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While China has warned the West against 'decoupling', the country’s censorship system is designed for the purpose of isolation, report says
  • What are they gonna do, send in a fucking swat team to take anything that doesn’t have hardware level DRM?

    In a future where this is established, wouldn't you expect non-compliant hardware to be treated just as drugs or machine guns are treated now?

    I think that's hardly an immediate worry, though. Various services already scan for illegal content or suspicious activity. It wouldn't take much to get ISPs to snitch on their customers.

  • While China has warned the West against 'decoupling', the country’s censorship system is designed for the purpose of isolation, report says
  • It's steady pressure and it's only in one direction. Some countries resist more than others. I'm guessing you are not in the EU, because if so, you'd be aware of the "chat control" push.

    Even so, it's not the days of Napster anymore. Think about hardware DRM. It stops no one but you, too, paid to have it developed and built into your devices. Think about Content ID. That's not going away. It's only going to be expanded. That frog will be boiled.

    Recently, intellectual property has been reframed as being about "consensual use of data". I think this is proving to be very effective. It's no longer "piracy" or "theft", it's a violation of "consent". The deepfake issue creates a direct link to sexual aggression. One bill in the US, that ostensibly targets deepfakes, would apply to any movie with a sex scene; making sharing it a federal felony.

  • While China has warned the West against 'decoupling', the country’s censorship system is designed for the purpose of isolation, report says
  • it would be if internet regulation was practically enforceable for anyone other than commercial businesses operating out in the open.

    Well, then I guess we just have to call for more government enforcement.

    In the EU, there is certainly more government pressure, instead of just lawsuits between big (or small) players.

  • While China has warned the West against 'decoupling', the country’s censorship system is designed for the purpose of isolation, report says
  • Borders in cyberspace is the future. There are increased efforts to regulate the internet everywhere. Think copyright, age verification, the GDPR, or even anti-CSAM laws. It's all about making sure that information is only available to people who are permitted to access it. China is really leading the way here.

    We do not agree with China's regulations, but that only means that we need border controls. Data must be checked for regulatory compliance with local laws.

  • Chatkontrolle weitergedacht
  • Ich hab ein bisschen nachgedacht, wie man sowas wohl umsetzen könnte. Sagt mir falls ich was übersehen habe.

    Mit der Chatkontrolle soll der Tausch von Bildern/Videos/etc aufgedeckt werden, sowie "Grooming" (Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Ziel Missbrauch zu begehen). Es wird zwar immer über Kinder geredet, aber gemeint sind alle Menschen unter 18 Jahren. Die Definition von "Kinderpornografie" ist extrem weitreichend. Die Originalfassung von Die Blechtrommel müsste jetzt eigentlich auch verboten sein. Muss ich mal nachschlagen.

    In Deutschland gibt es noch ein bisschen eine Ausnahme für "Sexting". Aber wenn Nudes irgendwie in der Klasse umgehen, oder in Internetforen landen, ist das sofort strafbar. Das heißt, alle Flirt- und Ficknachrichten, alle Nacktselfies, von/mit Minderjährigen sind erstmal verdächtig.

    Die Behörden müssen eigentlich bei jedem Verdachtsfall erstmal das Alter und die Hintergründe klären. Das ist logistisch herausfordernd.

    Man müsste es so machen: Alle Minderjährigen (oder so Aussehenden), die durch Sexting auffallen, kommen in eine biometrische Datenbank. Die Besitzer von Handys und ihr Alter sind den Behörden bekannt. Solange also eine Beziehung hält, kann man neues Material, das da hin und hergeschickt wird, ignorieren. Wenn man erst so eine Datenbank hat, von allen online-sexuell Aktiven, dann kann man sich auf ungewöhnliche Muster konzentrieren. Man muss natürlich nachwachsende Pubertierende eintragen. Wahrscheinlich wäre es am einfachsten, wenn man die biometrischen Daten schon von vornherein sammelt, zB bei Schulfotos oder schulärztlichen Untersuchungen.

    Ich glaube, es geht nicht mit weniger Aufwand. Oder hat irgendjemand eine Idee?

  • "Wie sehr kann ich das Leid von Kindern für meine Propaganda missbrauchen bevor es jemand merkt?"
  • Unter Datenschutz verstehe ich das, was in der DSGVO/GDPR geregelt ist.

    Man könnte die alle unter ein Recht auf geschützte Kommunikation und ein Recht auf Hoheit über die persönlichen Daten zusammenfassen.

    Das sind aber wieder 2 Sachen. Man kann gut argumentieren, dass die Metadaten mit dem Inhalt der Kommunikation geschützt werden müssen. Hoheit über diese Daten impliziert eine Art Besitzanspruch. Nach der Logik dürfen deine Freunde anderen nicht sagen, dass du ihr Freund bist oder was ihr zusammen macht. Wenn du es verlangst, müssten sie diese Information löschen. Klar, für diese privaten Angelegenheiten gibt es Ausnahmen in den Datenschutzgesetzen, aber eben Ausnahmen. Eigentlich wäre es so.

