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Do I want to know what’s going on?
  • This... and I didn't know how to reconcile it...

  • Friendship | Official Trailer HD | A24
  • I mean, there was funny content. But yeah, his style isn't my thing (any more?). Paul Rudd on the other hand. I love em. I will probably watch the movie, I just have no idea what it's about. I'm not sure if I should be laughing or scared... or both. 😁

  • Friendship | Official Trailer HD | A24
  • Watched the "beat of" Detroiters/Tim. Is this his only schtick or does he do other kinds of humor? He is definitely something... unique. πŸ˜…

  • Friendship | Official Trailer HD | A24
  • So this comment led me to look this Tim guy up. I don't think I've seen him in anything before. And I... hardly know how to respond to "I think you should leave". It's a mixed back of extreme weirdness. I probably would want him to leave. πŸ™ƒ

  • Friendship | Official Trailer HD | A24

    So I just watched this trailer. I can't figure out if I should be laughing or scared. It's Paul Rudd, so I definitely want to see it. I have no idea what's going on though...

    Does anyone have the scoop on what this movie is actually about?

    Oops, sorry about the downtime there
  • Indeed. I had only noticed that post a moment after this one. 😁

    Since I have the previous version checked out still, I was going to compare it against this latest main branch, take a look at the commit log, and see what changed. I'm super curious if I can pinpoint the thing that actually resolved the issue. It's hard to let go of something that was broken for long only for it to magically fix. πŸ™ƒ

  • Denizens of Lemmy, how did your hamster die?
  • Well... its eye fell out. And that didn't seem normal.

  • Oops, sorry about the downtime there
  • Weird. I guess I'll just take the win.

  • Oops, sorry about the downtime there
  • Good grief. Was this the cause after all? I'm happy to report that the issue is no longer presenting itself. The Next page on the WebUI as well as Boost's "infinite scroll" is loading buttery smooth!

  • Manchester theatre suspends Dolly Parton musical over homophobic abuse
  • I think people like this need to be immediately referred to behavior health specialists. They are clearly in need of some serious healing. Regardless of how you feel, you don't need to be a horrible human AND ruin things for others.

    Why can't they just be horrible humans... quietly?

  • Finally got a good Titmouse pic!
  • Thanks for sharing. It definitely looks worth a try.

    Re: the rubber band trick, it's way off-center and cumbersome. Boo. I also have like the heaviest phone on Earth which probably doesn't help. I'm going to look up to see if there's anything like that for the specific model binoculars I have.

  • If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose?
  • r/outside

    Why? Because I've now fooled you and don't have to be confined to a game cartridge. Muahahahaha.

    (Side note: It's been a long time since I've been on reddit. I miss that community.)

  • Finally got a good Titmouse pic!
  • More than good. It's a great photo! Titmice... titmouse... Um... What's the plural? Anyway, they are the best. πŸ˜„

  • Finally got a good Titmouse pic!
  • I still haven't gotten myself a mount yet. Boo. But now that I saw your little rubber band hack, I want to go run off and try that in the meantime!

  • The Grackle Returns
  • Yeah, the iridescent colors can really trick you. They are fun little creatures.

  • The Grackle Returns
  • Do you happen to know what kind? I'm not sure I've seen a grackle with so much brown.

  • The moment Latvia disconnected from the Russian energy grid.
  • Thank you! This was great to read and to hear the interviews. Congrats to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania!

    "I like the light better when there are no Russian electrons." 🀣

  • The moment Latvia disconnected from the Russian energy grid.
  • There wasn't a source shared, but if this video is legitimate... then that's pretty rad. If this video is misrepresented though, electricity is still pretty rad. 😁

  • Imgur image link issues

    I see this often and wonder how much I miss as a result. Imgur links neither render as a link nor an image. I only know it's a link to an image when I view it the same post via the WebUI or another app. I don't even realize these are images most of the time and just scroll past.

    Is it simply not being handled yet? A bug? Design decision?

    Referenced post:

    Lemmy Android App Comparison

    Does anyone know where I could find comparisons of the various Lemmy clients available? I'd like to see something contrasting things like app maturity, features available, update release frequency, and etc?

    I'm looking to try out some of the more mature clients since the one I'm using (Boost) has been exhibiting some problems for me recently. I wanted to narrow down the cause of the problem and will be trying other clients to make sure my instance isn't the issue. I'm writing this from Eternity (Nightly).

