A bill to add a carving of President Donald Trumpto Mount Rushmore has been introduced by a MAGA politician.
Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna announced the bill Tuesday calling for Trump to be added to the South Dakota monument with the message: "Let's get carving."
honest answer: a 45 year project to delegitimize the media by routinely calling them "liberal", so much so that the major media reflexively frames every issue with a pro republican bias, goes soft on republicans in interviews, harder on democrats that was sped up with the introduction of fox news in 1998 and their "fair and balanced" tagline even though they were blatantly pro republican.
now you throw in all of these conservative propaganda online media distribution networks and actual true believers who bought into the "democrats are traitors and the enemy who deserve to be shot" rhetoric started by newton leroy gingrich and sprayed across the country by rush limbaugh having prominent positions in elected office and this is how you devolve into a despotic idiocracy run by a weak autocrat calling himself strong and protected by the truly evil people who are actually running things.
tldr the conservatives scared the media into being pro gop just so they wouldn't be labeled as liberal even though conservatives call them liberal anyway.
The internet has become the dominant media. And it didn’t create a free and open information landscape where the best ideas rise to the surface. Instead it started an information war, and the right wing is winning. Mostly because they can blatantly flood it with bullshit.
And they are whiney bitches. It's like arguing with the kid that got the shit kicked out of them and there is nowhere to see them to kick the shit out of them.
First Past The Post voting has limited the competition in our elections, making both mainstream political parties incredibly soft and filled with weak individuals. This is why the republicans were so easily bought by Russia, and why the democrats couldn't find a way to beat a circus full of clowns.
It was about throwing as much crazy shit at the public as possible. And then, while everyone's distracted, stealing or selling everything that isn't nailed down.
The qons are getting a new update, since they are reprogrammable meatbags.
They are now to believe that high prices are DoubleplusGood (TM) because they are paying to get rid of brown people, smash trans, and put anyone woke into reeducation camps.
Might think is an irony, but it’s intentional: that area is supposed to be sacred to the locals. This ongoing violation is just colonialism and genocide 2025.
I mean, fucking whatever. Mt Rushmore sucks, I've been there. It insults the natural scenery by being a shitty half finished project on what was originally a beautiful mountain. Adding Trump to it would make it an even better metaphor for the US government, especially when he stops paying developers halfway through and we end up with a partially finished version of his face
Can we get someone like Ted Lieu to point out that a geological survey done shows the mountain would be in danger of collapse if any more carving is done to it, but instead we could put him on, say Stone Mountain in Georgia? You know, with the rest of the traitors?
Totally valid viewpoint. I was just saying to a fellow American the other day that it doesn't matter now, nobody remembers almost anyone in Germany under Hitler as anything but a Nazi. The few who are remembered did stand out things to protect others.
You guys really will have your hands full with the US abandoning NATO, and the rest of the world genuinely isn't responsible for our problems. I'm so sorry that you guys will suffer from Trump's presidency as well.
I’m sorry too in advance that Canada will follow right along behind and be your BFF Austria style because we have the same ills festering and about to burst via our propensity for negative voting and love of fossil fuels.
That's what I'm thinking reading this and other articles. It's like the Republican party is reaching to find increasingly desperate ways to get into Trump's graces, to the point that it feels like they're running out of ideas by this point and have started a race to the bottom debasing themselves for his amusement.
How does this man hold so much sway over them? He has the charisma of a wet rag, the character and patience if a toddler, and the long term vision of a house fly. Out of all the things I read about him and his cult, this is the one thing that baffles me the most.
If it wasn't for all the negatives, it would certainly be amusing to have a giant face for people to vandalize constantly (by even GOP folks who will have the spell broken) when Trump is gone from the this world. Nobody likes him, and nobody actually respects him, they all just see him as a means to an end (power/$).
I don't know why, but a graffiti competition on Trumps giant head would be pretty entertaining. Make it a poll and winner gets to have their art displayed for a year. Hell, make it a fundraiser and help some people hurt by this monster also.
That’s great and all, but everyone knows that orange travertine is only found in Iran. And given the fact that mr. trump is currently romancing Israel, it’s not looking very likely Iran will be willing to give up its precious stone.
Wow. They’re gonna do it. They have the numbers, right? I’ve been avoiding too much news since the election as a mental health precaution, but am I wrong in thinking they control both houses?