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Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'
  • Yeah I would totally agree with this if the word wasn't already desensitized a very long time ago. The language has changed. (I'm assuming people were ever differentiating, I don't really know/remember the history.) Colloquially it means interested in teens unless it's clarified to be worse than that.

    I recommend not trying to make this argument, anywhere. It will not change the way people use words, even if it could there would not be a point (attraction to pre-teens is so egregious that it will always be clarified), and a lot of people will assume that someone who doesn't accept the colloquial usage is themselves interested in teens and in denial about how the public actually views that to the point where they think only interest in prepubescent children is problematic and handwave everything else away as a language issue.

  • Panthers win first Stanley Cup, topping Oilers 2-1 in Game 7
  • Knoblauch shortened the bench way too early, the last couple minutes it felt like everyone out there for the oilers was totally gassed and could barely move. When there are less than twenty seconds left in a game 7 where you're down a goal, you absolutely cannot afford to take three seconds to stand behind your own net to catch your breath and let the play develop.

  • TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US
  • A vote not cast is a vote for Aaron Bushnell.

    This sounds a lot more productive than election day usually ends up. Thanks for making this election season inspiring.

  • Humans cannot recognize AI-written reviews - human reviews were often mistaken for AI-generated reviews, and even more frequently, AI-generated reviews were mistaken for human reviews
  • Tony's great. He does a thing he calls "Detroit style stuffed pizza" which does not really seem to be a Detroit style pizza at all but it's fantastic nonetheless.

    A lot of people like his sandwiches and visually they look very appetizing, but for whatever reason they don't hit the spot for me. His pizzas are spectacular, and good breadsticks and wings too.

  • TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US
  • I feel bad about this and I'd like to make it up to you.

    If you tell me your favorite candidate I promise to stay home on election day to cast a vote for them.

  • TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US
  • Look girl, it's been a good debate, but I think I'm going to call it here. I've been trying to get increasingly more ridiculous and you keep replying like you're really engaged in this argument and I feel like I have an obligation to help your blood pressure by letting you win the argument before it goes too much further.

  • TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US
  • Doesn’t that seem strange to you?

    It doesn't seem strange at all. I have never once heard someone suggest that staying home is a vote for Biden, but it's pretty well agreed upon that not voting is a vote for Trump. Trump should win in a landslide, right? Yet he lost once. This seems like a glaring error in the idea that a protest vote is a vote for Trump.

    Only if you believe that election wasn't stolen.

  • Humans cannot recognize AI-written reviews - human reviews were often mistaken for AI-generated reviews, and even more frequently, AI-generated reviews were mistaken for human reviews
  • I don't read five star reviews ever anymore. If I want to find a believable endorsement of a product, I'll look for a four-star review that contains a criticism that isn't that bothersome to me personally, but legitimate enough that I can imagine a customer who would be deterred by it.

    We moved a year ago, and I found my favorite pizza guy, Tony, by maybe the most convincing online review I've ever read. The most recent review on google maps was a one-star that was basically like "I met Tony and he casually used foul language etc etc there is no need for profanity etc pizza was some of the best I've ever had though"

  • TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US
  • That doesn't make any sense. The idea that staying home could be a vote for Biden seems pretty silly on its face. If that were true, there wouldn't be any point in going out to vote for him, because the majority (or at least a plurality) of the country stays home regardless. He'd win in a landslide.

  • TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US
  • Mathematician here, I can answer this. Equivalence relations are symmetric, so if staying home is a vote for Trump then showing up to vote for Trump is the same as staying home on election day.

  • Did you choose for Linux for freedom or ...
  • I switched probably 2010 or 2011. I think I was on windows 7, but it might have been windows vista and I never got to 7.

    At some point I had made a realization that software I downloaded from sourceforge (this website has been terrible for a long while now, but I think it was decent way back) was heavily correlated with not being shitty. After making this observation, I was able to generalize it to open source software tends to be less shitty and I had a year or two of experiences afterwards that reinforced my theory, which led me to try experimenting with linux installs.

    I started with dual-booting Fedora, I had no idea what I was doing and didn't like the user experience as much as windows at first. I did a little bit of distro-hopping to see if there was something more appealing to me, but during that time I discovered the free software movement and that resonated with me a lot more than open source had, so I decided I wasn't interested in going back to windows. Moved to Trisquel (originally an Ubuntu derivative, and fully-free to the point of being FSF-approved) and grew to love it.