    Getting timeouts. Able to enabling logs?

    Is there a way to enable logs outputs? I'm getting pretty regular timeout errors on my primary instance of choice. I'd really like to know more details about what's going on.

    0 Support / Questions β“β“žπŸ…žπŸ…πŸ…”
    Time outs

    Ever since things came back up after the Jan 5th outage, I've started to encounter regular timeouts. I will scroll past a couple dozen number posts and then it will stop as of there are no more. Within a few seconds, the application produces a time out error.

    I use Boost for Lemmy as my client, but I'm not convinced that the issue is the app since switching my instance allows me to continue scrolling without a problem. And to be clear, prior to January 5th, I've never experienced a timeout in the app.

    I'm curious if I'm the only one experiencing timeouts on If so, then I'm curious if the admins are aware of any issue.

    United States | News & Politics β“β“žπŸ…žπŸ…πŸ…” Americans have dimmer view of Biden than they did of Trump or Obama as term ends, AP-NORC poll finds

    Americans have a dimmer view of Joe Biden’s presidency than they did at the end of Donald Trump’s first term or Barack Obama’s second.

    Americans have dimmer view of Biden than they did of Trump or Obama as term ends, AP-NORC poll finds

    EDIT: I find the article interesting, but not in the good sense. I'm glad to know, but it only leaves me feeling achy.

    I also find the down votes for this post interesting. The source is trustworthy and accurately reflects the US American populace. Perhaps the negative votes simply reflect how many, including myself, feel about this news in general.

    10 Couple reunited after wife spots missing husband on KSL News segment

    It’s a Thanksgiving miracle. A 91-year-old man was reunited with his wife after being missing for more than two days.

    Couple reunited after wife spots missing husband on KSL News segment
    7 Ohio governor signs bill limiting bathroom use by transgender students

    A ban on transgender students from kindergarten through college using multiperson bathrooms that fit their gender identities has become law in Ohio.

    Ohio governor signs bill limiting bathroom use by transgender students

    > β€œIt revolves around safety, security, and, I think, common sense. It protects our children and grandchildren in private spaces where they are most vulnerable,” said Republican Ohio state Sen. Jerry Cirino, the bill’s sponsor.

    TakahΔ“ : "prehistoric-looking" birds released into wild in New Zealand - BBC Newsround TakahΔ“ : "prehistoric-looking" birds released into wild in New Zealand

    A "prehistoric-looking" bird that was thought to be extinct, has now been released into the wild in its native home of New Zealand.

    TakahΔ“ : "prehistoric-looking" birds released into wild in New Zealand

    Older article (2023), but sharing for those unawares.

    >The birds - which have been around since the prehistoric Pleistocene era - were officially declared extinct in 1898.

    >After their rediscovery in 1948, conservationists began collecting and incubating eggs from wild takahΔ“, to prevent them from being eaten by predators

    Meet the Kid Who Wowed the Internet With His Incredibly Accurate Bird Calls | Audubon Meet the Kid Who Wowed the Internet With His Incredibly Accurate Bird Calls

    The talented 10-year-old’s performance at a school talent show recently went viral on TikTok after folks couldn't believe their ears.

    Meet the Kid Who Wowed the Internet With His Incredibly Accurate Bird Calls

    This kid really is incredible! I heard him and his mother interviewed today on All Things Considered. Managed to find this Audubon article to show my family. It links TikTok videos that show off what he can do. I don't really know how to share those directly and they often don't work for me because of registration requirements. I think they should work for at least one listen for you all though.

    0 US warns Israel to boost humanitarian aid into Gaza or risk losing weapons funding

    The Biden administration has warned Israel that it must increase the amount of humanitarian aid it is allowing into Gaza within the next 30 days or it could risk losing access to U.S. weapons funding.

    US warns Israel to boost humanitarian aid into Gaza or risk losing weapons funding

    >The Biden administration has warned Israel that it must increase the amount of humanitarian aid it is allowing into Gaza within the next 30 days or it could risk

    The Biden administration is doing the best they can possibly do. /s


    23 This bird species was extinct in Europe. Now it's back, and humans must help it migrate for winter

    The northern bald ibis, or the Waldrapp, once soared over North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and much of Europe.

