It's often been pointed out that Right Wing Media Literacy is poor.
We see this often when they root for villains or characters intentionally unsympathetic, like Bojack's Dad, Homelander.... heck Trump's 2020 Re-Election team compared him to Thanos, saying he was "inevitable" and making gifs of him as Thanos snapping the DNC away.
So this isn't anything new in theory, but it's amazing that this "They're rooting for the bad guys because they don't know how media works" problem extends to the FUCKING BIBLE!
The Heroes of the Bible are intentionally meek a lot of the time, the point is that even when you aren't powerful yourself, your dedication to your Faith and standing up for what's right should be enough to make up for your shortcomings, for the Lord will lift your burden.
It's why "Proud Christian" doesn't make any sense, it's a very Pro-Humility faith!
I stopped reading Reddit entirely save for deshittifying search results, but I braced myself and looked at the conservative subreddit today, and even they think this is quite dumb.
You got right to the problematic issue: "read". Reading is hard. Reading a long text is harder. Reading a very long text with complex meanings and referring to things outside the historical context of most readers, is very hard.
I've read the Bible. Twice. I don't think there is any action or concept by the current GOP where you won't find a sentence in the Bible that is actually condemning this precise move. They don't care, as they have never read it.
Yeah! Prepare yourselves! You're going up against Cobra Kai!
This is your end game and you're up against Thanos is what I mean!
You're like that Mexican "Chapulin Colorado!"
You're like those blue people fighting Gargamel and his cat! You'll never succeed! Never!
Have you guys ever seen voltron, the thunder cats, robotech, ghost in the shell, the power rangers, you Canadians are just like that going up against all their archnesises! Yeah!
I find the average atheist seems to be more familiar with the messages of the Bible than many of these people who claim to spend their Sundays studying it.
I always find this imagery amusing. David is touted as this weak shepherd boy who is nearly defenseless in the face of this giant opponent. In reality, you've got someone who has trained to sling rocks with deadly accuracy. He's basically the bronze age equivalent of a sniper, bro can send a 2 inch projectile at mach jesus straight for your dome.
The US has strategically used tariffs with great success over the last decades to get favorable pricing from Canada on everything from energy, softwood, potash, you name it. One item at a time, slowly, methodically they were able to bring down pricing. We have been giving the US extremely good prices, and now, because of Trump he has just flipped the board over and it's time to restart.
America will be far worse off than before this started, and this has leveled off the playing field again with Canada.
Setting tariffs without accompanying trade negotiations is like starting a fight with someone by shooting yourself, unless of course the goal is xenophobia and isolationism instead of equitable trade.
At this point, the phrase "David and Goliath" is basically a meme, and there are a lot more people that know a short guy named David fought a giant named Goliath than actually read 1 Samuel. And for that matter, more than know how the fight actually played out.
Heck, there are a lot of people that probably only know about it from The Simpsons, that episode with the skits that cast the kids as Bible characters and basically parodied the stories they were based on... I think it had Bart as David, probably Nelson or one of the other bullies as Goliath, and Ralph killing one of Goliath's brothers with a sling and a modern tombstone? That's probably about as much as a lot of people know about David & Goliath, honestly.
Love hypocrisy dunking on Christians, but why do we care if Jack Miladin is a bad Christian and doesn't read his Bible, I mean - is he a person of note, a public official, a politician? I can't find anything on this guy, it seems like he's just a rando.