    After a couple years, I decided I was curious enough to learn more about how the system works, so I moved to Parabola (fully free Arch derivative) to force myself to learn. I really learned barely anything, but I got very good at getting things working by trial-and-error while reading documentation I don't fully understand. I haven't progressed very far beyond that point at all in the years since, but I got too comfortable to make a significant change.

    In the past five or so years, I've to some degree dropped the free software philosophy in favor of a philosophy that the problem runs much deeper (no hope of a successful free software movement in a capitalist society, and software is not even close to the most beneficial consequence of getting past capitalism), and I've moved to legit Arch rather than Parabola.

    I've basically gone ten years without real issues on arch installs, but I still have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just comfortable with it and don't want to put any effort into a change. I feel like if anyone from the arch forums or anyone knowledgeable in general took five minutes to look at my pc they'd be like wtf are you doing. It's whatever, it works well enough for me.

  • Why is there a surge of deodorant products mostly advertised to women in the US?
  • I use an adblocker, but I also drive a very old car and unfortunately my cd player just broke. I can confirm that there are tons of vaginal deodorant ads on the radio, always presented as a conversation between two women. There's no intention to be funny, they're trying to sound like a natural conversation two women would have in private and completely failing at coming across as anything short of awkward.

    "So it works well for you?" "Yes! It lasts up to 24 hours, and four out of five gynecologists recommend it!"

  • The Genius of Lanette’s Pokémon Storage
  • That's fair. I guess what I was getting at is that your observation was fun enough to get me to click the link even though I very rarely watch youtube, but the video itself wasn't really my thing. Makes sense to cite as where you came up with the thought.

  • Challenge Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Soon! (Scarlet/Violet)
  • I have scarlet and caught walking wake before, if I join a raid hosted by a violet player would I be able to throw a ball after defeating iron leaves?

  • The Genius of Lanette’s Pokémon Storage
  • OP comment got me to open the video, but this was somewhat frustrating to watch. It felt like as the video ran on it was becoming more and more just the guy rewording things he's already said in the past couple minutes. Is padding for time a youtube algorithm thing?

  • Who would you save between your cat and your worst enemy?
  • My favorite thing about this post is that question 2 is asked based on the assumption that you've answered question 1 correctly by picking "cat".

  • *confused carnist noises*.
  • Farmer here, I can explain this. After eating chicken breasts, the seeds passed through his digestive system. When he pooped outside, the breast seeds went on the soil encased in a natural fertilizer. Most people go straight to a toilet, and since breasts can't grow there they never really think about the possibility of growing breasts after eating chicken.

  • *confused carnist noises*.
  • The soy thing is just a dumb meme right? I'm having trouble imagining a person stupid enough to actually have that concern.

    (Just to clarify so no one infers bad intent behind my question, I do think veganism is cool and good.)

  • Of all movies that you gotta watch more than once to really understand, what is your favorite and why?
  • I want to watch it just because even without knowing a single thing about it I absolutely love this parody video and would like to get a more sophisticated appreciation for the comedy there.

  • what was your favorite thing about your first car?
  • Came here to post this too. 2011 two-door Hyundai accent, and I really value how small it is with two doors rather than four, easy to maneuver and park and drive in general.

    It's had some issues (horrible repair job after an accident led to me driving it a while with badly leaking transmission fluid, I really think that's contributed to 90% of the problems over the years) and a few months back I tried looking into new cars and I literally could not figure out if anyone sells a car that size in the US anymore. So I'll stick with dealing with it breaking down once or twice a year.

    Breaking down can be a huge headache depending on timing, but I'm not interested in buying used because I don't feel like I have enough intuition for cars to test drive something for an hour and feel confident I'm not putting $10,000 or whatever into a lateral move.

  • Original concept for a regional ditto

    Hear me out: a "Wild West" ditto, which looks like a regular ditto but with a moustache and cowboy hat, and when it transforms it looks just like the target pokemon, except with a moustache and a cowboy hat added on.

    Unfortunately I have no artistic talent so cannot provide sketches at this moment, but I intend to start a gofundme to commission the concept art sooner or later.

    Relationship advice?

    I need some relationship advice. I suggested 125% but my wife won't budge from 10%. Is this normal? How did it go when you had this conversation with your romantic partner?

    Grainy photo of my cat sleeping sitting up

    Roto-Borola usually likes to hang out with me when I'm working at my desk. Earlier today my wife snapped this photo of him chilling by me. Every so often he sits like this, but I think this is the first time we've seen him nap in this position. I laughed a little and it woke him up, he looked at me and did a loud meow and then got up.

