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Rich Socialists
  • Which came first, the philosophy, or the Material Conditions?

    In this instance, Idealism predates Liberalism. However, come the foundations of Capitalism out of Feudalism, Liberalism became the new idealist status quo.

    I don't think it's quite accurate to say Liberalism is a product of Idealism, but that Capitalism as formed from Feudalism required an Idealist ideology, that being Liberalism.

    So it's more of a parallel advancement in thought, not that Liberalism came from Idealism and then Capitalism came. That's a very "ideas focused" frame of analysis.

    Correct me if I misunderstood you and we are saying the same thing.

  • Rich Socialists
  • For some reason Liberals become Ultras when criticizing Socialists. Liberals get the supreme benefit of careful nuance, contextual analysis, and critical support even in the face of genocide support, while Socialists are endlessly purity tested on vague senses of moralism, rather than Materialist analysis.

    Liberalism and Idealism go hand in hand.

  • Imperialism in Kenya and in Haiti
  • Imperialism is the primary contradiction in the modern era, and is the contradiction that must be fought against most vehemontly. The struggle against Imperialism in the Global South must be supported by workers in the Global North, as the struggle against Imperialism opens the door to progress.

  • Do not let injustice sadden you, let it radicalize you to communism
  • Most working people I know don't consider themselves communist. In fact, most probably consider themselves anyi-communist. Why do you think communism's message doesn't resonate with working people?

    Several reasons. The US State Department has spent a century strategically dismantling attempts at building Socialism and propagandizing against it. This intentional dismantling of Socialist experiments allows the State to pretend "Socialism did that" even if these countries were bombed into oblivion, sanctioned, couped, and so forth.

    Additionally, the American Proletariat is almost feudalistic. High quality of life is bought on the backs of debt slavery and super-exploitation of immigrants and the global south. There is a second, underclass of proletarians threatened with deportation that have even lower salaries. This debt entrapment combined with high cost of living and quality of life depresses revolutionary potential.

    In my mind it could be a mixture of propaganda and that we don't emphasize critical thinking in schools.

    People would not be radicalized simply if they were better at critical thinking. The thoughts and ideas of society largely arise from their Material Conditions, not from education and individuals thinking about their conditions. The entirety of culture is shaped around liberalism and liberal ideas.

    Imperialism is the driving contradiction of today. Finance Capital dominantes the global south and commodities are produced cheaply as compradors slice up and sell their fellow countrymen to rich Capitalists in the Global North. Fighting this will push the American Proletariat to more revolutionary potential, and allows Socialist projects to prop up without US interference.

    What remains to be done for any good Communist is organizing. Building up parallel structures and a revolutionary group along democratic lines, fostering good relationships and encouraging Marxist education.

    Take a note from the Black Panthers, Fred Hampton was murdered because the Black Panther Party was a threat to the State.

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • Nah, I just want you to know what you're talking about, pretty simple

  • Please vote
  • I don't think many people here are rich or think they are smart just because they use Lemmy.

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • What does "politically correct" mean? A correct take?

  • Capitalism and technology
  • Yes, and thus there is a tendency for the rate of profit to fall.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Homophobia, racism, ableism, and more racism, lmao.

    Guess Joe Rogan is too progressive for you, maybe Ben Shapiro or Nick Fuentes is more your speed?

    Not even Australian myself lol

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • They're lyrics, intentionally making the service worse for people with hearing disabilities is ableist.

  • Please vote
  • To be fair, that's just in general at this point in time. It's only gotten worse.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Yes, pyongyang propaganda from a pair of aussies touching grass.

    I think you need to take your own advice and stop watching Joe Rogan.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Not voting at all for your leadership isn't democracy.

    They do, though.

    Besides all of this, China hasn't even gotten rid of capitalism anyway. So they're not only a dictatorship but they're also practically a fascist one with worker aesthetics.

    China has elections, so not sure why you're calling "fascist," it's closer to a Social Democracy.

    Half of the shit we buy in America is made in China by wage slaves who cannot advocate for themselves under threat of being carried off to jail or executed.

    Mind finding some sources of this happening?

    All in all, you're deeply goofy. It's like you believe everything the US state department says.

    Try watching a video of two guys going to North Korea to get a haircut.

  • Oh Joe...
  • You do realize you've moved the goal posts over time, right? Flawed democracy is still democracy, and if you're going to pretend it isn't then we have to agree that the US isn't a democracy either.

  • Oh Joe...
  • 2019, I believe. Wikipedia has the results.

  • Oh Joe...
  • George W. Bush


  • USA presidential candidates
  • America is a one party dictatorship, and in typical American extravagence, it has two of them.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Not even checking the links? It's wikipedia, lol

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • Who says I don't have will? You can't vibe material conditions into changing, expecting Socialism to be built by the will of the people is idealism.

    You have to build it, with your hands.

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • By vibing it into existence? Can't. It must be built through organizing and revolution.

    Read theory.

  • Which Character Build Suits Each Game Best?

    Ranking by themes, enjoyment, and how well these builds are actualized, what general build is most fun in each game? An ideal case, "fun maximized" run. What are your thoughts?

    What are your favorite albums from the 2020s?

    I've always held the belief that music wasn't better in the past, people just have survivorship bias. What are your genuine favorite albums of the last few years?

    Personally, I'm loving The Rime of Memory by Panopticon, Ants from Up There by Black Country, New Road, and Hellfire by Black Midi.

    Which Fallout Game do you go Back to Most?

    Just what the title says. I know New Vegas is the fan favorite (and it's mine as well), but what do you personally like replaying the most? Is it Fallout 1, with its tight narrative and quick replay value? Is it 2, with its massive expansion on Fallout 1's formula? Is it 3, with the most atmospheric Wasteland to explore? Is it New Vegas, with the best roleplaying and replayability in the series? Is it Fallout 4, with the best gunplay and survival mode? What are your thoughts?

    What's your Favorite Mod Guide/List?

    Could be wabbajack, a guide, or even a list from a YouTuber. What curated mod list is your favorite? I'm partial to Viva New Vegas and like some of the Mojave Express Guide, but lists like Lost Liberty and The Sands, which have very clear visions in mind, have been a ton of fun as well. Especially looking for any for Fallout 4, I haven't played 4 in years.

    What Large-scale Mod Project are you Looking Forward to?

    Everyone knows about Fallout 4: New Vegas, but what about the other projects? Fallout: London, Nuevo Mexico, and other large scale mods are on my radar. What's on yours?


    A huge new mod looks like it's actually coming out! I know many are wary after The Frontier, but what are y'alls thoughts? Looks fun at the very least! I like the new Vault Boy stand-in, and love the river/boat setting.

    Cowbee Cowbee

    Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

    He/him or they/them, doesn't matter too much

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