Not necessarily. A 500 response means internal server error and could be anything. Returning a 500 doesn't indicate any protections just that there was a server error. I guess that it returned anything would mean the server is still running but it takes time to delete everything
ChatGPT can fuck off and die. It’s causing real world problems with the amount of resources it consumes and what it’s trying to do to put people out of jobs which will cause real deaths. So yes, gaslight away. It’s one step below a CEO.
GPT was super useful for me getting into programming with very basic, core shit that it basically couldn't get wrong. But now that I'm learning how to actually program in C it is practically useless. It makes so many mistakes so often
Should only be used with extreme caution and if you know what you are doing.
Ok. What is the actual use case for “rm -rf /“ even if you know what you are doing and using extreme caution? If you want to wipe a disk, there are better ways to do it, and you certainly wouldn’t want that disk mounted on / when you do it, right?
when you're in a chroot and you want to wipe only that whole part. you can't format the chroot, because it's just a subtree of the filesystem you want to keep.
Set up a remote access system on client/customer machines for tech support. When a customer doesn't pay, and notices have been sent and not replied to, and they won't answer your calls: this, on all their machines with past due payments.
Then when they call you in a panic, give them the same kindness and respect that they have given to you, down to the number of days since contact was stopped. Gotta twist that knife for maximum effectiveness. Then and only then should you consider answering their cries of agony.
(now I've never had a client payment issue, usually it's quite some time before they need my assistance again so I take payment in full at completion, not tabs/payment plans; but hypothetically...)
None. Remember that the response is AI generated. It's probabilistically created from people's writings. There are strong relations between that command and other 'dangerous commands.' Writings about 'dangerous commands ' oft contain something about how they should 'only be run by someone who knows what they are doing' so the response does too.