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really gotta be sure basic arithmetic didn't change
  • I'd argue that the internet has made this problem worse, not better.

    In fact, I'd argue that the internet has taken away tons of people's ability to admit they're wrong because there's always an echo chamber that will support you on even the dumbest of beliefs and anyone fact checking anyone is seen as the enemy. You see this on places like Facebook and YouTube comments where someone will make a claim, other people will think it makes sense on a cursory glance and express their agreement, then someone who actually knows what they're talking about will politely correct them and everyone will gang up on them because they've disrupted the vibe, and simply because of that the unanimous decision is made that the correct answer is in fact wrong and is a government conspiracy.

  • Meta fined $101 million by Ireland for storing hundreds of millions of passwords in plaintext
  • It’s something that literally every dev has done at some point before they knew better.

    If you're working for a multinational tech company handling sensitive user data and still make this mistake, then you are being malicious in your incompetence. This is something that would cause you to lose a significant amount of marks on a first year college programming project, let alone a production system used by literally billions of people.

  • Meta fined $101 million by Ireland for storing hundreds of millions of passwords in plaintext
  • that logged unencrypted password data

    Why the fuck would you need to log a password ever? This is absolutely malice and not incompetence.

  • Meta fined $101 million by Ireland for storing hundreds of millions of passwords in plaintext
  • Hanlon's Razor revised: Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence, except where there is an established pattern of malice.

  • Meta fined $101 million by Ireland for storing hundreds of millions of passwords in plaintext
  • Does anyone remember an article/interview a while back where Mark Fuckerberg shamelessly admitted that he chose not to hash passwords in the original Facebook codebase specifically because he wanted to be able to log into his users' other accounts that use the same password? I swear I remember reading something like this but now I can't find it.

  • The Benefits of World Hunger
  • No one works harder than people whose lives are threatened [for example, by starvation] and they are working to not die.

    The logical conclusion of this is that we should bring back slavery and extermination camps because that's how you maximize the efficiency from of humans. /s (obviously)

  • Hey Lemmy, what's on your mind?
  • Mostly cerebal spinal fluid.

  • Israel accused of breaking global labor law by withholding Palestinian worker pay
  • USA prisoner.


    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    Gives some context to why US judges give people of colour disproportionately long sentences for a given crime.

  • How big threat do you think Intel ME is in reality, not in theory?
  • Anything that was designed be exploited was designed that way for a reason. You think Intel isn't aware of the security issues with how they designed their CPUs?

  • Project for people leaving Google Maps.
  • The gyroscope can record your speech:

    And no OS requires permissions for apps to access your motion sensors.

  • It's not only dangerous to drive drunk, it's also dangerous to walk drunk outdoors because of cars.

    You're walking home late at night from the bar because you've had 11 shots of tequila but you still made the conscious decision not to drive for the safety of others.

    You're crossing a stroad.

    Someone "in a hurry" decide to run the red light and hits you at 70 km/h (because of course they were speeding, why wouldn't they?), doesn't see you because you're hunched over while you're walking and it's really dark and the person is driving a giant SUV with shit visibility.

    Cars are one of the largest source of fatal pedestrian accidents in a major city. How much more likely are you to get into an accident if you're drunk and is less able to pay attention to cars breaking the rules and putting you in danger? Walking safely in most cities is a task you need to be sober for because you have to walk super defensively.

    It's not only dangerous to drive drunk, it's also dangerous to walk drunk outdoors because of cars.

    You're walking home late at night from the bar because you've had 11 shots of tequila but you still made the conscious decision not to drive for the safety of others. You're crossing a stroad. Someone "in a hurry" decide to run the red light and hits you at 70 km/h (because of course they were speeding, why wouldn't they?), doesn't see you because you're hunched over while you're walking and it's really dark and the person is driving a giant SUV with shit visibility.

    Cars are one of the largest source of fatal pedestrian accidents in a major city. How much more likely are you to get into an accident if you're drunk and is less able to pay attention to cars breaking the rules and putting you in danger? Walking safely in most cities is a task you need to be sober for because you have to walk super defensively.

    /c/showerthoughts HiddenLayer555
    If Jesus can turn water into wine, but wine is still mostly made of water, can Jesus apply his powers recursively and create more and more concentrated wine?

    A sacrifice for the greater good
  • The kid who jury rigged their gameboy to a power adapter is probably an electrical engineer by now.

  • A sacrifice for the greater good
  • NiMH is perfect for an application like this, where the power draw is high but you don't need the batteries to retain charge while in standby for that long, so the high self-discharge rate is irrelevant.

  • WinampDesktop/winamp - Licence violates github TOS · Issue #6
  • If you're not allowed to modify it, it's not open source.

  • It’s no longer glorious to get rich in China — it’s dangerous
  • I'm sorry, is this a bourgeoisie joke that I'm too proletariat to understand?

  • Complexities of modern life
  • Black coffee. Works just as well for a quarter of the price without fucking your kidneys up or giving you diabetes.

  • Mozilla has fired Chief Product Officer Steve Teixeira after cancer diagnosis
  • I genuinely believe that the Mozilla board is secretly working for Google. They already get most of their funding from that search engine deal, is a backroom agreement to slowly run the organization into the ground in order to force the last holdouts over to Chrome that hard to believe?

  • Last High End devices
  • I know this is sarcasm, but I still have to also point out that companies literally conspire with each other to undermine the consumer's ability to choose. Remember when Apple removed the headphone jack and Android vendors mocked their decision for all of one year before immediately following suit? That's 100% intentional and planned from the start. They know we want to vote with our money, which is why they do everything they can to make sure we don't have that choice.

  • Off by one solitude
  • Easy solution: Switch to table UUIDs.

  • Project for people leaving Google Maps.
  • Additional reminder that Google not only records your location minute by minute, they also record your motion activity through your phone's gyroscope and know exactly what you're doing (walking, running, biking, driving, playing sports, etc). You can view all of this in your history. It's genuinely infuriating that they can get away with this.

    You can turn it off in your settings, but as with any proprietary software you can never be sure that they're not still doing it (why wouldn't they? that's just leaving profit on the table)

  • HiddenLayer555 HiddenLayer555


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