    Screenplay for ninety-second trailer of a Christmas-themed horror movie

    Hey all, this is my original work which I am very proud of. I worked very hard on this and would appreciate receiving praise and constructive criticism.

    screenplay: _____________

    Open with a scene of a man alone chopping wood on a snowy day. He is large-bodied and looks visually menacing, it should be clear that he is the villian. He sings an eerie and discomforting tune: "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da"

    The next sixty or whatever seconds build up a horror movie featuring the aforementioned villain and a hero named John, a boy around 17 years old, as well as a couple friends around the same age who support him. A couple times cut back to the opening woodchopping "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da" scene.

    Nearing the end of the trailer, scene with John and his couple friends walking through the city on a snowy day. The townsfolk jeer and yell obscenities at them. John narrates: "Before the incident, we were treated just like anyone else. But now, whenever we go out, the people always shout."

    (words flash on the screen, large font)


    Very brief scene of a terrified scream


    chop "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da"


    Frantic sprinting through a snow-covered forest


    Scene of John in an attic, which is illuminated only by the candle he holds in one hand. With the other hand, John lifts up and examines a dusty old photo of the villain. "Oh my God. His name is my name too." Candle blows out.

    (smaller font)


    What do you guys recommend for language learning from scratch?

    Hi all,

    I want to try to learn Spanish on my own, right now I barely know anything. Asking in the libre culture community because I know a common answer is duolingo but I don't want to install an app store other than f-droid.

    Tomorrow the only two remaining teams to not have scored first in a game go head-to-head

    Announcer for tonight's caps game said at the start of the game that New Jersey and Washington were the last two teams. Looks like both gave up the first goal tonight (with help from a coach's challenge on the Backstrom goal). Devils play in DC tomorrow at 7:30.

    /c/showerthoughts Christian
    Star-ratings for online reviews would probably be actually helpful if you just excluded all the five-star reviews from the calculations

    Companies don't pay for four-star reviews, but a person giving a four-star review liked the product overall.

    Friend Ship Christian
    Looking for an instant messaging friend! (XMPP or other)

    Hi all,

    I haven't instant messaged with strangers in a good bit and I kind of want to relive those days, so giving this another shot.

    I made a post here a couple years back and made connections with a couple cool people, but eventually those faded. Trying again now that lemmy is more popular, not sure if this time it will just get swallowed up in the massive sea of posts that are here now.

    I'd like to use a messenger that is supported by a FOSS linux client. I still have an XMPP (decentralized messenger) account, so that would be my first choice, but I'd be fine to sign up for matrix, or anything else that I can run easily from a desktop client on linux. To be clear, you don't have to be a linux user yourself, I'm pretty sure pidgin works great for XMPP on windows.

    To help you decide whether you should talk to me, I made these lists:

    Reasons you should talk to me:

    • You had a good day and want to share that with someone.

    • You had a bad day and want to share that with someone.

    • You want to talk about depression and emotional health with another human being.

    • You want to shoot the shit about listening to music and don't mind when those discussions stray far from the mainstream. (My favorite stuff is neoclassical, metal, and industrial.)

    • You have some tiny amount of comfort with your arch linux setup and want a chance to show off to an arch user who knows even less than you do.

    • You have pokemon violet version, but need a pokemon from scarlet version to complete your pokedex. (I've also played a ton of Yo-Kai 3. Monster taming games in general are my niche.)

    • You're confused as to why every right adjoint preserves all monic arrows, but don't want to sign up for the mathematics stackexchange.

    • You have an interest in computer programming, and are happy to discuss that stuff with a novice. (I need to pick haskell back up, I think I was approaching being good enough to write Hello World.)

    • You follow the NHL and want to emphasize that I should feel bad for rooting for a team currently employing Tom Wilson.

    • You somehow obtained an XMPP messenger account but no one else seems to use it.

    • You think maybe messaging me would help you justify all the time you just wasted on reading this stupid list.

    Reasons you should not talk to me:

    • You do not feel you would be satisfied with a platonic-only friendship. (I am happily married.)

    • You are not an adult. (I don't doubt that there are tons of cool teenagers out there, but I would feel like a creep.)

    • You have high standards.

    • You would be upset with the fact that I can be flaky and with me sleeping totally ridiculous hours. (Case in point: It's almost 2AM where I live. Going to bed soon.)

    • Mi Espanol no es bueno, no hablo Espanol. (Want to learn but haven't made progress.)

    • You went through my post history and found that I said something horribly offensive three years ago.

    • Honestly, I'm awkward as shit.

    Send me a pm and let's talk!

