are never "political" because theirs is the "natural state" of things. They're on top because they deserve to be, and they deserve to be on top because they are. It's anything that deviates from that so-called natural state that's being political.
Spot on. And notably if there’s anything “political” about the person, it is the first thing they mention about them in a conversation. Even if it’s not to say anything bad - it’s just how their brain works.
Because they feel affronted and so this is "perfectly acceptable" revenge/payback. They do it with everything... It's also why they're ok with dictator Trump. When he says in plain English that he is seeking revenge they feel the same way and want the same thing because revenge implies that they were initially "wronged."
They always play the victim, it's so absurd...
People: "Don't be a raging racist asshole, just treat all people with respect."
Are you tired of those 'woke' and cushy liberal toilet paper made from weak and pansy processed cellulose? Try Uncle Cletus's proprietary silicon carbide formula enhanced with sand sourced from All American beaches! Now you can show your patriotism by bleeding red from the ass during every trump-approved toilet visit
Just as an aside, been a 49ers fan my whole life. This whole recent “white guy in a red cap” thing makes me wish I had two more hands so I could give four middle fingers.
But dude, liberal tears butt wipes or whatever..these rubes eat that shit up
Not sure why a for profit corporation would limit its market to a specific, politically oriented, demographic. Especially when that corporations product is body hair removal - a process very much detached from all political and most social discourse.
Along these lines, there is no stupider entry in the American index than that of “Jeremy’s Razors,” a grooming company created by The Daily Wire, a conservative media platform founded in 2015 by Ben Shapiro (a political commentator you may have heard of) and Jeremy Boreing (a former film director you probably haven’t heard of, and the namesake for the venture).
They don't. If you look into them it's entirely a company owned by the same guy that owns The Daily Wire. It's literally only there to grift from their audience and further their culture war.
There is an entire coffee company dedicated to mUrica. It’s just fucking coffee but if you sell it right these idiots will buy literally anything that even pretends they be American and conservative
Is a real product, with a real commercial, really saying that line. And it wasn't even for political reasons, they just wanted men to drink their diet soda.
It's because they've conditioned their audience to believe a few key things:
"Voting" with your wallet is what matters over all other forms of action.
Giving money to "woke" companies harms you as an individual.
Buying products is the best way to signal your value as a person.
Let's break that down.
They want money to be more important than voting, because they understand that their political demographic does not win the popular vote in most cases, and their policies are inherently not popular with the majority. But when they can get money instead, then use that to influence votes and policy, well, that just might get them the policies they want without substantial votes from the public.
They want people to fear giving money to "woke" corporations because it makes them seem like the only source of real truth, and objectivity. They're the voices of reason in a world that's all against you. Then, you'll be willing to pay for their subscription streaming service, and their subscription streaming service for kids, and their merch, and their chocolate, and their razors, et cetera et cetera.
They want you to associate buying products as the way to define yourself, because when you so strongly identify with their politics, you'll spend as much money as you can signaling to those around you that you don't support the "woke" agenda through your wallet, you only support those who truly embody your cause. Giving them money becomes a symbol of your values.
And of course, they wouldn't get any sales without this as a selling point. If they just start a razor brand, not affiliated with their political ventures, who's gonna buy?Their razors are effectively the same price as Gilette's, just without the likely higher standard of quality and availability in physical retail locations.
But when they combine all three of those tactics I mentioned to make their target demographic believe they need these razors to display their values, stop a perceived evil agenda, and make their voice heard... well, then you've got a good revenue stream.
Because they're not in it for profit. It's a project of the chuds at the Daily Wire. Any profit is a side effect of their true goal, right wing culture war. It exists to take money from their fans and use their "successful business" to prove that they're correct. They'd still do it even if it wasn't profitable just to push their preferred narrative.
They'll never get a huge chunk of the market, but the customers they will have will be loyal and can be leveraged to sell other stuff to. Wouldn't surprise me if these razors are just repackaged stuff from another brand.
Not a piss take. But yes part of the show. It's entirely owned and operated by the chuds at the Daily Wire and their entire purpose is right wing culture war. It's just classic conservative grifting
It's also funny because most of my heavy conservative coworkers all have beards, trucks, and country stuff because that's the image.
Now that I think about it, quite a few are bald and shave their heads, sooo... Maybe that's an angle they could shoot for? Those could be some wild ads.
Not only is it not, its not even the only product marketed this way. Off the top of my head I've heard of anti woke coffee, beer, phones, foods... I don't remember what any of them are called because that's not a good use of brain space.
I'm gonna make some tooth brushes in two marginally different styles and sell one in rainbow and various LGBT flag patterns for the left and sell the other in camo, thin blue line flag and gun metal grey patterns for the right. Market the hell out of both of them based solely on being ideologically polarized to those each side hates. Milk everyone on both sides of their cash. And when they finally inevitably find out that they're both produced by the same company, I'll gamify it, posting weekly sales totals for each line and promising 20% of the profits at the end of the year get donated the a non-profit supported by the winning side. Let them fight each other by paying me. Also, no matter how overwhelming one side was actually winning, my posts would always indicate that it is a really close race, so that if just a few more people bought them, it might make a big difference.
That's all bullshit, I'd never do that because I'm not evil. But dozens of Libertarian sociopaths are taking notes right now.
So, what happened is Harry's Razors used to run ads on the Daily Wire, then pulled them because...... They're the daily wire, basically. The guy who owns the daily wire took it personally and launched Jeremy's razors to stick it to em.
Interesting that they target "manly, conservative men"... yet they look like they're made of the saem cheap, shitty plastic most other disposable/cartridge razors use. And look at the ergonomic design... dont want their manly wittle hands cramping.
Politics aside, fuck cartridge razors and fuck products designed to generate trash.
I don't understand why this is a shitpost? I mean, other than it's shit, and here it is being posted. Shouldn't a shitpost have some sort of intelligence or self-awareness or humor or something? I don't get it.
I mean it's pretty common. I've not eaten at Chick Fil A for years or shopped in a Hobby Lobby since the religious health insurance crap. Just two big examples. Many people choose to not support companies that are in blatant opposition to their values. And me not buying at hobby lobby did mean I purchased my supplies from an alternate vendor. So I could say I bought from alternate vendor to strike back at the conservative culture...