"Indivisible is urging people who are scared to call their member of Congress, whether they have a Democrat or Republican, and make specific procedural asks," Greenberg said.
"Our supporters are asking Democrats to demand specific red lines are met before they offer their vote to House Republicans on the budget, when Republicans inevitably fail to pass a bill on their own."
This really says everything that needs to be said, doesn't it?
They make all kinds of excuses for why they lost the election while somehow failing to identify the inconvenient actual reasons, then they complain when their voters push them to oppose actual autocracy, which they've been warning about for a decade.
Democratic politicians would rather be domesticated and kept as docile pets than risk a confrontation.
The only people who I feel are doing what they can so far are progressives. Party leadership has given little to no indication of even having a dog in the fight. Sanders sent an awesome email detailing the exact issues and class consciousness being the solution, I just don't think many liberals even want class conscious any more than fascists do.
Maybe we shouldn’t have to harass people into doing their FUCKING JOBS
Start opposing republicans, stop giving them wins. Start demanding concessions- extensive and painful ones- to get your help.
Stop acting like you’re all adults, the other side is a bunch of toddlers and should be called out for their rampant bullshit. From the committees, from the podium. From every pulpit you can use.
This bullshit “we didn’t get a supermajority so we can’t do anything more than send rude letters” attitude is exactly why you’re out of power.
People want solutions- even bad ones. People don’t care if those solutions are awful. They don’t care if Trump is insane, they’re tired of the status quo and y’all have been the party of the status quo.
do something because if you don’t we’re going to have another 4+ years of this shit while the dnc collapses and becomes something else.
Dems showing up to a federal agency they fund and being told "no, you can't come in to the public entrance" should have been met with "there's forty of us and one of you, you can't arrest us all, mf, now watch this kickflip", not "okay :("
They haven't changed. The party leaders back then were the same as they are now. They were never on your side. No political party is your friend, no political party will ever be your friend, and no political party will ever put your best interests forst.
THEY don't need to do anything, WE need to stop supporting political parties that abandon their constituents.
"There were a lot of people who were like, 'We've got to stop the groups from doing this.' ... People are concerned that they're saying we're not doing enough, but we're not in the majority," said one member. [...] Some Democrats see the callers as barking up the wrong tree given their limited power as the minority party in Congress.
So? Republicans have been in the minority and they're still successful in blocking the Democrats' agenda. I don't see why the Democrats are so reluctant to turn the tables when it's literally our entire fucking country on the line. They should refuse everything the Republicans try to do.
They kept the fucking filibuster around ostensibly for this very reason. If they don't use it every chance they have, it's clear that the only reason they kept it around is to block progressive legislation that they ran on but never had any intention of passing.
"I reject and resent the implication that congressional Democrats are simply standing by passively," said Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.).
Well, maybe do something to show us what you are doing. My state's rep recently sent out a very encouraging email to his mailing list going into detail on what Democrats in general, and he personally, are currently doing to fight back. Is Richie Torres doing that? (Honest question, I don't know, not on their mailing list.)
If you're expecting real resistance to the fascist takeover, don't waste your time with the Democratic Party. Find a grassroots organization and join it. Get out in the streets. If you can't or won't, stay out of the way.
Do both. When you are catching a ride to the latest direct action inspired by the puppygirl hacker polycule, make a quick call from the back seat and rage at your local electeds. It is necessary preparation anyway, you will be all juiced up and ready for the real action.
Their insipid whining that people expect them to do their jobs for the first time ever means that the message is no longer being completely ignored. Give them something to gripe about. Nag them like they nagged you for donations. NEVER let up. Contentment got us here.
OMG, yes this is what I need to do. I already sent a rant email to each of my 3 people in Congress, (they're pretty good but need encouragement to dig in their heels and hodl) but what about all the others I gave to in the runup to the election? Maybe it's time to stop ignoring the spam and start going after those same people, even though I'm not technically their constituent.
Congressional subpoenas are traditionally a good way to force the DOJ or some state agency to acknowledge a particular kind of misconduct is occurring. But the power afforded to the executive branch has so outstripped that of Congress (by design, as handing authority off to the President lets him be the scapegoat while Congresscritters get to complain) for so long that there really isn't a ton a minority party can do except shut down further legislation.
for so long that there really isn’t a ton a minority party can do except shut down further legislation.
Sure, except the ineffectiveness of the Democrats has LED to them being a minority party. Unless they either shape up OR the Republicans totally fuck things into the ground, I don't see them returning to power.