I mean, it used to be considered disrespectful to sit down to eat without taking off your hat. I would eat with you while you wear a hat no problem, but I would take mine off.
Playground tactics is the only thing that works on Trump and the novo facists. Time to use their terminology against them - Donald Trump should now only be referred to as the Cuckold-in-Chief
We need a pithy, demeaning nickname to sum this up, something that'll really get under his thin skin. I'll suggest PINO, "President In Name Only." Open to suggestions tho!
I like Pino, I do think we need to add to it and get him from many angles. I can't think of any that would piss him off enough. Something like Musk's personal assistant so his name doesn't even get mentioned.
We need a pithy, demeaning nickname to sum this up, something that’ll really get under his thin skin. I’ll suggest PINO, “President In Name Only.” Open to suggestions tho!
Did they SLAM him tough? It's all well and good to HUMILIATE him and make him POWERLESS... But if they don't SLAM him, was there really any progress? Any resistance? I don't think so.... \s \s \s
Great take designed for the audience of one. Hope Schmuck's lil bitch sees it and reacts as intended. We need the media and everyone to keep hyping this angle if we're ever going to get musk out of there.
This picture makes me think of a scene from Superman 2 where Zod is in the oval office and the president is sitting to address the nation, looking defeated. Maybe I'm misremembering. I'll have to dig out my movie and see. Of course, Elon is no Zod, and Trump just looks lost. I'd bet the kid picking his nose has a higher IQ than the other 2 combined.
I feel really stupid for asking this, but it's recurring problem so I'm exposing my weaknesses.
Whenever I go to the daily beast to read an article, all I ever see is a headline and a picture. I have tried clicking around and I have absolutely no clue as to how to read an article on the daily beast.
If any of you young whipper snappers would have mercy on an old fart, I would appreciate it.
You could try installing UnPaywall or 12ft Free (if on Edge or Chrome), or Bypass Paywalls Clean on Firefox/Fennec/etc. These bypass paywalls. I also suggest uBlock Origin with all filters enabled.