Nope, but it does work toward balancing the scales of power, and christian cis white men hate that with a passion, and they conflate any perceived loss of power with oppression.
This is one of the things that bother me with people being anti-trans. Why the hell do they care? There is nothing, NOTHING that trans people are asking for that bother me, because it does not affect my life. I don't see how it affects theirs either.
There are two things I know little about when it comes to trans.
How to make it fair in sports, but I really don't care for sports. So I haven't researched it. Don't really care if they participate, but I don't take sports seriously anyways.
How to protect vulnerable people from themselves. This is probably contraversial, but I am for giving trans people the treatment they need to transition, or at least make sure it is possible at a later stage by giving hormones / blockers. So that they can transition a bit older.
However (the controversial part) many trans people are vulnerable and also struggle with other issues and operations is often permanent. This is something that I don't believe is easy to decide, I am ignorant here, I trust medical professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists and the trans community to come up with guidelines / practice here. It is however not something that I think politicians should decide, or is competent in deciding.
The only reason I care about point 2 is to protect people from mistakes, not to stop trans people from transitioning!
How to make it fair in sports, but I really don’t care for sports. So I haven’t researched it. Don’t really care if they participate, but I don’t take sports seriously anyways.
I personally don't think sports should be gendered, but people should be placed in different "leagues".
Similar to how chess players with similar ratings play with each other.
Atheletes should be categorized by skill, regardless of gender.
Fun fact, a recent study reported that cis women have an advantage over trans women in sports due to their higher testosterone levels allowing them to build more muscle mass.
You know, the same argument transphobes use against letting trans people be athletes because of their supposed "biological advantage."
Which is the same one that's been used for almost a century now to ban black women from women's sports due to their naturally higher testosterone levels when compared to white women.
They only care because they were told to care. It’s a distraction and satisfies their desire to punch down on vulnerable people. They are spineless cucks who want daddy trump to tell them what to think.
Yeah, I'll be honest and say that I do not understand what it means to be transgender. And I will never understand. It doesn't matter how many trans friends I have or how many times people try to explain it to me. I won't ever fully get it.
But why in the ever living fuck should it matter whether or not I get it? Just let people live how they want to live!! I don't understand why it's so complicated for Christian fundies to understand that. How in the world are trans people harming anyone by existing? You don't have to "get it" to understand that people just want to live their fucking lives in peace.
One of the biggest things people bring up is the sports issue, like you said. To people's credit, I actually don't think there's a great solution to the sports problem. But pro athlete trans people make up only a tiny fraction of trans people so I don't understand why it should randomly be used to invalidate all trans people.
Put it on your car and take another picture to show that you did. Being an ally for internet clout isn't enough. Sorry for posting a bunch on a single thread, I guess I kinda care a lot about this.
I feel like I should tattoo the verses they seem to ignore on their foreheads backwards so they have to see it every time they look in the mirror: Love thy neighbor as thyself and Judge not lest ye be judged. Hypocrites.
Is the use of what looks like the Black Legion because they are trans humans? They are very much a danger to humans. Or is the Emperor here a symbol of intolerance.
Even tho' I agree with the sentiment of the sticker..
Tbh in a real life situation I will side with the Emperor every time as it in the lore is the only thing that stops my soul from being devoured by warp spawn when I die. Fuck traitor space Marines.
Not even slightly offended. I have no issues with the trans community. Just pointed out the inconsistency in the use of WH40K related iconography. Would think a custodes (that now even have confirmed female members, much to the chagrin of the basement dwelling neck beards) would be a better choice.
I love the 40k setting, but I am also wary when it is used outside of that setting as it is really not a nice place, and often the people who idolizes it are not nice people.
If you would like your own you can find "punk with a camera" online or at many large punk rock events in the US. He produces these as bumper stickers and t-shirts. He has other great designs as well.
I especially like the crybaby bitch in the end which makes sure the people this is directed at just double down on their stance. Perfect example of what's wrong with U.S. politics.