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Linux back at 4.04% on the Desktop. Windows went below 73%
  • We could contact that person as a community

  • Police allege ‘evil twin’ in-flight Wi-Fi used to steal info • The Register
  • They aren't stealing login data to my knowledge

  • Linux back at 4.04% on the Desktop. Windows went below 73%
  • The problem is that websites sometimes change there behavior.

  • Linux back at 4.04% on the Desktop. Windows went below 73%
  • We should do a poll, who uses Linux?

  • Any MythTV Users Here?
  • It depends I guess. There is a bunch of different content. Not all of it is stuff I watch but there is a good selection.

  • Protonmail notifications
  • Email as a protocol doesn't really support E2EE as a protocol. However, IMAP supports several forms of SSL and SSL is required by most providers.

  • Police allege ‘evil twin’ in-flight Wi-Fi used to steal info • The Register
  • Because you are stealing peoples data and credentials.

  • Any MythTV Users Here?
  • I use a HDhomerun

    You will need to look into TV guides

  • Any MythTV Users Here?
  • You can just watch over the air channels

  • Police allege ‘evil twin’ in-flight Wi-Fi used to steal info • The Register
  • Cybercrime is illegal just like stealing or committing fraud

  • I swear it slows down when it knows I'm in a rush.
  • You could just set up a scheduled maintenance period. Group policy plus other tools can do it for you.

  • Ladybird - a brand new browser engine that isn't Google or Mozilla
  • That is a massive undertaking that hasn't been done in a very long time. Modern browsers have either been around for 20 years or are forks. (Sometimes both)

    We are taking about creating something from scratch. That can take 5-10 years to do.

    The good news is that we have plenty of tools on our tool belt. Think browsers such as Mull and Librewolf plus extensions like ublock.

  • Ladybird - a brand new browser engine that isn't Google or Mozilla
  • We don't need that much adoption we just need a engine that is capable of not screwing over everyone. We already have plenty of proprietary browsers.

    Admittedly BSD may help Ladybug get more funding and development efforts.

  • Ladybird - a brand new browser engine that isn't Google or Mozilla
  • It takes time to start from the ground up. There are a huge amount of web standards and to do it right takes time. It took a long time from Chromium to become usable.

  • Ladybird - a brand new browser engine that isn't Google or Mozilla
  • It doesn't have zero resources. It has at least 1.2 million dollars

  • Ladybird - a brand new browser engine that isn't Google or Mozilla
  • They aren't funding Mozilla as Mozilla is built on egg shells

  • Ladybird - a brand new browser engine that isn't Google or Mozilla Ladybird

    We're building Ladybird, a truly independent web browser, backed by a non-profit.

    Can I just say how much I like the default apps?

    I especially like the Camera app as if feels very modern without all of the bloat. All the apps feel like they belong in modern Android. It is clear that lots of work has gone into the core apps.

    homelab Possibly linux
    My Homelab addiction took a turn for the worse today when I finally figured out how to do 802.11q on my switch.

    Help I now have several lans

    Is really possible to understand the magnitude of ones own brain?

    Think about it. The more you learned about your brain the more complex it would become. Also I'm not sure we have enough capacity to reflect on ourselves by processing everything. Think about the massive complexity of every connection. Could someone actually process that or are we limited by ourselves?

    Wish From All Sides to Move On Gives Freedom to Julian Assange - The New York Times A Wish From All Sides to Move On Ends With Liberty for Assange

    The WikiLeaks founder spent years in captivity in London before talks accelerated this spring, allowing him to go home to Australia as a felon, but a free man.

    A Wish From All Sides to Move On Ends With Liberty for Assange
    1.3 million people died from TB in 2022

    Its been around for millions of years but because it is slow it doesn't ever get press coverage