  • "Wie sehr kann ich das Leid von Kindern für meine Propaganda missbrauchen bevor es jemand merkt?"
  • Es gäbe schon jetzt einiges was zusätzlich getan werden könnte, um diese Dinge besser einzudämmen

    Den meisten Befürwortern dürfte das egal sein. Wenn hier Polizei-bekannte oder fiktive Bilder aufgespürt werden, beendet das keinen Missbrauch. Da sind den Leuten die Kinder schon mal eindeutig egal.

    Jetzt die Frage, wer eigentlich Nacktbilder von Minderjährigen auf dem Handy hat. Natürlich vor allem genau jene Minderjährigen. Es ist jetzt schon so, dass die meisten Verdächtigen minderjährig sind. Wenn es wirklich darum ginge, Kinder und Jugendliche zu schützen, würde man es von Grund auf anders aufziehen.

    Für die meisten Menschen ist die Durchsetzung der "korrekten" Sexualmoral ein Selbstzweck. Die vermeintlich guten Absichten, mit denen man den Weg zur Hölle pflastert, dienen nur dazu, Vernunft und Gewissen zu betäuben.

  • "Wie sehr kann ich das Leid von Kindern für meine Propaganda missbrauchen bevor es jemand merkt?"
  • Ich weiß nie, was ich mit solchen Meinungen anfangen soll. Sind die einfach ungebildet, oder haben die irgendeine Agenda? Ich habe immer den Verdacht, dass die Copyright-Lobby dahintersteht. Das sind die einzigen Leute, bei denen ich ein rationales Interesse an solchen Maßnahmen sehe. Wenn man nach illegal gespeicherten Medien sucht, dann ist das Verfolgen von "Raubkopien" natürlich der wesentliche Use-Case.

  • HLI: Deutschland = Leuteland
  • Die Kulturlümmel in der Mitte Europas hatten nichts was so eiegenständig oder relevant wäre, dass es einen Namen wert gewesen wäre.

    Das glaube ich so nicht. Es ist wohl eher so, dass die Leute keine spezielle Bezeichnung für die allgemeine Sprache brauchten, solange ihnen nicht klar war, dass es eben nicht die allgemein menschliche ist. Auf Polnisch heißt Deutschland Niemcy (ähnlich in anderen Sprachen der Region). Das leitet sich vom Wort für "stumm" ab.

  • Sharing new research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR

    Meta FAIR is releasing several new research artifacts. Our hope is that the research community can use them to innovate, explore, and discover new ways to apply AI at scale.

    Sharing new research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR
    0 Sharing new research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR

    Meta FAIR is releasing several new research artifacts. Our hope is that the research community can use them to innovate, explore, and discover new ways to apply AI at scale.

    Sharing new research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR
    More wisdom from Supply Side Jesus
  • It always comes down to transubstantiation versus consubstantiation.

    -Lisa Simpson

    I don't think that the whole transubstantiation issue is big for Catholics, in practice. But they are supposed to believe that during mass, bread and wine literally turn into the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Protestants have a slightly different take. Maybe it only becomes an issue in the context of the British domination of Ireland. I'm not sure, but at least in some Protestant/Anglican circles the Catholic belief was/is considered barbaric.

    Maybe it's derived from 19th century Anglicanism, when there were poor houses and Famine Roads?

    Side note: As a neutral person (ie atheist), I find the retelling of the "feeding of the multitude" rather dubious. The anti-welfare message isn't there. It's a common conservative talking point in the US, that government welfare makes people dependent. The thing about eating Jesus is from elsewhere. It doesn't belong in that story. The author adapted these pieces from the bible and made inserted their own teachings.

    It's funny how little connection there is between scripture and actual teachings. For abortion, they bothered to change the text.

  • More wisdom from Supply Side Jesus
  • Interesting take. There's the standard conservative anti-welfare message, but also very old-fashioned anti-catholicism. I guess this is from a conservative US version of Protestantism. But which denomination exactly? Or is that standard fare for evangelicals these days?

  • Seems like I wont be able to even own tbe content I create
  • An individual can use the roads if the can afford a car. Amazon must be operating 1000s or 10.000s of vehicles in the US alone. Clearly, some benefit more than others. Some win at Monopoly.

    Are we at least agreed that it is a conservative policy? If you carve up the roads and gift them to the people who own the land next to the roads, it's still conservative. It will lead to greater inequality and poverty. It's not left-wing redistribution.

    we’re now going to charge anyone who wants to use them and keep 100%. Oh, and you have no ownership rights, so we can restrict access to these roads as we see fit."

    I don't know what this means. What is currently happening that is like that? Besides, you want data to be owned, and an owner can restrict access. Shouldn't you be all for that?

  • Publishers Target Common Crawl In Fight Over AI Training Data

    Long-running nonprofit Common Crawl has been a boon to researchers for years. But now its role in AI training data has triggered backlash from publishers.

    Publishers Target Common Crawl In Fight Over AI Training Data
    0 Publishers Target Common Crawl In Fight Over AI Training Data

    Long-running nonprofit Common Crawl has been a boon to researchers for years. But now its role in AI training data has triggered backlash from publishers.