    This bird species was extinct in Europe. Now it's back, and humans must help it migrate for winter

    cross-posted from:

    > How do you teach a bird how, and where, to fly? > > The distinctive Northern Bald Ibis, hunted essentially to extinction by the 17th century, was revived by breeding and rewilding efforts over the last two decades. But the birds β€” known for their distinctive black-and-iridescent green plumage, bald red head and long curved beak β€” don’t instinctively know which direction to fly to migrate without the guidance of wild-born elders. SoΒ a team of scientists and conservationists stepped in as foster parents and flight instructors. > > β€œWe have to teach them the migration route,” said biologist Johannes Fritz.

    3 Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus will head Bangladesh's interim government, official says

    Yunus faced a number of corruption accusations and was put on trial during Hasina’s rule. He received the Nobel in 2006 after he pioneered microlending.

    Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus will head Bangladesh's interim government, official says

    This is kind of big news. I never would have expected it.

    2 Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus will head Bangladesh's interim government, official says

    Yunus faced a number of corruption accusations and was put on trial during Hasina’s rule. He received the Nobel in 2006 after he pioneered microlending.

    Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus will head Bangladesh's interim government, official says

    This is kind of big. I would have never expected it.

    1 Biden seriously considering proposals on Supreme Court term limits, ethics code, AP sources say

    Any changes would require congressional approval, which would be unlikely in a divided Congress.

    Biden seriously considering proposals on Supreme Court term limits, ethics code, AP sources say


    TIL that the ruby-throated hummingbird flies non-stop across the Gulf of Mexico as part of its spring migration and has a VO2 max that is about 10 times higher than elite human athletes.

    cross-posted from:

    > - > - Author: /u/tW188y > - Link Shared on Reddit > - Original Reddit Comments >

    From the article: >This feat is impressive, as an 800Β km (500Β mi), non-stop flight over water would seemingly require a caloric energy that far exceeds an adult hummingbird's body weight of 3Β g (0.11Β oz). However, researchers discovered the tiny birds can double their fat mass in preparation for their Gulf crossing, then expend the entire calorie reserve from fat during the 20-hour non-stop crossing when food and water are unavailable.

    This is nuts!

    Gemini App w/o Google App and forced Android login integration?

    Is there any way to install and use the Gemini App without the Google App and forced association of the account with my Android phone?

    I have a specific Google account just for Gemini, but I neither use the Google app nor desire for my phone to maintain this alt google account as one of the phone associates accounts. I think many folks would prefer login stay within the app itself.

    2 Boy Scouts of America changing name to more inclusive Scouting America after years of woes

    The Boy Scouts of America is changing its name for the first time in its 114-year history. The Texas-based organization is announcing at its annual meeting in Florida on Tuesday that it will become Scouting America.

    Boy Scouts of America changing name to more inclusive Scouting America after years of woes

    cross-posted from:

    Another positive step in the right direction for an organization rife with brokenness. There's a lot I don't like about the organization, but this is something a love--a scouting organization open to young women and the lgbtq community. The next step is being inclusive of nonreligious agnostic and atheist youth and leaders. As well as ending the cultural appropriation of Native American peoples.

    May this organization continue to build up youth, never allow further violence against youth, and make amends for all the wrongs. There's a lot of good that comes out of organizations like this and I won't discount it even though it's riddled with a dark history.

    149 Boy Scouts of America changing name to more inclusive Scouting America after years of woes

    The Boy Scouts of America is changing its name for the first time in its 114-year history. The Texas-based organization is announcing at its annual meeting in Florida on Tuesday that it will become Scouting America.

    Boy Scouts of America changing name to more inclusive Scouting America after years of woes

    Another positive step in the right direction for an organization rife with brokenness. There's a lot I don't like about the organization, but this is something a love--a scouting organization open to young women and the lgbtq community. The next step is being inclusive of nonreligious agnostic and atheist youth and leaders. As well as ending the cultural appropriation of Native American peoples.

    May this organization continue to build up youth, never allow further violence against youth, and make amends for all the wrongs. There's a lot of good that comes out of organizations like this and I won't discount it even though it's riddled with a dark history.

    8 Cicadas are nature's weirdos. They pee stronger than us and an STD can turn them into zombies

    The periodical cicadas that are about to infest two parts of the United States aren't just plentiful, they're downright weird.

    Cicadas are nature's weirdos. They pee stronger than us and an STD can turn them into zombies


    GlassHalfHopeful β“β“žπŸ…žπŸ…πŸ…”

    Let go and let entropy. 🌌

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