I showed my mom Star Trek Discovery because we used to watch TNG when I was a kid. There is a scene where Stamets and his partner are in the bathroom brushing their teeth and talking. It takes a moment, but my mom catches on, and she yells, "Why are they in my Star Trek?" And then grabs her keys and gets into her car and drives off.
You nailed it. My first girlfriend was black. My mom freaked out because she thought I was going to give her "mixed" grandbabies. I was 10. I've tried over the years, and I've seen improvement, but she's 70 this year and I'm running out of effort. She's going to die miserable and hateful and the world will be better when she's gone.
The past couple years alone I have had to deal with Mormon missionaries coming in my neighborhood and I absolutely feel uncomfortable in a way. Every time I see them anymore I make sure to do everything in my power to avoid them. Even though I'm a straight white male, I'm not interested in what you're trying to sell nor do I wanna be rude and tell them off because I just had to be raised "right".
Though I think the occurrences might be going down here due to an increase in Middle Easterners and such in the apartment complex I live in, so I'm absolutely glad they're here (even if it's for a selfish reason).
I've thought about putting a "No Soliciting" sign, but I know they'd probably just ignore it. It'd be kinda fun to make a pentagram sign, but there is absolutely no way my parents would allow that to hang on the front door. That, and I can guarantee the missionaries would be told to double their efforts to try and "save" me from the demons.
My mother once answered the door to some Jehovah's Witnesses on her knees and brandishing a huge pair of upholstery scissors (she was trimming a bit of carpet).
Their faith was clearly tested and I can only assume they failed the test since they hummed and hawwed and said something about coming back later but never did.