    Publishers Target Common Crawl In Fight Over AI Training Data
    Seems like I wont be able to even own tbe content I create
  • I thought of something that maybe gets this across. Think about roads. We all pay for them with taxes. Companies use these roads for free to make a profit. EG Amazon runs delivery vehicles on public roads.

    The (center-)left take on that is: "You didn't build that." It can be an argument for progressive taxation and even a wealth tax.

    Then there's people who say that we should privatize all the roads. Let Amazon pay a toll for using those roads. Is it clear that this is a conservative policy?

  • Google, Cloudflare & Cisco Will Poison DNS to Stop Piracy Block Circumvention * TorrentFreak
  • No competent engineer would use NFTs for the purpose. It's inconvenient, slow and ridiculously expensive. No one uses the "technology" because it's rubbish.

    Implementing such a feature is trivial. Steam has a marketplace. They don't let you sell used games because the developers don't want it.

  • Seems like I wont be able to even own tbe content I create
  • You want to force people (not just companies) to pay for use of a new kind of intellectual property. That is capital income. You want money to go to property owners.

    If you think about this for a second, you should realize that this means lower wages. If a bigger share goes to property owners, then employees must have a smaller share. The money can't come from anywhere else.

  • Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important

    A year ago, Walled Culture wrote about an extremely important case that was being considered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the EU’s top court. The central question was wheth…

    Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important

    >The key problem is that copyright infringement by a private individual is regarded by the court as something so serious that it negates the right to privacy. It’s a sign of the twisted values that copyright has succeeded on imposing on many legal systems. It equates the mere copying of a digital file with serious crimes that merit a prison sentence, an evident absurdity.

    >This is a good example of how copyright’s continuing obsession with ownership and control of digital material is warping the entire legal system in the EU. What was supposed to be simply a fair way of rewarding creators has resulted in a monstrous system of routine government surveillance carried out on hundreds of millions of innocent people just in case they copy a digital file.

    Mozilla Builders Accelerator 2024 Advancing innovation in open source AI

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > The Mozilla Builders Accelerator funds and supports impactful projects that are vital to the open source AI ecosystem. Selected projects will receive up to $100,000 in funding and engage in a focused 12-week program. > > > > Applications are now open! > > > > June 3rd, 2024: Applications Open > > July 8th, 2024: Early Application Deadline > > August 1st, 2024: Final Application Deadline > > September 12th, 2024: Accelerator Kick Off > > December 5th, 2024: Demo Day

    Mozilla Builders Accelerator 2024 Advancing innovation in open source AI

    cross-posted from:

    > The Mozilla Builders Accelerator funds and supports impactful projects that are vital to the open source AI ecosystem. Selected projects will receive up to $100,000 in funding and engage in a focused 12-week program. > > Applications are now open! > > June 3rd, 2024: Applications Open > July 8th, 2024: Early Application Deadline > August 1st, 2024: Final Application Deadline > September 12th, 2024: Accelerator Kick Off > December 5th, 2024: Demo Day

    Mozilla Builders Accelerator 2024 Advancing innovation in open source AI

    The Mozilla Builders Accelerator funds and supports impactful projects that are vital to the open source AI ecosystem. Selected projects will receive up to $100,000 in funding and engage in a focused 12-week program.

    Applications are now open!

    June 3rd, 2024: Applications Open July 8th, 2024: Early Application Deadline August 1st, 2024: Final Application Deadline September 12th, 2024: Accelerator Kick Off December 5th, 2024: Demo Day

    Together with AI Sweden, Fraunhofer IAIS gains large-scale computing capacities for training large language models Breakthrough for generative AI research in Germany and Europe

    Together with AI Sweden, Fraunhofer IAIS gains 8.8 million hours of computational capacity on the new high-performance computer MareNostrum 5 at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center: The goal of the EuroLingua-GPT project is to train large multilingual open-source language models.

    Breakthrough for generative AI research in Germany and Europe

    The contingent approved via a EuroHPC “Extreme Scale Access” comprises 8.8 million GPU hours on H100 chips and has been available since May.

    With the new computing capacities, small models in the range of 7 to 34 billion parameters and large models with up to 180 billion parameters can be trained from scratch.

    The new EuroLingua models are based on a training dataset consisting of 45 European languages, dialects and codes, including the 24 official European languages. This gives a significant weight to European languages and values – multilingual large language models are still rare. Training will start at the end of May 2024 and the first joint models are expected to be published in the coming months.

    Project leader Dr. Nicolas Flores-Herr, team leader Conversational AI at Fraunhofer IAIS says: “The goal of our collaboration with AI Sweden is to train a family of large language models from scratch that will be published open source.”

    USA Government website for AI matters

    The Biden-Harris Administration is dedicated to ensuring the U.S. leads in safe, secure, and trustworthy artificial intelligence innovation to harness the opportunities of AI while mitigating its risks.

    People with an interest in AI regulation should visit this site. Comments may be left here.

    This is different from the NTIA link posted recently.

    Do you feel a UBI is more left- or right-wing (or other) and why?

    I'm curious where people see Universal Basic Income on the political spectrum. Please mention what national/cultural/generational background is informing your answer. Thanks!

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