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Holy voting choices!
  • Yes both are crooks, but one has performed far far more crimes than the other.

    But okay, if > 1 is your threshold than by that measure they're complete twins.

  • Capitalism and technology
  • We have a falling job rate, and a highly globalized workforce that is still climbing the population curve. Do the math.

  • what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • You make a good point

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Android 12 took up 700MB RAM, leaving some space for non-sytem apps on lower end smartphones.

    Android 13 takes up easily 1.2GB, leaving almost nothing at the benefit of having a somewhat "snappier" interface

  • What joke, in otherwise great sitcoms, do you hate?
  • Here's the Lee Lemon clip:

    No one is naked. Kiff is reacting to the statement itself. The nudity comes later and isn't reacted to.

    Here's the Lola clip:

    Note that before Zapp even mentions Leela's name, the patrons are already sickened by him singing it. Kiff doesn't react here, so I might have confused a memory, but still, that's quite a reaction by the audience, no?

  • What joke, in otherwise great sitcoms, do you hate?
  • Same with Futurama. Kif repeatedly reacting disgusted at Zapp's more homoerotic antics or singing a pro-trans song, do not seem to sit right when watched with a modern eye.

  • what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • The problem with cooperation and compassion is that it literally takes one dick to ruin it. If we could incentivize the psychopaths in society to collaborate for their own good, then at least we'd strike a nice balance, but our economies aren't structured that way.

    A system that can be so easily destabilized is not a system that has planned for the long term. I think we're slowly getting there, as even the dicks in society are beginning to realise that they can be shunned for their public actions, and that shunning does come with real financial consequences.

  • what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • large efforts are being made, its just not up to par with what people are expecting from their governments

  • Pull over
  • Miao, that's miao about 60 mph miao

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • They make the shows actually accessible so that they can reach the desired audience and generate a fanbase in the first place, which producers could then use to exploit for revenue.

    If you covet a precious jewel behind closed doors, people will just walk on by without knowing its value

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • producers don't make the content, they speak to the right people in their exclusive circles to finance it, put their name on it, and then pay the directors and actors a tiny fraction of what it earned

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • They had to operate under the radar to avoid the law, so you know the answer to your question

  • Old timers know
  • This interface is laughably terrible. For one, everything should be tabs: you should drag files from one tab to another completely blind. For another, I can see the scrollbars which is just bad. Further, there should be a giant ad at the header/footer which shills bitcoin. Finally, the password field shouldn't be obscured but synced to our online Safeβ„’ for easy retrieval at just 12.99 a month.

    We've sure come a long way since those primitive days...

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • Does Netflix make shows? Or does it slam its name onto filmmakers it pays to make content? If so, one of those things simply requires throwing cash at people, which I think is a skill that most people can learn.

  • Books that are worse than the film (which was already bad?)

    I've started reading Jumper by NameDoesNotMatter. I would like to formally apologise about all the harsh things I've ever spoken about that film.

    Fine, the cast is unlikeable and the action scenes are just fisticuffs in the air, but my god, in comparison to the teenage dreck that is the book, it's a masterpiece. At least they tried to build a credible back story for the main character.

    In the book, he literally thinks everyone is out to sexually assault him (and somehow they seem to), he solves his problems by throwing money at it, instead of any actual creativity, and the author desperately tries to portray him as a mature-for-his-age adult, despite the fact that his first reaction to anything is crying followed by petty revenge.

    I'm just flicking through the pages, pausing at any plot bits, and then flicking on.

    Tom Swifty Jokes tetris11
    "You just left ninety-nine hundreths of that cake!", exclaimed Tom extremely obtusely.
    "Your leg may really be broken, but that is not really your leg..." - David Lapham

    There Are No Flowers in the Real World by David Lapham

    Share Funny Videos, Images, Memes, Quotes and more tetris11
    Free Hugs at the Station
    Guix tetris11
    The Full-Source Bootstrap: Building from source all the way down β€” 2023 β€” Blog β€” GNU Guix

    Compare this to this 2020 blog post, which had the source binary at 60MiB

    Deutsche Dinge (auf Deutsch). tetris11
    Warum ist die DB zwischen Offenburg und Basel so scheisse heute?
    Unable to access V3 API over HTTPS (HTTP works fine)

    Hi all,

    I have an issue where I'm trying to setup my instance, and get as far as being able to register as an admin and login when using localhost, but not on my example domain.

    When accessing my instance at, for all appearances it appears to but up and running (I get a nice CSS theme)... but I simply cannot login. It gives 404 post responses.

    Proof of failing login:

    curl -H 'content-type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ \ "username":"tetris11", \ "password":"mypassword", \ "password_verify":"mypassword, \ "show_nsfw":true \ }' returns: <html> <head><title>302 Found</title></head> <body> <center><h1>302 Found</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx/1.25.1</center> </body> </html>

    But if I change my domain into localhost:

    curl -H 'content-type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ \ "username":"tetris11", \ "password":"mypassword", \ "password_verify":"mypassword, \ "show_nsfw":true \ }' localhost:8536/api/v3/user/register I get

    { "jwt":"XXYYXXYY.XXYYXXYYYX", "registration_created":false, "verify_email_sent":false } or on repeated attempts: {"error":"user_already_exists"}

    My API is up but cannot be reached by https?

    My lemmy.hjson


    database: { # put your db-passwd from above password: "db-password" }

    replace with your domain

    hostname: "" bind: "" tls_enabled: true federation: { enabled: true } setup: { # Username for the admin user admin_username: "tetris11" # Password for the admin user. It must be at least 10 characters. admin_password: "mypassword" # Name of the site (can be changed later) site_name: "Welcome to the My Lemmy" # Email for the admin user (optional, can be omitted and set later through the web> admin_email: "" }

    remove this block if you don't require image hosting

    pictrs: { ## This port appears to be hardcoded url: "" } }


    My lemmy-ui.service

    ``` [Unit] Description=Lemmy UI - Web frontend for Lemmy After=lemmy.service Before=nginx.service

    [Service] User=lemmy WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/lemmy-ui ExecStart=/usr/bin/node dist/js/server.js ##Environment=LEMMY_UI_HOST= Environment=LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=localhost:8536 Environment=LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=true Environment=RUST_LOG=info Restart=on-failure


    ProtectSystem=full PrivateTmp=true NoNewPrivileges=true

    [Install] ```

    My lemmy.service

    ``` [Unit] Description=Lemmy - A link aggregator for the fediverse

    [Service] User=lemmy ExecStart=/home/lemmy/.cargo/bin/lemmy_server Environment=LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION=/etc/lemmy/lemmy.hjson Environment=PICTRS_PATH=/var/lib/pictrs Environment=PICTRS_ADDR= Restart=on-failure


    ProtectSystem=yes PrivateTmp=true MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true NoNewPrivileges=true

    [Install] ``` My nginx.conf

    ``` limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=lemmy.mydomain.com_ratelimit:10m rate=>

    server { server_name; access_log /var/log/lemmy.access.log combined;

    location / { proxy_pass; ## lemmy proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; }

    listen 443 ssl http2; # managed by Certbot listen [::]:443 ssl http2; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # mana> ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # ma> include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot

    } ```

    tetris11 tetris11
    Posts 17
    Comments 1.3K