To counteract this, I usually accept it right away and move on. But then I feel weird. Like, should I compliment back? It now feels weird that the compliment was over so fast. I don't think there's a good way to accept a compliment.
I think it all depends on the sincerity and scale of the compliment. If someone just offhandedly says that your shoes are cool, it's ok to just say thanks and move on. But if someone makes a specific compliment on something close to you, like pointing out a part of your project they like, it might be more appropriate to talk about choices you made, how it was done etc.
More people do it than you might think! I sit in an office of 8, there's always someone either quietly beatboxing to themselves, doing minute long "uhhhrrmm"s or muttering movie quotes. There's an understanding that anyone who feels bothered by the stimming can put on their noise cancelling headphones lol
Me too, but there's also the inevitable silent "you talked over the top of me to the point where I had to do it back to you just to participate in the conversation! Look what you've done!"
HAHA that is great! I would say of course.
I can't count how many times this happened to me and how annoying it is. I think that's why I don't trust people to do anything for me now.
I often talk aloud all by myself when I'm reading. Either reading the book aloud, or talking to no one in particular commenting whatever I'm reading. Maybe talking to its author, or to the book itself?
Worse: I do think it helps me a lot get what I'm reading, and I would love to see more people doing it ;)