I don't remember where I read this quote originally and I can only paraphrase it, but observing people living in a capitalist society and concluding that human nature is self-centeredness and greed is equivalent to observing workers in a factory that is poisoning their lungs and concluding that human nature is to cough.
That's a nice quote, thank you. I looked into it. It's by Andrew Collier:
To look at people in capitalist society and conclude that human nature is egoism, is like looking at people in a factory where pollution is destroying their lungs and saying that it is human nature to cough.
I think “good” and “bad” are hard terms to apply to people objectively, but I do believe that most people value social coherence and are willing to do (the minimum amount of) something to maintain it. If you can’t believe at least that it means that all of those thin blue line people are right, and I’m just not willing to believe that’s true.
I would say most people are good. However, the human brain is pretty shit and easy to manipulate. It's easy to make people view other people as not human or other to them, or to not think about them at all. Maybe that is "not good" in some definitions though. When face-to-face, I will bet every time on someone treating someone well. I'll lose the bet occasionally, but I'll be right more than wrong.
Karma - there are way too many shitty people who just continue to be shitty because nothing ever comes back to bite them. Meanwhile, people who actually try to help are kicked around the most.
Anyway, if they were so benevolent and so much smarter than us, why would they impose their will, and especially if interference might make our extinction more rapid?
Religion, mythology and probably anything mystical. It's very easy why people believe in them, they're so alluring and genuinely wish they had truth to them. Unfortunately the only truth to be found is ancient wisdom, and even that can be very iffy sometimes.
I'll do some reading, any recommendations would be appreciated!
Religion to me has always seemed as a way to create order in a seemingly orderless world, rationality set aside. I like philosophy for this reason, although it can be very pretentious.
I've spent my entire life believing that facts don't care about feelings. That scientific truth doesn't require your belief in it in order to be true. That at the end of the day, reasoning will beat emotion...
By far the most dis-heartening thing about the last few years (to me) has been accepting the idea they "facts" are "whatever is shouted the loudest".
It, more than anything else, makes me feel helpless. If the enemy isn't even playing with the same fact-sheet... How do you even begin to fight that?
Reincarnation - I’d like to believe I’ve met others before, maybe even many times. It would explain some stuff like why you’re irrationally drawn or repelled by certain people.
The thing that's always gotten me about reincarnation is the lack of memory of past lives. Even if it were true and some small part of a person lives on, is it functionally different than a permanent death if they retain nothing from their past lives?
I definitely don’t want to believe in God, because if there were one then that would mean a sadistic narcissistic monster is at the helm of all of this. I prefer an indifferent universe.
Ghosts. My 18 year old cat passed end of last year and she was one of my best friends. I just wish that instead of me knowing that the shades of her I see are actively produced by my mind (i notice me doing them) that she'd really spook around me, that i could just embrace the little shade and show her that i still love her. Well now I'm crying at work
@CapriciousDay one of the most common misunderstandings about "razor principles" is that one should completely discard hypothesis that does not pass the razor. The thing is, razor principles is a priority-sorting mechanism, not discarding. The simpliest explanation for everything is God of The Gaps (and that's how Occam's Razor should had work in Occam's reasonings), but we understand that God is not enough.
Same goes for Hanlon's Razor. If stupidity is not enough, you should go with the next hypothesis - malevolent supidity.
That Democracy can be an effective check on Capitalism. Liberalism is my favorite fairy tale. If all the propaganda I was fed as a kid in the 90s was actually true, I'd be in paradise.
I found a wallet on the ground by a truck outside a store recently that had a lot of cash in it. I looked at the license and while I was heading in to see if they could call the owner I saw the guy rushing back out of the store looking panicked. I gave him his wallet back and he acted like I was the one that took it from him. If I was gonna steal from you I'd have cleaned it out and tossed it asshole. Then later when I mentioned that id found a wallet and returned my coworkers were all giving me shit for not just stealing his money. Not one person out of 8 had any opinion other than just steal it. I already don't have a great opinion of people but that really reinforced my opinion.
Heaven. Or just the idea that some part of the consciousness outlives the body. I really hate that this is all I get, there's so much I'll never get to do just because my parents decided when I was too young to decide for myself.
I know it's a statistical impossibility that we're the only life out there. I just don't believe they've ever been here. Since we haven't been either conquered or uplifted yet.
I'll admit, my disbelief in afterlife really doesn't make me fear death because while it's boring, it's only boring for everyone else. For the person dead it's nothing. Boring is a sensation, and death has none of that either. It's neither good nor bad, just nothing.
LOL. This is great! A few weeks ago the illuminati was some sort of boogeyman. Today, things are so bad @KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml is praying for boogeyman to be real. There are some genuinely great answers here but I really identify with this one, personally.
There is a gospel passage about how much will be expected of those whom have been given much. I've always heard this interpreted as how church leaders will be judged harshly in the afterlife. I wish this and hell were true, just for the sheer shock and disbelief of all the hypocritical religious leaders who've done so many terrible things and continued to preach hate.
A thing beyond our understanding on this world, I wish that thoses humans on top of the world would understand at least once that they can't control everything, and that the world stays full of wonder.
I would have said also yōkais, but i actually believe in them so it doesn't count i suppose.
Free will. I want to believe I can do as I please and am making decisions that could go either way. But I think it more likely that time is just unwinding, every action a result of some previous actions, all the way back to the big bang and it's impossible to step out of this stream.
@ParlaMint cryptids. Fun thing is, that makes me extra-sceptical on such sort of things. I'm so willling to believe, that I have to double-check, triple-check any evidence I get just to be sure it is really the thing, not just me wishful-thinking.