    Looking for feedback on my sixty-second trailer for a horror movie titled "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt"

    I'm looking for feedback on my original screenplay. It is a sixty-second-ish long trailer for a Christmas-themed horror movie. This is an update on my screenplay idea I posted on lemmy a couple years back. ( link because I still haven't learned how to link to posts cross-instance, doesn't seem to be in the docs.)


    Open with a scene of a man alone chopping wood on a snowy day. He is large-bodied and looks visually menacing, it should be clear that he is the villian. He sings an eerie and discomforting tune: "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da"

    The next thirty or whatever seconds build up a horror movie featuring the aforementioned villain and a hero named John, a boy around 17 years old, as well as a couple friends around the same age who support him. A couple times cut back to the opening woodchopping "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da" scene.

    Nearing the end of the trailer, scene with John and his couple friends walking through the city on a snowy day. The townsfolk jeer and yell obscenities at them. John narrates: "Before the incident, we were treated just like anyone else. But now, whenever we go out, the people always shout."

    (words flash on the screen, large font)


    Very brief scene of a terrified scream


    chop "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da"


    Frantic sprinting through a snow-covered forest


    Scene of John in an attic, which is illuminated only by the candle he holds in one hand. With the other hand, John lifts up and examines a dusty old photo of the villain. "Oh my God. His name is my name too." Candle blows out.

    (smaller font)


    I came up with a sci-fi thought experiment/writing prompt - thoughts?

    I came up with a science fiction writing prompt/thought experiment that I'd like to share. I'm aware this is a little silly.


    There exists an aether throughout the universe which I am going to suggestively name "soul". Soul can congeal, and congealed soul can take on a multitude of different states. Consciousness is congealed soul, and the states it takes on are emotions. Organisms have evolved to interact with soul, and over time the emotions they are able to evoke have become less rudimentary and increasingly varied.

    The prompt/thought experiment:

    A utilitarian mad scientist designs blueprints for a soul virus, which causes the aether permeating everything to congeal and then permanently crystallize in a joyful state. It will spread and eventually unify all consciousness into one. This leads to the question of whether universal bliss is worth the price of a total loss of individuality.

    casual Christian
    I just woke up from a silly dream and feel the need to share

    Anyone remember how Trump started Space Force? I was on Space Force, and I got sent to the moon. We were called Moon Force, and there was only one other soldier there on the moon with me.

    Back home on Earth, I wanted to mail her a card, so I looked in the card aisle for cards related to Moon Force. They only had one relevant card, it said "Don't Moon Force me to go". I thought it was funny so I got it for her and mailed it.

    My screenplay idea for a horror movie titled “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”

    Synopsis: Our hero John ventures into an attic, where he finds a dusty old photo of the villain. “Oh my god”, John exclaims. “His name is my name too.”

    A place for everything about math Christian
    My first paper as a recreational mathematician

    I was burned out on math for a very long while after failing out of my phd, just now starting to get back into it. This paper is not something a professional mathematician would take seriously, but I'm really happy with it still and wanted to share.

    Friend Ship Christian
    33/M/US - Looking to chat over XMPP

    What I'm looking for:

    I'm offering to be a friend to chat with occasionally over XMPP messenger. Platonic only because I am happily married, and I'd rather not chat with anyone under 18 just because I would feel like a creep.

    My interests:

    I love listening to music, but more often weirder music like neoclassical, industrial, and various subgenres of extreme metal.

    In general I try to support libre software, but I'm not perfect with it and definitely make exceptions for games. I especially like pokemon and other monster-collecting games. I want to learn to program but haven't gotten any deeper than what's necessary to do the first fifty or so project euler programs in haskell.

    I was abd in mathematics, and my qualifiers were in category theory and algebraic topology. I got burnt out for a while but I'm starting to enjoy math again now that I'm not under pressure to perform.

    I follow the NHL. Since the playoffs in 1998 I was watching Capitals games every once in a while, but about ten years ago I started watching them religiously and still am.

    Politically I identify as pretty far left, but I don't have good knowledge of theory.

    About me:

    Honestly, I can be very flaky and I know I might not be the ideal friend. Things have been hard lately. I am unemployed and have been very sick with post-covid symptoms since my recovery end of March. Still, if anyone wants to talk I would be happy to.

    Is permanently dead?

    My pod has been giving me a "502 Bad Gateway" error for a few days now. Does anyone know a way to find out if they're gone for good? My account on the pod was like three years old with a ton of posts, so I don't want to make a new one if I don't have to.

    EDIT: Just came back online as of October 29.

    christian Christian

    I think I speak for most people when I say that I’m a good representative of the general population.

    Posts 18
    Comments 119